
I am the great magician

My name is Shane, I am from another world, and I am a mage. I seek arcane truths, I seek the secrets of immortality, and finally answer the call of the world. "My lord, you hold your throne high to the sky. You are the star of dawn, the brightest star before dawn."

DaoistoA61iT · Fantasy
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60 Chs

 53、excited to shocked

   The spirits of the great magicians are very powerful. Even with the help of ordinary spirit stimulation techniques, after meditating every day, there is still a lot of spiritual power left, but this enhanced version of spirit stimulation techniques can make These rich mental powers are fully utilized, which has played a huge auxiliary role in the condensation speed of the magic seeds and the nourishment.

  And the increase and growth of the number of magic seeds means that the magic power is increasing!

  "Mr. Noah, what is your fitness level?"

  "I turned the knob to 29, and I felt that all my mental power had been mobilized. This magic is really...it is...very useful!" Noah said incoherently.

  Just as he was talking, as soon as the door opened, Vice President Gavin also came out. As soon as he came out, he eagerly said to Frandy: "Frandy, do you want a high-grade magic crystal to make this kind of meditation aid?"

  "Yes, I want to make three sets for you, the teacher, and the four great magicians, so that we can invite the great magicians with similar spiritual power to meditate together."

  "That's right, Frandy, what you think is very reasonable. Dividing into three grades can allow the most people to use their mental power to the greatest extent, and can make their strength grow rapidly. I will definitely support you!"

  In the past, Vice-President Gavin also criticized Mr. Algernon for doting on Frandy, but this enhanced version of the spiritual stimulation magic device completely dispelled any prejudice against Frandy in his heart.

  With the approval of Vice President Gavin, Frandy was also very happy, pretending to be mysterious: "Your Excellency Gavin, don't worry, there are surprises waiting for you, I won't let you down."

  "Oh? What other surprises!?" Vice President Gavin was a little unconvinced. Could there be a bigger surprise than the rapid growth of magic power?

  "Then wait until the teacher comes out!" Frandy sold a lawsuit.

  After a while, the door of the temporary room was opened, and Teacher Algernon came out. His face was a little regretful.

  "How suitable are you, teacher?" Frandy asked curiously.

  "Hehe, Frandy, I turned the knob to 67 to find the most suitable level for me."

  "Wow, teacher, your mental power is so strong."

  Don't think that Algernon's most suitable level is only four times that of Frandy, and that his mental power is also four times his. Every time the mental stimulation technique increases a little, it has an exponential impact on the activity of mental power!

  Even Noah's mental power was unmatched by Frandy. Not to mention the Great Magister Algernon.

  "But such a good cultivation method can't last. Sigh..." Algernon took out an already empty Origin Quality ampoule and continued: "I originally wanted to experience it more, but in such a short period of time, I've used up this essentia ampoule."

  "Ah!" Vice President Gavin and the four assistants of the great magician were a little dumbfounded. They were all excited and excited just now, but they forgot the price of such a magic that can mobilize all their spiritual power.

  "Frandy, was this essentia ampoule full when we first entered?"

  "Yes, Your Excellency Gavin, I just replaced this ampoule. It's a whole one." Frandy replied honestly.

  "Alas!" Vice President Gavin also sighed: "The consumption is too great, even the Magic Academy can't afford to run three sets of this magic device at the same time."

  It was a pity for everyone. If the consumption of the source of order was too great, then Frandy's enhanced version of the spiritual stimulation magic device would be a bit tasteless. I can only think about it, but I can't bear to use it.

  Algernon comforted: "Frendi, although it's a bit regrettable, your attitude of daring to innovate is good, and this magic device is not completely useless. If it's just a set of operations, it's okay to use it occasionally. "

  "Teacher, don't worry, I will solve the problem of the origin of order." Frandy said confidently.

  "The production of the Origin of Order is much less than the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind, not to mention such a huge consumption. The Origin that Frandy can provide is only a drop in the bucket."

  "Teacher, I really have a lot!" After speaking, Frandy opened another spare room.

  Because the magic source material collected by the element collector is too fast, it cannot always be piled up on the ninth floor. So Frandy uses the other spare room on the basement level as an essentium repository.

