
Chapter 71

As I was making my way towards team Kakashi, I began to reflect on what happened. It was a habit I picked up training with Mebuki. Every time she pointed out a flaw, she expected me to never repeat the same flaw ever. When I did, she made sure to properly punish me for it. If not for the fact that the Medical Coating healed without scars, I would be riddled with them. Surprisingly the scar on my chest did not heal.

In order to stop myself from turning masochist, I began to reflect properly on everything from beginning to the end. After a while of charging up the brain, helped make these reflections much easier. Nothing particularly went wrong and I was pleased, especially with my Matrix. The will erasing, or more accurately, the Takeover, by Agent Smith, was a smashing success. I would still need to improve it a lot.

First was distance. There was no need to always close in on my opponents to use the Mouth Gate all the time to pull in an opponent. That was why I intended on utilizing that magnificent roar Inner Me used on me to get me out of kotoamatsukami. With that, distance issue would be solved.

Next was damage. No matter what, genjutsu was just that, an illusion; the reason it was far stronger was because it was far stronger was both seals and my mindscape. When time was up, I would have to kidnap the young Kurama Girl kept in the tower. Wouldn't that make me a knight in shining armor, there to rescue the princess? Except this princess has the ability to make me believe I was being boiled or stabbed or struck by lightning inside a genjutsu for it to actually reflect physically. Terrifying.

If I can harness that, then getting hunted down and beaten or shot by Agent Smith would suck for anyone. Can't wait. Speaking of Agent Smith, the people in this world would definitely be foreign to such a world. Especially if they were suddenly tossed into it without a heads up. I could have creating a simple modern world with military hunting the person, but let's be honest; who would not like his very own Matrix, with his very own badass Agent Smith bullying a chakraless person for fun, and who by the way, I believe only lost in the final fight due to plot. Tsk. Damn plot armor.

I finally arrived at the land of waves. With the radar working full blast and covered in my Yin cloak I picked up a few familiar chakras. "Found you.". There was a Hidden Mist Anbu hiding in the woods, watching an ongoing battle. 'There you are, Pretty Boy Haku. Ikemen Die.'

I inched closer and took a look. Turned out things were playing out much differently from how it went in the manga or anime. This time, battling Zabuza Momochi was both Naruto and Sasuke. Looked like they were using Zabuza to gain experience.

'Poor Zabuchi. I should bail him out soon.'

Kakashi and the Akari girl stood beside Tazuna to protect him. Although Kakashi was alert to help out if things went wrong, I could tell he was fairly relaxed. From what I could tell, Naruto had gotten quite strong; He was not aiming to finish the battle but merely polishing his fighting skills.

'Impressive'. Sasuke, from what I could tell had gotten stronger as well. I could almost see Kakashi-like fighting style in his moves. Since when did they start training him as well?

I appeared right behind Pretty Boy Haku and whispered, "Ikemen die." He quickly jumped out of the bushes and threw a few needles my way. The sudden intruder alerted everyone and put Kakashi on guard. Naruto and Sasuke quickly pulled back and rejoined Kakashi to form a protective circle around Tazuna.

Kakashi seeing it was a Mist Anbu relaxed slightly, but when he saw the Anbu join Zabuza and not raise her weapon against him, but rather the place he came jumped out from, he frowned.

"Zabuza-Sama, it's her." The anbu agent spat out hatefully. Zabuza hearing that frowned then sighed tiredly. He did not drop his guard in case Kakashi and his team attacked. But at this point, everyone had their attention and weapons pointed at the direction the Anbu just emerged.

"Oh my, standing ovation. For little old me?" I walked out from the forest and showed myself to everyone.

"Sakura?" Team 7 was surprised to see me. Zabuza had already been informed but he looked tired all of a sudden after confirming it was really me.

I swept my gaze over Team 7 before finally looking at Zabuza. "Yo, Zabuchi.". He looked angry and pointed his Executioner Blade at me. "I told you, don't call me that." He looked almost ready to pounce at me.

"What, I think it's a cute name. I took the 'Chi' from your Momochi and the…"

"I know where it came from. I hate it." He interrupted me with glaring eyes and inched the Executioner Blade closer at me. It looked like if I pushed any more, he would attack. I chuckled.

"Zabuchi, pointing your huge thing at a little girl like me; That's sexual harassment you know?" Tipping Point!

"That's it!" He and Haku stood at the ready to attack.

"Bring it bitches!" Not to be outdone, I pulled out a tanto at the ready.

"Sakura, you know them?" Kakashi finally asked. Seeing how close we seemed, and how the tense atmosphere had been diffused, even if we currently looked like we wanted to tear each other up, he somehow knew no one wanted to kill anyone anymore.

"Yeah, met him on a certain mission. Saved his life so many times I'm surprised he hasn't changed his surname to mine by now." I taunted but he completely ignored me. He rested the Executioner Blade on his shoulder and stared at the Forehead protector hanging on my neck.

Just as I was about to make another taunting comment about sexual harassment, he spoke, "So you belonged to Konoha, huh?" He narrowed his eyes and looked at me, which made me chuckle.

"First of all, I don't 'belong' to anyone. But yeah, Konoha is my village." I did not like that it seemed the village owned me.

"The underground had been trying to find where you from for so long, they almost assumed you to be a rogue ninja, Haruno Sakura, or should I call you Hollow instead?" I shrugged to indicate I did not mind either. Kakashi looked to me and signaled with his eyes, indicating for us to talk.

"Well, how about we grown-ups go talk at the side for a bit, huh, Zabuchi? I promise to let you in on something interesting." He thought for a while before nodding as we three walked to the side.

Naruto, Sasuke and Akari seemed a bit confused about the situation but they continued to surround Tazuna to protect him from any sudden attack. They had some questions they wanted answered, especially, Sasuke, and as always, for some reason, Akari kept glaring at me.

After moving a little further away, I put up a Silent Barrier and spoke without giving Zabuza the chance, "Double".

"No" He knew exactly what I meant and flat out refused.

"Triple" I countered. I knew it was useless. This man, regardless of how he looked or how much he liked to kill, was a very honorable man. Doubling or tripling the amount he was paid earlier for his job would not make him switch sides. 'Swordsmen need honor. Once you take on a mission, nothing must stop you. Even at the cost of your life.' That's is what he said to me during that mission; I guess that is why I ended up saving his life so many times. I may have intended on using him during that time until I realized he was just an honor-obsessed idiot, so I gave up on the idea.

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