
I am the beginning of civilization

Five hundred million years ago. Insight_Williams descended on the most ancient barbaric lands and primeval seas. By accident, Insight nudged the trilobites into intelligent life. It slowly guided the Triloman(trilobite people) to develop an entire civilization, and likewise, the trilobites worshiped the protagonist as a god... But with the passage of time, history becomes legend, legend becomes myth, and eventually myth is buried in the years. Only the new God is eternal. ---------- With permission of the creator, only for exchange and learning. Discord: https://discord.gg/T3jGwuh97W PayPal: https://paypal.me/QAQ14?country.x=C2&locale.x=zh_XC (If you are willing to support $1 for the first time, I will be happy to post a bonus chapter and give you my private discord account number to commemorate the "first gold") :)

DaoistGy5WgI · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Kingship and Theocracy

late at night.

The sky temple is in the moonlight and sea of clouds. It is silent and mysterious.

Three hill-like monsters were shuttled across the lake, then climbed out of the lake and headed towards the sky temple.

The Fusion Monster climbed up the stairs in the darkness, and the soldiers from the city of a thousand god descended into the sacred mountain with weapons in their hands.

Someone in the city opened the city gate, and the densely crowded soldiers on the stairs were introduced into the city, and a premeditated attack descended on the city of servants of the god.

Before everyone could react, they were already in chaos and fighting.


They never thought that anyone would dare to attack the sacred mountain and the temple.

"Oh, no!"With a scream, many people fell to the ground.

"They are the people of the city where God descends." They are the king's guards. " In a panic, some people recognized the identities of these people by the moonlight.

"The king's soldier? How could the king's soldiers attack the temple? " Some people still don't believe this is true.

The soldiers of Jarry, King of Hailince, are occupying the city of God's Servants at an extremely fast speed.

More figures head towards the highest sky temple, the highest point of the holy mountain.

The core of this place is the people who have the power to worship and serve the gods who live there.

At this time, the master of the Sky Temple stood up, and he angrily called the name of King Hailince.

Jarry, please!

"Why are you attacking the temple of God? Are you trying to blaspheme God?"

A fusion monster waved a vine whip under the control of the old priest and rolled up dozens of soldiers from a height, but immediately two other fusion monsters rushed up, blocking the old priest's fusion monster.

A heavy and majestic voice came from the darkness.

"It is you who blasphemed God, the scum of the Schieren family, and Schroeder's accomplices."

"It is you who touched the taboo, blasphemed and destroyed the god-given cup, that brought disaster."

"You are the shame of the royal family, the chief culprit in the decline of royal power."

"Now you are still stealing the temple that occupies the god. How can I, as the King of Hailince, tolerate your unforgivable sins?"

The King of Hi Ince stood on top of the fusion monster Nini and followed the fusion monster's creeping into the city of the servants, walking slowly from the wide passage towards the old priest and the battlefield.

He quietly watched the other party fall into danger a little bit. It is not so easy to do it with one enemy and two.


The fusion monster of the Schieren family was trapped and locked by two fusion monster prisoners, and the old priest was taken down and taken to Jarry.

The old priest looked at Jarry, and the original angry mood suddenly calmed down.

"Jarrorrry!" you still forget the mistake Schroeder made?"

In the hallway of the wide temple, Jarry approached the old priest step by step with the scepter.

"Schröder is a member of your Schieren family. Of course you have to bear the mistakes he made."

The new King of Hailince, Jarry, used his scepter to stab the old priest to death, just like Redlichia tried the sinner Ensi.

Executing torture in this way is the greatest insult and punishment to the royal family.

The other party's sins will always be nailed to the pillar of shame and be witnessed by posterity.

Jarry turned his head and looked at his soldiers and everyone in the city of servants.

"It's over!"

"The Schieren family deceived the god and deceived King Knight."

Schreider of the Schieren family violated the taboo. It was he who allowed King Knight to go to a decisive battle with the criminals in the name of the oracle. It was because he violated the taboo and killed King Knight and made us lose. "God-given kingship of wisdom."

"All of this is because Schroeder of the Schieren family pretends to be an enlightened person. How do these blasphemers deserve to occupy the hall of the gods? "


"Jarry, your king."

