
I am the great magician

My name is Shane, I am from another world, and I am a mage. I seek arcane truths, I seek the secrets of immortality, and finally answer the call of the world. "My lord, you hold your throne high to the sky. You are the star of dawn, the brightest star before dawn."

DaoistoA61iT · Fantasy
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60 Chs

52、Excited Great Magicians

  This made him discover another benefit of the enhanced mental stimulation technique, that is, as long as the mental power does not reach the upper limit of this magic, the meditation can be ended within three hours. Then get a good night's sleep. Don't worry about wasting time.

  It is believed that this device, which can customize the magical strength of one's own spiritual power, will be swooned by all the great magicians.

  Of course, good things should be used first by those who are close to them. The little friends don't need it for the time being, and they can't last a whole night in an ordinary meditation room. What about the enhanced version? Therefore, the most suitable teacher is Algernon.

  He came to Algernon's magic tower excitedly, but unfortunately the teacher was not there, but unexpectedly, the four great magus assistants did not follow Algernon, but stayed in the magic tower.

  "Mr. Noah, isn't the teacher here?" Freddie asked disappointedly.

  When Noah, the Great Magician of the Order Department, saw that it was Frandy, he smiled and said with a smile: "Frandy, what is the matter with your teacher again?"

  After Frandy was accepted as a disciple by Algernon a few years ago, he watched his growth under the eyes of the four great magicians, and took good care of Frandy. Teach him less, it can be said that he is half of Frandy's teacher.

  "Mr. Noah, the magic device made of the high-grade magic crystal that I asked the teacher a few days ago has been completed, and the effect is very good. I would like to invite you to experience it at my place!" Frandy said excitedly.

  "What kind of magic device makes you so happy?" The Great Magician Beavis on the side asked with interest.

  Frandy pretended to be mysterious: "I'll tell you when the teacher comes!"

  "Hahaha, it seems that little Frandy is the closest to the teacher." Noah teased.

  "Mr. Algernon and Mr. Gavin have some business to do in the Warrior Department. They should be back soon. You can wait for them here for a while." It was Cromwell, the Fire Department Great Mage who spoke.

  "Okay then, I'll wait for the teacher for a while. I'll pack my things by the way."

  Frandy has been studying and living here for several years, and has a lot of things to move to his magic tower, so he just took advantage of this time to pick up some things.

  The big magic blueprint was copied by Lowell Department Director Yu, and it was originally left on the workbench. There are also some study notes and magic journals for experimenting. and some miscellaneous stuff.

  Put all these things in a big package, and then Frandy saw his "trash can".

  This "trash can" was created by Algernon based on Frandy's space magic. It has been able to stabilize the damage caused by suction. Except that everything can be thrown in and disappear, there is no use for it. And only Frandy can use the magic seed of space attribute to control.

  Frandy's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought that he had been able to collect space elements. If he used the source quality of space elements to control it with the magic activator, then everyone could use it. It's a pity that this thing is tasteless, and it's a bit of a loss to waste a precious high-level magic crystal just for a "trash can".

  But since this "trash can" has been manufactured, it can be used as a waste after a little modification and using space source to power it. Origin Quality was no longer a problem for Frandy anyway.

  is packing up. It didn't take long for Teacher Algernon and Vice-President Gavin to return together.

  "Teacher, you're back, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

  "Yo, little Frandy, are you moving?" Deputy Dean Gavin asked jokingly as he looked at the large package on the ground.

  "When the child grows up, he must move away." Algernon was very generous and didn't care.

  "Hahaha, don't forget to come back often to see your teacher."

  The two magic towers were not even a few minutes apart, Vice President Gavin said obviously jokingly, but there was also a hint of reminder.

  "Of course, I still have a lot to learn from the teacher." Frandy replied solemnly.

  "Frendi, are you here to ask for a high-grade magic crystal again this time?"

  "Well... Yes, Your Excellency Gavin, I need three more high-level magic crystals."

  "Ah? You want three more?" Gavin was joking, but he didn't expect that Frandy really came to ask for a high-grade magic crystal, and if he wanted it, it was three. He couldn't help but look at Algernon.

  "I still have two high-level magic crystals here. It's nothing to give you, but if you have three, you need to use the inventory of the Magic Academy." Algernon pondered for a while, looked at Frandy and said without hesitation. .

  "Frandy, what kind of magic experiment are you doing? You actually need three high-level magic crystals!" Gavin heard what Algernon meant and really wanted to give him three high-level magic crystals. Very distressed.

  You know, even the Royal First Legion of the Oskea Empire only has ten magic cannons. I usually treat these magic source guns as treasures, and every training test must be carefully maintained. The most important part of the magic cannon is the high-grade magic crystal.

  It can be said that a high-level magic crystal is a magic cannon. Frandy even asked for three. And Algernon actually agreed, why not let Vice President Gavin feel a little jealous at the same time! After all, he is also Algernon's own disciple. How could the teacher be so used to Frandy.

  "Then two will be fine, Your Excellency Gavin, don't regret it!"

  "I regret it?" Hearing that Frandy didn't insist, Gavin regretted it a little. This Frandy is good at making things that others can't think of, and has a relatively stable personality, so he shouldn't do some excessive things.

  So he changed his mind and said, "I think, Frandy, you should tell the reason why you need three high-level magic crystals. As long as it is legitimate, we will definitely support you!"

  "Okay, this time, I originally wanted to invite the teacher and gentlemen to visit my newly invented magic device. You will know when you go there."

  "Okay, then let's go take a look."

  Carrying a large package on his back, Frandy brought six great magicians to his magic tower.

  After handing the package to the maid and ordering it to be sent to the laboratory on the seventh floor, Frandy asked the teacher, four assistants, and Vice President Gavin to enter the magic ladder and descend to the minus 1 floor, fifty meters below the ground.

  This spare room has a relatively small space, and there is an enhanced version of the spiritual stimulation magic device in the middle. After entering, there are seven people including Frandy. It feels a bit crowded, but everyone doesn't care.

  Frandy activated the magic circle of spiritual stimulation and said, "Teacher, and everyone, everyone, start meditating now."

  The six great magicians recognized this magic device at a glance, and it was no different from the one used for meditation. It's just that high-level magic crystals are used, and the magic circle is not bad at all. Powered by an Elemental Ampoule of Order.

  Although I don't know what the difference is, they still followed Frandy's words and entered a state of meditation.

  Frandy slowly turned the knob, starting at 0, and paused when it reached the mark of 5.

  Then continue to slowly increase the strength of the spiritual stimulation magic.

  Huh? The six great magicians immediately felt the difference from the usual meditation.

  Slowly, the knob turned to scale 16, and Frandy said earnestly: "This is the intensity I tested yesterday that is most suitable for my meditation. If you increase it further, it will deplete your mental power. Mr. Noah, please control the device. Find the level of meditation that works best for everyone. I just quit."

  Great Magician Noah heard Frandy's words while meditating. He forcibly suppressed his excitement and opened his eyes. Nodding to Frandy, indicating that he understood.

  Then Frandy walked out of the spare room and closed the door of the room.

  After waiting for a long time, the door was opened again, and the four assistants of the great magician came out together. Only Vice-President Gavin and Teacher Algernon were left inside.

  It seems that the mental strength of the four great magician assistants is almost the same, and they have all found their most suitable strength.

  The four who came out look at me, I look at you. Everyone understands the effect of this magic device. The expression on his face was extremely excited.
