
Chapter 38

'Ah, I really wanna shove a kunai into his nose. Is this bastard saying it's my fault? Whatever, he'll die soon anyways'

"Thank you for the advice, Lord Third." I straightened my back and responded to him.

"You don't have to be so tense. Regardless, what you did deserves a reward. Catching a spy is a huge matter. You will be rewarded with one C rank Jutsu of your choice. You should not expect that to happen all the time though, you need to work hard for the village." I put on a bit of gratitude on my face before pausing and looking towards Mebuki for confirmation. She nodded to which I turned to Hiruzen and thanked him.

'Seems she is still clinging on to her mother. That is good too.' Hiruzen thought.

"Back to the earlier matter. You will be graduating with your mates next month but that would only be a formality as I am sure you have already surpassed that level."

"Actually, Lord Third, I would like to take the Anbu test as well." I cut him off before he could say anything else.

What? You did not think I was going to go around blindly following the Quadruple Canon Armor and the Double Canon Armor wearing duo now did you? I may have been moved into one of the main characters (if I could even call her that), but I sure as hell was not going to bank on having even half of canon armor. I had my own plans on getting even stronger.

The Third immediately became happy and was about to speak when I cut him off again, "if it is alright with mom." Hiruzen's face scrunch up slightly the moment I passed the final say to Mebuki.

"sigh. You are not a child anymore. You should be able to make certain decisions on your own. But, until her siblings take the test, I want her to work alone. I would prefer they become a team as Anbu agents. The siblings will take the test in three months." She turned to Hiruzen and indicated that was as low as she could compromise.

Hiruzen understood that she could always prevent the new siblings from becoming shinobi and just allow them live simple lives as ordinary children. That would be bad for him. From what he could see, they were already mid to high chunin level at such young age; Maybe even higher. To lose such soldiers would be bad, especially when he could eventually turn them to loyal soldiers for the village.

That did not matter now though, he got what he wanted. They would soon become Anbu agents. He would slowly brainwash them, especially Sakura; He would slowly get closer to her and turn her into the most loyal soldier, like he did Orochimaru. Mebuki probably did not know, but she had just helped him immensely. Thinking to this point, Hiruzen regained the smile he had.

"That is fine as well. Alright then little Sakura, we can go take a specialized test right now."

"Thank you Lord Third." Sounding slightly eager to begin.

"Meet me at training grounds six in an hour. We will have your test there." After a few more pleasantries, we finally left the office.

Our family walked slowly and quietly through the village. We were not returning home, just walking through the village to let Aoi and Kouki get a little tour of the place. Seemingly unable to hold it in anymore, Aoi turned to us and asked, "Sakura, what happened in there?"

"Mm? What do you mean?" I knew what she meant but I asked anyway.

"I mean back in the office, what happened?" After a while they had come to know how I was. She clarified with a pout, knowing I already knew what she meant.

"My Aoi is so cute when she pouts like that." I appeared beside her rubbing and pulling on her cheeks amid her protests before I finally spoke.

"Well, I only slightly electrocuted the Anbu agent. Only slightly, yet he was paralyzed for so long. That aside, what do you both think about the old man?" I turned serious before asking the two.

"I don't like him." Aoi answered quickly while Kouki nodded seriously a few times which earned a few chuckles from me and Mebuki.

"Well, that is basically it. Some things you need to see and feel in order to understand. As for what that was back there," I put on a thinking pose before answering, "That was letting an old man think he has control." The siblings looked confused at my statement, trying to understand what it meant.

"Don't worry too much, just hold on to those feelings and you will be fine." That was probably bad advice, but letting them close to a man who loved to manipulate others was probably not the best idea. We continued walking around for a while before making our way towards training ground 6. I had no idea where that was so we were led by Mebuki.

I stood before the Third Hokage. We were in a thick forest except the large clearing we were standing. Standing by his side were four other Anbu agents, who had a different feel to them. I could sense other agents hiding among the trees as well.

"Normally, your tests would be conducted by each one of the Anbu commanders by my side here, but I have decided to take a different approach while they assess." I wondered if that was what he meant by specialized test.

"Bear!" At command, a large Anbu agent with a bear mask appeared beside the Third. "Your first test will be to defeat bear here. If the situation gets serious, I will intervene." It was the same agent that was sent to get us at the gate. I wondered if he requested to be the one to test me. The Third and his commanders moved into the forest, leaving the entire clearing for me and the bear.

"Oh, if it isn't little big bear. Ready for a beating?" I knew my taunts were successful when I saw his body shake very slightly, but I still saw.

"I am going to enjoy teaching a smart mouth brat like you a lesson." He breathed in and calmed himself down.

"Oi, who are calling brat? I bet you are the brat, just an overgrown one." This time he paid no attention to my poor childish provocation and just focused. I guess he was not Anbu for nothing.

'How is this possible?' Big bear was about to move when he felt something wrong. The way the girl stood was full of openings, yet his gut told him if he went in, it would not end well for him. Just a gut feeling, yet that was what had allowed him to call himself a veteran Anbu, staying alive for years on missions. He had only felt this kind of threat with the commanders, no, this felt different, yet similar, if it even made any sense.

He slowly pulled out his kunai and raised his guard to the maximum. Even he was beginning to feel silly, thinking of going all out against an eleven-year-old brat.


200 stones = 2 chapter

400 stones = 3 chapters

600 stones = 5 chapters.

Current reached = 765

Chapters owed = 1/5