
I am the beginning of civilization

Five hundred million years ago. Insight_Williams descended on the most ancient barbaric lands and primeval seas. By accident, Insight nudged the trilobites into intelligent life. It slowly guided the Triloman(trilobite people) to develop an entire civilization, and likewise, the trilobites worshiped the protagonist as a god... But with the passage of time, history becomes legend, legend becomes myth, and eventually myth is buried in the years. Only the new God is eternal. ---------- With permission of the creator, only for exchange and learning. Discord: https://discord.gg/T3jGwuh97W PayPal: https://paypal.me/QAQ14?country.x=C2&locale.x=zh_XC (If you are willing to support $1 for the first time, I will be happy to post a bonus chapter and give you my private discord account number to commemorate the "first gold") :)

DaoistGy5WgI · Fantasy
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52 Chs

God is God's property.

Polo looked at Stellaris with a smile on her face and found her mouth wide open but not talking.

I was puzzled: "Is this man scared and stupid? Why doesn't he speak? "

Stellaris' mouth grows, and he is very surprised.

   "Why doesn't the cup of the sun bite him?"

   Polo then asked: "Hello!"

"how did you do it?"

   "I can project my consciousness to such a far place and control the fish in the lake."

  Polo is, after all, a mythical life, the master of dream power.

   He saw through the magic of the stars at a glance, and he was even able to walk between consciousness and dreams, and find the fish controlled by the stars.

   Stellaris was further frightened by what Polo said, and his heart was terrified.

   "How could he know my magic?"

   She stepped back and looked at Polo warily: "Who are you?"

   Polo opened his hands, did not exert any effort, but floated up, and then slowly landed on the ground like falling flowers.

   He walked towards the star, not paying attention to the star's alert, as if he and the other party had already been friends.

   "My name is Polo."

"what's your name?"

   "You are amazing! Can this kind of projection power project anyone's consciousness into this world?"

   "What about after projection?"

   "Can you feel the wind? Can you feel the taste of food? Can you smell the fragrance of flowers and sea breeze?"

  Polo's continuous questioning failed to get an answer, but Stellaris also saw that he was not malicious.

   "That is my magic, but it hasn't been completed yet."

   She looked at Polo with a strange look and found that this was a young kid, but she had never seen a creature like this.

   "My name is Stellaris, what are you... on earth?"

   "You look so strange! You are different from us!"

   "And you can talk, a kind of existence that is not a trilobite but can talk is really weird."

   Polo looked at Stellaris contemptuously, a look in your eyes that a countryman like you had never seen before.

   "Have you seen God? Have you been to the Temple of God?"

  Stellaris: "This is the temple of God!"

   Polo looked arrogant: "I mean the god-given land, the temple of Ince built by the first king of wisdom, Redlichia."

   "If you have seen the murals carved by Redlichia for the god, you should know."


   "It looks like Gods."

   Stellaris has received more shocks in this short period of time than she has since she was born, but it is not surprising that although she was born noble, she has never left this holy mountain.

   "Have you been to a god-given land?"


   "How can you call the great king of wisdom like that."

   Polo proudly raised his head: "I am the messenger of God."

   "I came from the land given by God, carrying the mission given to me by God."

  Stellaris still wants to ask something, but Polo is not ready to go on.


   "If you decide, come find me to be my partner!"

   "As long as you call my name, I will come to you."

   "Let's do one thing together, an unparalleled great thing."

   The Baltic coat agitated, rolling up layer after layer of dreamy starlight, and powerful extraordinary power surged in the Garden of the Cup of God.

   Polo escaped into another world in the star's shocking gaze.

   belongs to his dream world.

   Star chased the light of dreams, watching the corners of the other party's overalls pass by his side, and his lightly dancing body disappeared from a high place.

   She stood there for a long time, not knowing how to describe the dream encounter just now.

   She is a high-ranking priest, the heir of the Schieren family.

   But he couldn't find the other party's existence, couldn't see how the other party came, and couldn't see how the other party left.

   The power that the other party has is far above her.

   "Really the messenger of God?"

   She sprinted all the way quickly, through the colonnade, and through the steep stairs.

   She ran into the temple and knelt on the floor.

"Oh my God!"

   "So you are still following us?"

   She looked up at the statue of God Ince, and recited the Redlichia Oath.

   "God said."


   When she once recited this vow, she was at a loss in her heart.

   But at this moment, the loss of her heart disappeared a little bit. She felt very fulfilled and safe. This is a world with god, and they are a race blessed by god.

   She was a little moved by Polo's invitation, but she was scared. She had never left the Sky Temple and the Holy Mountain. This is her home and the whole world.

   Although she is curious about the outside world, she is also afraid to leave the world she knows.


  The city where God descends.

   Everyone in the palace kneeled on the ground and bowed, and there was a cloud of sadness inside and outside the palace.

   "The king is dead!"

   And Jarry is undoubtedly the new king. He stood in the palace and watched the dead king being put into the sarcophagus. He carried the sarcophagus with his own hands and buried his father in the royal cemetery.

   The death of his father Jarry didn't have too much grief, far less than the great impact that his grandfather Knight had on him when he passed away.

   He has been with King Knight since he was a child. He grew up watching the great deeds and legends of King Knight. He looked down on his weak father. He looked forward to doing the same deeds as King Knight.

   But the power of King Hailince is declining a little bit.

Lost the supreme power of the king of wisdom, the king of Hailince lost the crown of the king of wisdom, and no longer commanded all the royal families as easily as before, and the city-states of the Hailince kingdom were no longer as complete as before. Obey.

   Jarry, with a new crown, summoned the ministers of the Kingdom of Hailince in his palace.

   "How about the Sky Temple?"

   "Will the Schieren family be willing to hand over the Ruhul monster?"

   In order to consolidate the power of King Hailince and suppress the other four branches of the royal family that have mastered the Fusion Monsters and become increasingly powerful, Jarry is preparing to take back the seven Fusion Monsters.

   The first choice to do is the Sky Temple.

   The fusion monster of the Schieren family must be obtained, , especially the Sky Temple, has many priests of the god, which is also a powerful force.

   The minister panicked: "That is the temple of God."

   Jarry nodded, but was noncommittal.

   "God does exist."

   "But so what?"

   "God is like a star high above, even a glance at the world feels superfluous."

   "Do you think He cares what we do? He cares whether we are religious or hypocritical?"

   Jarry turned his head and bent down to look at the shivering courtier who was kneeling on the ground.

   "Who do you think we are? Is God's eldest son Redlichia?"


   "He only thinks that we are a bunch of ugly and humble bugs, and he disgusts even the first glance."

   "Will he stand up and punish me? He hates me for it?"


   "God can't."

   "We are not even qualified to be disgusted by Him and to be punished by Him."

   "How can the aloft God be willing to cast his precious eyes on us? God only prefers his eldest son, and even the great King Knight can't long for the slightest favor from him."

   Jarry said it lightly, but his chest was constantly agitated, and his breath became thicker.

   He once saw with his own eyes that King Knight was so pious in his belief in God. He gave his all to God, but in the end he also lost everything.

  He also believed in God extremely, even now he does not deny the greatness of God.


   He will no longer dedicate all he has to God like King Redlichia and his grandfather Knight.

   He said lightly.

   "The god belong to the god, and the kings belong to the king."