
I am the great magician

My name is Shane, I am from another world, and I am a mage. I seek arcane truths, I seek the secrets of immortality, and finally answer the call of the world. "My lord, you hold your throne high to the sky. You are the star of dawn, the brightest star before dawn."

DaoistoA61iT · Fantasy
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60 Chs

 51、Enhanced Spirit Stimulation

  When Frandy's Magic Tower was built, he had been making all kinds of large and small engines in the teacher's Magic Tower. But it has been busy with the element collector. Delay this. But it was discovered by Director Lowell.

  He said very modestly: "Lord Lowell, this is just some immature thoughts of mine. It has not been proved by experiments."

  Algernon looked at Frandy and said proudly: "Frandy, you don't need to be humble, even I am amazed by these drawings. You used to say that the magic engine has a great effect, but I didn't take it seriously. it is my mistake."

  Frandy hurriedly said: "Teacher, no one can guarantee success until it is done. Don't say that."

  "I have never seen such a complex machine, yet the design is reasonable. The most rare thing is that these machines do not use any precious materials. As long as a magic engine is installed, it can exert its effect. Randy, do you want to make them?" Director Rowell asked expectantly.

  Frandy said without hesitation: "Of course I do. Now that it has been designed, of course I have to make it, but now I have other things. I can only wait a few days before making it."

  "Although these machines are complicated, ordinary craftsmen can build them. You can let the craftsmen make the parts first, and then you can assemble them. This saves a lot of time."

  "That's great, thank you, Your Excellency Lowell." Frandy sincerely thanked, if you let others do the parts for you. You will also feel much easier.

  In alchemy, there is a lot of mechanical work, and there are craftsmen who specialize in making these common items. These are all managed by Rowell, the head of the alchemy department. Since he agreed, he will definitely complete it in a very short time.

  "Then I'll transcribe these drawings and take them away, Frandy, do you agree?" Dean Lowell said earnestly.

  "Of course, you can call the shots, it's all up to you."

  "That's great!"

  With the permission of Frandy, Lowell sat on the workbench impatiently, and started to draw with the blank drawings and quills here.

  "You guys can help Lowell too. It's faster this way." Algernon instructed his four assistants. Help to transcribe together, after all, such a big drawing will take a long time to copy.

  Then he said, "Frendi, you have looked for me several times, but I'm not here. Is there something wrong this time?"

  "Teacher, I really have something to do. I want a high-grade magic crystal."

  Vice President Luo Wen said in surprise: "Didn't you ask me for one a few days ago?"

  "This crystal has been placed into the wind attribute magic seed by you. I am going to ask for a new one. I originally wanted to go to your magic tower to find you. Since you are here, I can return it to you." Said, Take out the Yunmo Crystal and give it to Vice President Gavin.

  The crystal was not damaged, and it was not a waste to put the magic seeds of the great magician. This result made Vice-President Gavin quite satisfied.

  "Oh? Frandy, do you have any other ideas?" Algernon asked with a smile.

  "Teacher, if the experiment is successful, I'll be the first to inform you." Frandy didn't say much. This time he was going to put his own magic seeds, but only Algernon knew that he could condense magic seeds. Therefore, he concealed the fact that he was going to make a spiritual stimulation magic device.

  With the appearance of the magic activator and these whimsical blueprints, Algernon really likes this student who often surprises him. Although the high-level magic crystal is precious, since he was willing to give it in the past, it is naturally no problem now.

  High-level magic crystals were stored in Algernon's magic tower, and they were directly handed over to Frandy.

  Frandy was not polite either. After taking the crystal and thanking the teacher, he said goodbye to the great magicians. He went straight back to his magic tower.

  Placing magic seeds is quick and doesn't take much time. When Frandy put 128 magic seeds of order into this high-grade magic crystal. Sadly, it was discovered that even the high-level magic crystals were about to reach their limit, and they would definitely not be able to bear their own 256 magic seeds.