"It is God's spokesperson, God's substitute in the world."

Thousands of soldiers cheered and roared, while the others in the Servant City knelt down and bowed to Jarry, expressing their surrender.

Jarry dug out the bones of the old priest's eyebrows, which contained the seal of Rukh given to the royal family by the god, and the power to control the giant Rukh.

Now, it's Jarry's.

He owns the fourth Ruhul monster and has taken the first step to consolidate and regain the kingship.

The sleeping star was awakened and ran out of the temple.

She didn't know what happened, and everything was over.

The cold wind screamed at the temple on the top of the holy mountain. She stood on the cornerstone of the temple and watched the old father's body being dragged out, bloody.

The city was full of roars and cries from soldiers. Her eyes were blurry, like a stone on a high ledge staring at it blankly.

She feels that she is still in her sleep and has not yet woken up.

Everything she saw was just a nightmare in her dream.

"This is not true!"

"This is not true!"

"This is not true!"

When the corpse passed in front of her, she finally couldn't help but rush down and pounce on her father's body.

"Oh, no!"She finally couldn't help but cry loudly.

Hailince King Jarry looked at the star. Of course, he knew the heir of the Schieren family.

"Tears are a symbol of weakness." As a royal family, even if you die, you should stand up proudly. How can you show such an ugly appearance? "

"It's a shame to be like those humble slaves and untouchables."

Although a little disgusted, Jarry did not intend to kill Stellaris.

It is the same royal family. He can't really destroy another royal family branch. It is weakening the power of the royal family.

Jarry had already made a plan to make Stellaris become his son's bride.

Then let his son succeed the Schieren family as the new sky temple master, transforming the rest of the Schieren family and the priests of the sky temple into his own power.

"Lock her up!"

Star was crying, but was dragged down by the soldiers forcibly.

Even if she is a high-level priest, she is not worth mentioning in front of Jarry and the four fusion monsters.

The battle between the kingship and the theocracy belonging to the Trilobite has kicked off at this moment.


In the prison of the city of God's servants, moonlight shines through from the narrow window that can only stick out one arm.

Stellaris is trying to escape.

She knew that if she stayed here, only a tragic fate awaited her.

But there are two priests guarding her outside, and there is a fusion monster at the exit of the prison. Any little movement from her will immediately alarm the priest and the fusion monster.

It will be even more shocking to King Jarry of Hailince, the terrifying tyrant who makes her feel unmatched.

She was so panicked and terrified that she was afraid that she would feel cold all over and even tremble.

"What to do?"

"What to do?"

She suddenly remembered a person, that strange figure with extraordinary power.

Stellaris immediately knelt before the moonlight shining in from the window. With his hands on his chest, he prayed and wished to the gods, and made his own petitions to the god Polo.


"God's messenger!"

"If you can really hear it, please respond to my request."


"Help me!"

In the night, a breeze and a faint dream of starlight descended on the City of Servant.

The fantasy starlight passed in front of the Fusion Monster, and the Fusion Monster didn't feel anything. The fantasy starlight rushed into the channel of the prison, and the two soldiers guarding the prison immediately fell to the ground.

"Make a pattern!"

Polo arrived at the prison.

Wherever he went, one tribe after another fell asleep, and the two priests of the god were also inevitable.

He directly penetrated the door of the stone prison, as if the door did not exist.

"My partner, you finally found me."

"Are you ready to start a great adventure with me?"

The Star saw Polo, as if grabbing a straw.

"Polo, the messenger of God, I am in crisis."

"Please help me get out."

Polo shook his head and smiled, and at the same time, he revolved around the stars. The golden coat lifted the corners of his clothes: "Of course, am I here to save you?"

The steps stopped, and Polo stood in front of Stellaris.

He stared at the star with a rare serious expression.

"But I saved you. You must repay me."

Stellaris: "What do you want in return?"

Polo said, "You have to perfect your projection magic, and then teach me."

But Polo did not forget the mission God gave him.

P.S. PS always makes the author happy.

Uh, the computer display is still bad, I can't afford to fix the computer at home, it can be normal to see God bless.

And recently always feel very inefficient, have energy but do not know what to do, may be only 1c a day

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