
I became Malachite - Boku No Hero

It all started when a brilliant Baby was born in China, in a world where 80% of people have powers called (quirks), the so-called villains appeared. The vigilantes then began to be paid by governments to destroy these so-called villains thus creating the profession of heroes. Follow the story of Mark, An orphan who loved anime and TV series, In particular Stven Universe and Boku no hero. One day while he was sleeping he had a very strange dream, where he in a girl's body ended up being chased and killed by being thrown off a bridge, the water was cold and he hated the darkness that night brought over the river, he didn't noticed her skin changing to a light green or the dark green marks on her skin, her hair grew and changed from black to white her eyes changed to green and the weirdest was the 2 stones that grew over her nose and back. Upon waking up he finds himself lying in that river, in the body of a 5 year old girl...... that looked exactly like malachite

UselessGuy · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 3 / Warning

{ Hello hello hello, this is the author speaking, I'll apologize to you guys in advance since I'm going to make a great Time Skip of about 7 years, for a few reasons I'll explain below

1- The story would take SOOOOOO MUCH TIME until I got to the anime part, I had many things to write until Malachita was 15 years old but I noticed a very big lack of coherence that was ( the heroes wouldn't stand still if she fought the MLA) in those chapters that I "didn't do" would be 3 or 4 that would favor the story while the other 10 was more Yuriko Geten and Malachite doing something

2 - I don't want to write a very long story, as I work and have school, and these chapters would be more featuring the school some extras or Malla beating up some random thugs and stealing their money.....and well no really interesting chapters

So this chapter will be more focused on Yuriko, Geten and Malla joining the U.A and I'll continue that way.....don't worry I'll do something to at least describe your childhood a little bit

For those who wanted to hear more about Malla's childhood I'm so sorry }


It's been 7 years since the first time I hit some random thugs on the street, honestly it went faster than I expected but that's ok, the three of us put together enough money to open our own Heroes agency when we graduated, I'm glad money won't be a problem for us when we go to school.

My vigilante trips became known quickly in Deika, I really beat the shit out of those little thugs. Since the testimonials would always say that an extremely tall and strong woman in black clothes and masks, he would knock the shit out of them and steal their money. Some also indicated the use of Water and Ice... some more famous Heroes also started to patrol the city in search of "Amazon" the most famous being Endevour.

My night travels gave me fighting experience and helped me to control my powers more, so when it came to training I always helped Yuriko and Geten, Yuriko has an athletic and weak body so she took advantage of her above average speed and shoots small pieces of lava or even large jets of concentrated lava…..her hair has grown to the point where it hits the floor so she rolls it up into a bun. Her hair grows at a fast pace almost instantaneously, I trained her in melee but I enrolled her in a Dojo mainly because of my barbaric fighting style.... honestly I just go ahead with everything

Geten has finally managed to control the temperature of the water in the air, and I must say his power is terrifying as large scale or concentrated attacks are not difficult for him. he even tried to teach but I couldn't learn, he still doesn't know much about fighting just punches, as he prefers to use his peculiarity but he can fight a little.

Our group was also really known in the city, Geten called and still draws attention because of her appearance, Yuriko grew up to be a beautiful woman and with the addition of differentiated hair she's had a lot of admirers around town so there's me.....I grew up to be just like Jasper with just Malachite's hair. I hate to be one of those people but I just I draw a lot of attention.... I have about 2.50 M (about 8.2F) in addition to my more muscular composition...it really is easy to stand out, and then oh my flowing white hair..... even had an idiot really tried to &#$+ me..... never hit someone so much in my life, seriously look at my size and a simple guy try to do that???? Besides being a shit he's an Stupid Bitch...he's in a wheelchair now

The MLA really tried to convince Geten and me to join them even Yuriko, but everyone who tried to talk about it ended up being blocked by me or Geten, I had to beat up a fanatical idiot, as the phrase "you have no right to say no" really pissed me off.

Luckily that Fiber and Pherb character really is smart enough not to try anything else, or else I would beat the shit out of that guy. Yuriko and Geten want to leave town o as soon as possible since the MLA really pissed them off.