  In other words, it is impossible to make a device that can release third-level magic, unless you use top-level magic crystals.

  High-level magic crystals are already a national strategic reserve resource, let alone top ones? If you want to use the top-level magic crystal, it must be discussed in a meeting held by His Majesty Harman, and it will only be used when the human or empire is in crisis.

  Because the top-level magic crystals can put in almost unlimited magic seeds, it takes many great magicians to work together so as not to waste this precious resource.

  In history, the number of top-level magic crystals has been used no more than ten times. Every time, it is necessary to make strict planning and design for the enemies and forms to be faced, and the top-level magic crystal has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, it can insert magic seeds of different attributes and release large-scale compound magic. This kind of magic has a common name that everyone talks about - the forbidden spell.

  After the seed of order magic was placed, Frandy himself was not sure to what extent he would activate his mental power. To be on the safe side, he added another suppression magic circle to adjust the power of the spiritual stimulation magic.

  These are two sets of magic devices, and it took Frandy a whole day to make them together. Since both types of magic are of the order attribute, only one ampoule of the Origin of Order can be used.

  When the magic tower was built, not only the meditation room and the Whispering Grass plantation were built fifty meters below the ground, there were several rooms as spares.

  With this magical device, Frandy came to a relatively small room. This room was not equipped with a triangular structure for noise reduction, but this was just a test, and it would not be too late to install it when it was successful.

  First, turn the knob that controls the power of magic to the lowest level. Then Frandy instantly entered a state of meditation and felt it, which was similar to the level of mental activity when meditating in the outside world.

  To be on the safe side, for every 1% increase in magical power, enter a meditative state to test. Until the knob is rotated to the scale of 5, which is 5% of the magical power, the spiritual stimulation technique released at this level has almost the same effect on the activity of the spiritual power as the spiritual stimulation technique in the ordinary meditation room.

  But this is only 5%. It seems that using his own magic seed of order has really improved the effect of spiritual stimulation too much.

  In order to find the best effect that suits him, Frandy patiently tested it bit by bit.

  When I turned the knob to 16, I felt that my spiritual power had been fully mobilized, and a large group of magic elements were guided into the magic vortex under the command of spiritual power.

  Although the power of magic has only been increased by a little more than twice, the effect has increased by four or five times.

  "It's great! It's really cool!" Frandy's thinking is very clear now, and his mental power seems to be in the same state as when he first meditated in the meditation room. Very busy.

  After three hours, Frandy felt mentally exhausted after a long time, and seemed to be almost exhausted. I hurriedly exited the state of meditation, and the familiar dizziness reappeared, which was the manifestation of overuse of mental power.

  I checked the experimental magic device and found that everything was normal, except that the original ampoules of Origin of Order had been reduced by one-third.

  In three hours, the source of order of the ampoule was reduced by one-third. If he had never wanted to waste it like this before, after having the element collector, Frandy actually felt an upstart feeling in his heart.

  Ever since Frandy was able to stay in the ordinary meditation room for a whole night and still have enough mental energy, the effect of enduring the annoying noise of Whispering Grass has been greatly reduced. Because the Whispering Grass has the best effect only when the spiritual power is nearly exhausted.

  So at this time, Frandy only used the whispering grass plantation in his magic tower for the first time until today.

  This plantation was built by imitating the plantation of the Algernon Magic Tower. The same is a conical room. In the past, with the growth of his spiritual power, he has been able to penetrate two-thirds of the distance to the plantation. But this time, after the spiritual power was squeezed out by the new meditation room, he could only start from scratch.

  Before dawn, Frandy couldn't bear the trouble of Whispering. I simply took the elevator back to my room and slept beautifully.

  Frandy, who was sleeping this night, woke up feeling unusually relaxed. Even if meditation can replace sleep on weekdays, the mental fatigue will accumulate more and more. And almost everyone among the magicians cherishes the precious meditation time and has no chance to sleep at all.