  In the past few days, the source of order has collected four jars of essentia, and at least one jar of other essentia has been placed in the storage warehouse.

  "Huh? How come you have so many essentias, Frandy?" Beavis, one of the four assistants, looked at the essentia jar in the storage with surprise.

  In fact, not to mention the magic school's source material reserve, even Algernon's magic tower has much more magic source material than Frandy has collected in the past few days, but those are accumulated over the years. down. If you use this device open, it will be exhausted in a short time. And these source substances also have other uses, and it is impossible to use them all to improve strength.

  Algernon was a little moved. My disciple has just completed the construction of the magic tower, and it has only been a few years since he stepped into the magic world, and he has been growing by his side all the time. I don't know how much effort it took to accumulate these source qualities, but they did not hesitate. Give it to yourself, this is really rare.

  "Well, I accept your wishes, but you should keep these sources for your own use. Even if you give them all to me, they can only be consumed for a few days, and they will not help much to improve the magic power, and it is a bit more than worth the loss. ."

  "Teacher, in fact, it's very easy for me to get these source qualities. If you don't believe me, come with me." Frandy looked at everyone with a look of pity. I simply told the teacher about the element collector, anyway, it was a matter of time.

  "Simple?" Everyone didn't know why. Follow Frandy into the magic ladder.

  There is no control button on the ninth floor in the magic ladder, it can only be activated with mental power. Under the control of Frandy, the magic ladder rose rapidly.

  The sliding door opened. This was the first time someone else came to the ninth floor after the magic tower was built. Everyone came out of the magic ladder and saw seven element collectors arranged side by side at first glance.

  In front of each element collector is an Elemental jar, and the jars are more or less filled with some magical essentia of various attributes.

  The element collector is something that no one has ever seen before. Just as I was about to observe it carefully, I saw a drop of fire source material appearing at the output of one of the fire element collectors. Drops into the source material jar.

  It didn't take a few seconds for the other various element collectors to drop a drop.

  Everyone's eyes widened, staring at each element collector.

  The magic seeds corresponding to the three attributes that Frandy has cultivated for the longest, such as fire, order, and space, are the strongest. The speed of collecting elements is also the fastest, and there will be a drop of magic essence in almost 10 seconds. The other four magic essentia took nearly 30 seconds for a drop to appear.

  After only observing for a few minutes, everyone was shocked. The heavy breathing sounded one after another, and the wood stood there motionless, staring at the seven element collectors with maddened eyes.

  Even Algernon's long white beard swayed slightly as his body trembled.

  "This...this is..." Vice President Gavin was trembling even when he spoke.

  "This is the element collector, Your Excellency Gavin." Frandy was very proud of himself, he knew that when the element collector came out, it would definitely shock everyone.

  "Frandy, you also invented this?" It was Mr. Algernon who reacted first and accepted the facts in front of him. It was because this disciple had already given himself several surprises.

  "It's not all my invention, it's this kind of teacher..." Frandy came here to take a look at the magic tower just after being rewarded by His Majesty Harman, and then picked up the piece of fine gold magic The array thing was said again.

  Algernon was disappointed. "I know that genius alchemist, his name is Amy Hall, the magic repeater is his invention, and the magic tower that was destroyed is his reward. It turns out that the explosion that killed him was doing This experiment."

  "Later, when I tested the magic with the roar of flames in the magic test room, it was because the magic seed was too weak, and the fire element accumulated too fast to cause the same big explosion. Fortunately, the magic test room was very strong and there was no loss."

  Hearing this, Vice President Gavin is a little fortunate. Fortunately, he listened to the teacher's words and built this magic test room regardless of the cost. Otherwise, Frandy might be like the genius alchemist who died unexpectedly during the experiment. .

  He asked; "Then you asked me for the high-level magic crystal for this experiment!"

  "You're right, I think you should use a powerful magic that requires a lot of magic elements to experiment, so I went to find you."

  "Then why didn't it work?" Vice President Gavin asked suspiciously. Logically speaking, his magic seeds are enough to consume the magic elements he absorbed.

  "It's because of the material of the magic crystal, the magic elements absorbed are very active and will cause damage to the magic crystal, even the high-end magic crystal is no exception!"

  "So that's the case, then how did you change the magic element into the source quality?"
