
I Became the Weakest Demon Prince!

[Welcome, chosen ones, to the world of Aurelia!] The system's voice echoed in the vast white space. [Your mission is to save this world from the demon threat!] My classmates and I found ourselves transported into our favorite fantasy novel. Each of us was given skills and classes to help protect humanity. We received blue panels, symbolizing our mission to eliminate the demons. But my panel glowed blood-red. [Your mission: Annihilate all the races and conquer the world.] Reborn as Azazel, the weakest prince of the demon royal family, I am scorned for my incomplete runes and weak aura. “This can't be real...” I whispered to myself, staring at my reflection. “How am I supposed to conquer the world like this?” Armed with my knowledge of the novel’s plot and driven by a hidden potential, I must navigate the treacherous politics of the demon court, outwit my powerful siblings, and fulfill my dark mission. Caught between my past life as a human and my new identity as a demon prince, I face a journey filled with peril and moral dilemmas. Can I rewrite my destiny, or will I succumb to the darkness within?

Ascendent · Fantasy
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Mortalis Training Grounds

I took a deep breath, stepping out of the door and into the open air. The wooden planks beneath my feet creaked, and the fresh outdoor air hit me, mixed with the faint smell of damp wood.

I needed to understand this place, figure out my surroundings, and most importantly, find a way to get stronger.

No one here knew who I really was—only my family knew my true identity. To everyone else, I was just Azazel, another demon trying to make it in this harsh world.

As I walked down the steps, I kept my head down, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. The last thing I needed was to draw suspicion or provoke anyone.

My hands, marked with intricate runes, weren't glowing yet, so I didn't bother hiding them under my cloak. I tried to move as inconspicuously as possible.

I found myself in a bustling marketplace, alive with the sounds of haggling merchants and the smells of exotic foods. My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten since arriving in this strange world. I approached a stall selling something that looked vaguely like roasted meat.

"What is this?" I pointed my fingers at one of the skewers which was grilling.

The merchant, a burly demon with green skin and small horns, looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my pale skin

"It's mountain wolves's meat." He said in a rough voice.

"How much for a skewer?" I asked, trying to sound confident.

"Two coppers." He grunted.

I fumbled in my pockets and found a few coins. I handed them over, took the skewer, and moved away quickly. The meat was surprisingly good, smoky and tender, and it gave me a small boost of energy.

As I ate, I observed the crowd. Demons of all shapes, sizes, and colors moved about, some chatting animatedly, others looking around suspiciously. I noticed a few glances in my direction, likely due to my unusually pale skin.

This is quite annoying to deal with. My skin color is exclusive to the demon royal family, so it's understandable that these guys are intrigued.

A group of young demons sparred in a small open area, their movements fluid and precise. My heart sank a bit as I watched them; they were clearly well-trained, unlike me.

I mean, look at them. I feel like they could knock me out in one go.

I clenched my fists. I need to get stronger to survive in this world.

But where do I even start?

I continued to look around and I eventually found myself in front of a large building with a sign that read "Mortalis Training Grounds."

If I wanted to improve, this was as good a place as any to start.

So, I slipped inside, hoping to avoid drawing too much attention. The interior was vast, with multiple training areas and equipment scattered around. Demons of various ranks and abilities were practicing, their focus intense.

One of the demons dashed forward, jabbing his hand through the head of an iron dummy with ease.

I shivered immediately at the sight.

Seriously, what the hell? Why is everyone so strong around here?

Taking a deep breath to calm down, I started looking for a place to train.

I spotted a corner with some old training dummies and made my way over.

Alright, let's see what I can do. I took a deep breath and tried to cast a [Basic Fireball].

I thought of activating the [Basic Fireball] skill in my mind and tried to cast it.

I concentrated, feeling a strange warmth spread through my body. Extending my hand towards the dummy, I focused on creating the fireball. To my surprise, a small, flickering flame appeared in my palm. It wobbled unsteadily for a moment before sputtering out.

"Not great, but it's a start." I muttered to myself.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" a voice called out.

I turned to see a young demon, probably around my age, with fiery red hair, sharp golden eyes, and dark brown skin, approaching me. His stance was relaxed, but there was a hint of curiosity in his gaze.

"I… I'm just practicing." I stammered, trying to sound casual.

He raised an eyebrow, his gaze flicking over my pale skin. "You're new here, aren't you? I haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah, just arrived. Name's Azazel." I replied, hoping he wouldn't ask too many questions.

"I'm Kael." he said, extending a hand.

"Your look like you could use some help."

I hesitated for a moment before shaking his hand. "Yeah, I'm trying to get stronger." I admitted.

"I'm not very good at this yet."

Kael smiled. "Everyone starts somewhere. How about I show you a few basics?"

I nodded, grateful for the offer. Kael spent the next hour demonstrating some fundamental techniques, from basic combat stances to simple spells. He was patient and explained things clearly, making it easier for me to understand.

"Thanks, Kael. This really helps." I said, feeling a bit more confident.

"No problem. Just keep practicing, and you'll get there." he said, clapping me on the shoulder.

"By the way, you should check out the training sessions. It's a good way to learn and improve."

"I'll do that." I replied, determined to take his advice.

At least there are some decent guys out here. I thought I would just see some crazy maniacs.

As Kael walked away, I took a moment to reflect on what I had learned. It wasn't much, but just some stances and posture along with how to cast various abilities. I decided to explore the training grounds further.

The Mortalis Training Grounds were even larger than I had first realized. There were areas dedicated to various types of training—hand-to-hand combat, spell casting, weapons practice, and even a section for strategy and tactics.

The air buzzed with the sounds of intense training: grunts of effort, the clash of weapons, and the occasional burst of the energy.

Everyone was focused on what they were doing and it was pretty amazing.

As I observed the bustling training grounds, an older demon instructor with a stern face and piercing blue eyes noticed me. He approached, his gaze sharp and assessing.

"You're the new one, Azazel, correct?" he asked, his voice carrying an air of authority.

"Yes, sir." I replied, trying to stand a bit straighter.

"I saw you practicing earlier. Your form is rough, but there's potential." He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What is your primary focus in training?"

Caught off guard by the question, I hesitated. "I'm not sure yet. I need to get stronger overall, but I guess I'm interested in both close combat and long distance casting."

The instructor nodded thoughtfully. "A balanced approach can be advantageous. Very well. I'm Eltor, one of the trainers here. If you're serious about improving, meet me here at dawn tomorrow. We'll see what you're capable of."

"But I don't have money or anything to pay for training." I blurted out, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Eltor looked at me weirdly and said, "This whole training facility is accessible to the public free of charge, sponsored by the demon officials. Since the war against humans and other races is escalating, they want everyone to be as strong as possible. Only personal tutoring requires payment. You won't have to worry about costs for now."

Relief washed over me, and I nodded earnestly. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down."

Eltor's expression grew serious again. "Be here at dawn. Training will be hard, but if you commit yourself, you will see results. Now go, get some rest. You'll need it."

As he walked away, I felt a mix of nerves and excitement. This was my chance to start over, to become stronger. I clenched my fists, determination welling up inside me.

Tomorrow at dawn, my real training would begin.