I'm taken out of my mind when the teacher walks into the room and starts saying - Today is his last day at this school, for those going to try college....good luck and - he slams his briefcase on the table - for those going to try heroes school - he turns to me with a huge smile and talk - more than good luck... and Malla remember that the U.A test is in 4 days -

The room starts bubbling with noise, some saying I won't pass others saying good luck - Well thank you teacher... and for those who said I won't pass hehehehe ... fight me your weaklings - With a huge smile on my face I look at others in

When the teacher sees my intimidation, he coughs and starts to explain the matter ... today is my last day in this city lost by God .


Me Geten and Yuriko are now at the train station, heading to Musutafu as our apartment is already paid for, I drop my backpack on the floor beside me and look at the two who are sitting next to me - I take the biggest room while you guys get another one - I say waving my hand

Yuriko then turns around and says in an indignant voice - And why do you get the biggest room ?? -

I give her a neutral look, I pick up my phone and start ignoring her, when she would start screaming I hear Geten talking

- Baby she needs the biggest room... she's almost twice your size -

And it's true, while I'm over 8 feet she's only a 5.4, Geten being only 6.0 Feet... i like being so tall hahahahah

Yuriko snorts and gives Geten a small kiss on the cheek - Alright... we're going to stay in the same room? -

- Just let me sleep at night - I say, and laugh when they both blush like they found it

Yuriko pats my shoulder and says - You don't even need to sleep... seriously because your peculiarity has to be so strong -

I give a booming laugh and say - HAHAHAHA when I said I was an alien I wasn't kidding HAHAHAHA -

Suddenly a person in a white shirt and shorts runs past our bench and grabs my backpack, I stop laughing and stand up I summon my helmet and scream

- I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD - My deep voice causing everyone to turn around and look at what's going on....I love the intimidation I can do

One person from the crowd jumps towards me as I run, I don't care anymore I slap her hitting her chest, the person a woman with legs curled like spring is thrown into the wall causing some cracks through the wall. I lunge forward and reach for the bastard, with one quick move I punch him in the right ear...I held myself back so I wouldn't break his neck....

he is tossed aside and drops my backpack, I pick it up and put it on my back... I put my foot on his fallen body and start calling the cops..... seriously all this on the day I'm leaving ????


After all that thief fiasco nothing else happened, the 3 of us got on the bullet train and went to musutafu, Geten and Yuriko sat in front of me and started talking about some things, I was sitting alone while watching some videos on my phone .

I've been thinking about the future for a while now, because I'm a Gem, my memories are like a library, so I still remember all the Boku no Hero anime. I don't want to hold Geten...so I will make him open his own agency as he is too strong to be a mere helper in my agency, I talked to Yuriko and she really wants to be part of my agency.

My initial plans were to have Geten as my Sidekick and take over the hero industry, but over time I really started to see him more as a friend and not a "character"...Saving people is more important than my petty ways, dammit I even look like a Main Anime character hahahahahahaha

Yuriko being my helper is already fine, even she is good enough to make it to the top 30, and if someone like Mont Lady arrived with a quirk like Giganteficação, Yuriko's quirk who has been shown to be more useful than what was thought would not be strange that she managed to reach at least the top 15

I also have to find the best place for my quirk, it has to be on the coast and fast enough so I can fly to the surrounding areas as quickly as possible. All Mighty hasn't gotten hurt yet but will likely get hurt in the next 10 years?

From what I imagine in a short time, all that thing should happen with the Shimura family, and thinking that a pillar from Japan would fall like this....

Oh yeah you guys have never heard of the pillars so let me explain. The pillars are families that create strong heroes like the Todoroki who have been creating heroes even before Endeavor, from what I know to several families as well as the Shimura, Todoroki, Iida and the Himura family...

The Himura family would be Rei todoroki's family where I believe Geten is related, how he ended up in the Orphanage I really don't know but if he's some kind of bastard son? it wouldn't be hard to guess why he was there, Geten never paid much attention to that part of the school so most likely only Nezu can try to find out about it

I look out the window and see the city lit up by the sun in the distance, the sea shining in a spectacular way, while on the other side I can make out a building in the shape of an UA.... seriously why do it this thing so big?