
I became Malachite - Boku No Hero

It all started when a brilliant Baby was born in China, in a world where 80% of people have powers called (quirks), the so-called villains appeared. The vigilantes then began to be paid by governments to destroy these so-called villains thus creating the profession of heroes. Follow the story of Mark, An orphan who loved anime and TV series, In particular Stven Universe and Boku no hero. One day while he was sleeping he had a very strange dream, where he in a girl's body ended up being chased and killed by being thrown off a bridge, the water was cold and he hated the darkness that night brought over the river, he didn't noticed her skin changing to a light green or the dark green marks on her skin, her hair grew and changed from black to white her eyes changed to green and the weirdest was the 2 stones that grew over her nose and back. Upon waking up he finds himself lying in that river, in the body of a 5 year old girl...... that looked exactly like malachite

UselessGuy · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 4

We're finally in our apartment, it already came with furniture so we didn't need to do anything else, as my gem is like a bottomless chest I carried everything important there, so when taking and delivering Yuriko and Geten's clothes, I simply went to my new room locked the door and threw myself on the bed letting my mind finally rest.

When I woke up I was more than excited as I could finally stop worrying that some MLA stranger would just walk into my fucking room, I get up and start getting ready for the day, take my shower and then just after my delicious bath dressed in a new outfit for a new house for a new city.

I look at myself in the mirror for a bit.... my form starts to glow until suddenly leaving me with my new look, { look for Jasper after the corruption, remove the bluish marks from his body and the horns, too change her skin color to malachite}, I run my hand through my now big hair, I realized I look a lot like Jasper but there's nothing to do, I like her look so I borrowed it. I throw my new hair back and smile wide as I turn to leave the room to find the door open and a Yuriko looking at me...

- What do you want Yuriko? -

- Well when the princess finishes getting ready, me and Geten were thinking about going out with us? - she says leaning on the door

I make a little frown and say - Alright let's go, and I just like to get ready -

Yuriko giggles and leaves... well let's go


We were now walking around the area around our new apartment, Yuriko and Geten were in front of me, Geten dressed in a dark blue sweatshirt, a light Jeas and normal black sneakers.... what most caught his attention was the stupid white scarf wrapped around the neck. Yuriko was dressed in a simple white dress that reached her knees, her lava hair still as long as ever. Some people looked at us.... well mostly at me since seeing a giant green-skinned woman is pretty rare.

We didn't care for the looks as we were used to it in Deika and we didn't think it would be any different, the city really seems more alive and full of people there's even more noise, we're going to a famous mall they say is passing the most great new horror movie, while we were walking out of nowhere an explosion beside us happens that makes Geten and Yuriko stumble to the side, a child sized rock flies towards me, i just punch it turning it to dust .

All the people around screamed and the cars accelerated, Yuriko starts running pulling Geten with her... I just stand where I am looking towards the dust that is now almost extinguishing, another rock comes flying towards me and again I give her a very disinterested punch making it turn to dust again.

- If you do it again I'll go there - I say and start paying attention to what's in front of me3 people in black gas mask, white blouse with a red X in the middle with dark green combat boots...but do I pay attention to the insignia on your chest, a golden insignia with the head of a bear? cut down

One of them steps forward and Screams - Get out of our freak town -

Another of them steps forward and yells - We don't need monsters like you in our town -

the last of the 3 stooges screams - Go to the zoo, people of your type have to stay there - this last one pissed me off

I look to the side and see people recording, I take a few steps back as the men advance, when I reach the middle of the street I let the 3 surround me so I smile- I didn't expect such a warm welcome from this city - I lift my head and my smile gets wider, my helmet appears and its tips shine through the sun - I'll have fun beating you -

By saying this I launch myself towards the first one, my speed was high but I was still holding on for fun, when I get close to him I see that his arm suddenly grew 5 times its original size. punches forward and I face straight with my punch, our fists connect and a shock wave spreads making my hair swing, but my punch was stronger causing his arm to be thrown back, I advance even more and I smack my other fist into his belly.

But before I even land a punch, his belly stretches, my fist sinks into his body like rubber so I'm thrown back with all speed out of nowhere, one of the henchmen takes this opportunity and stretches his fingers, making them open like little compartments, it was on my back so there was no way for me to dodge the hail of gunfire that came my way.

I hear the crowd scream, but I stretch my arms to the side releasing a small gust of wind to the surroundings causing the villains to lose their balance and stop attacking, I also notice that the other is behind the others and didn't attack... ..... and I start laughing - hahahahahahaah the fight has barely started and I'm already having fun hahahahahahaha - I launch myself into the same one I attacked before only this time at a much higher speed which he sure as hell wasn't expecting as my fist slammed into his face so hard that a gust of wind was thrown around, the man was thrown back and hit a car causing him and the car to be thrown back.

I turn and face the man with the quirk of my fingers, I walk forward as he points his hand at me again, the shots start again but this time I just walk as they hit me - You guys really want to face me without a heavy weight ? PATHETIC-he starts to stumble backwards as I continue to walk towards him.

He slams his back into a car as I raise my fist and throws a punch, he jumps to the side making me hit the car.... which ends up passing through the metal like nothing, I can feel his fear in the air - So hehehehe the next one I don't miss - I grab him by the arm and spin my body and throw him towards the unconscious man in the car, I can hear a soft *crack* of probably his arm breaking.... I see the two getting right and my smile gets bigger

- hahahahahahaha this was easier than thought - I keep laughing until I remember - Wait wasn't it 3 ? - I look to the side and see the last of him staring at me as he takes a few steps back..... I start walking even while my helmet has been disabled

- Serious ? Won't you try to attack me? - My smile turns mocking as I walk towards him - because you joined if you can't even attack me - I get close to him and see him fall on the floor on his back - Hahahahahahahahahahaha where is that man who wanted to intimidate me hahahahahahaha - me I grab him by the neck and say - see you another day partner hahahaha - I give him a huge smile and head-butt him making him pass out ... the crowd starts to applaud as I drop the pathetic creature into my hand

I place my hands not on my hips and speak to the other two who were awake -We are all heroes we all have the powers to be heroes, and if you let some idiot person run your idea.....you are just mind weak, and ended up like these idiots... by me or worse... All mighty -


On the other side of the world a woman an athletically-built woman with short mint green hair and sharp eyes of the same color, looks at the image of a giant woman and reads the sentences she said... then thinks about what that one blue lunatic spoke to her...

Thinking about what to do she already starts making plans to go to japan - I must be crazy to hope for a random woman on the internet... - with a sigh she puts her hands in her face and says - how my life got this way? -