
I am the beginning of civilization

Five hundred million years ago. Insight_Williams descended on the most ancient barbaric lands and primeval seas. By accident, Insight nudged the trilobites into intelligent life. It slowly guided the Triloman(trilobite people) to develop an entire civilization, and likewise, the trilobites worshiped the protagonist as a god... But with the passage of time, history becomes legend, legend becomes myth, and eventually myth is buried in the years. Only the new God is eternal. ---------- With permission of the creator, only for exchange and learning. Discord: https://discord.gg/T3jGwuh97W PayPal: https://paypal.me/QAQ14?country.x=C2&locale.x=zh_XC (If you are willing to support $1 for the first time, I will be happy to post a bonus chapter and give you my private discord account number to commemorate the "first gold") :)

DaoistGy5WgI · Fantasy
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52 Chs

The Messenger from the Kingdom of God

Through the wind and waves, a golden figure in the distance of the sea horizon crossed the sea level.

He floated over the reef and brushed the water.

The god fell on a roof in the city of the Fall of the god.

The city where God descends in the morning is like a person who has just awakened.

People came out of their homes and swarmed into the streets. The city gates opened; some came in and some went out; there were more and more people, and more and more noise.

The market gathered customers who wanted to buy goods and merchants who wanted to sell goods, as well as all kinds of new things, which attracted the attention of Polo.

"Oh, la la!"

He crosses the street and the crowd like a golden butterfly, but no one on the street can see him.

He wants to be seen by others so that no one else can see him.

He is a strange creature that can walk between dreams and fantasy.

In the bazaar of the city where the god descends, the people and merchants of the Kingdom of Hailince traded with a special stone coin engraved with a crown of wisdom and a scepter.

The market sells various foods such as dried fish, soft tongue, dried sea vegetables, etc. There are a variety of carefully crafted bones and stone tools, as well as various rare treasures found in the sea, as well as some weird things.

Polo stopped in front of a group of people who were locked in the stone cage, and looked at the dirty and skinny trilobites curiously.

These trilobites were imprisoned in a short and small cage, unable to stretch their bodies, unable to open their arms, and it was very uncomfortable to see them.

"Did they turn over any crime?"

"Why are you locked in a cage?"

The slave owner who turned his back to Polo, who was rubbing some kind of seabed plant to make a rope, replied: "They are slaves."

"Their ancestors once committed unforgivable crimes of blasphemy and offended the King of Wisdom, so they were punished as slaves by King Knight."

"How about it?"

"Would you like to buy some back? The children born to these slaves are also slaves. Buy a few healthy slaves and go back. In the future, generations of people in the family will not worry about not having slaves.

Polo looked at the Triloman with dim eyes and said

"You Triloman are so terrible, you actually treat your compatriots as ignorant strange shrimp and ancestor fish, and make their children and grandchildren not free."

The slave owner turned around and said with amusement,

"We Triloman?"

"You don't seem to be Triloman..."


Someone was clearly talking to him just now, but he didn't see anything.

Polo goes wherever he goes. He has no goal or destination.

He is interested in everything in this world, and even a few trilobite children on the side of the road can make him watch for a long time with relish.

He saw a group of trilobites lined up outside the city. These old trilobites knelt in front of the city wall and shouted in the direction of the sea. Their tone was vicissitudes and heavy, and their expressions were pious, so they also let the shouts carry a sense of emotion. Sacred

More Trilomans in the city gathered to watch. Some of them held their hands in front of their chests, closed their eyes and followed the Triloman, saying the same words.

"Another appointment with old people to go to the Sky Temple for a pilgrimage."

It can't be buried in a god-given land, but it's not bad to be buried at the feet of the Sky Temple.

I heard that His Highness Jarry doesn't like the chief priest of the Sky Temple. There have been confrontations recently.

"Who didn't know that King Knight was punished and cursed together because the chief priest Schroeder swallowed the god-given thing, and even the crown of wisdom was lost in the devil abyss?" How could His Royal Highness not have an opinion on the Sky Temple? "

S's voice is getting smaller and smaller, as if he is afraid that others will hear it.

After Yasser passed away, it was Jarry's father who succeeded to the throne. The loss of the crown of wisdom made the royal power essentially weaker, and Jarry's father was too old to support the kingdom.

Jarry mastered the military power and the three fusion monsters left by King Knight, becoming the most powerful person in the kingdom, and he can even be said to be the actual controller.

Polo didn't care much about those rights and struggles. He only heard of these people going to the Sky Temple.

There you have it.

That is where he was born.


He is going to see what his hometown is like now.


Sky Temple.

A giant lived in a palace building where a group of priests of the god knelt under the statue of God Ince.

  The leader is a female trilobite who leads a group of people to pray under the idol.

He clasped his hands together against his chest, closed his eyes, and was extremely religious.

There are star-like silver dots on her white bone armor, which is very rare and beautiful.

After the prayer was over, everyone slowly exited the temple, facing the idol.

After leaving the temple, everyone's expressions are no longer so solemn.

This is a group of young people, after all. They are crowded between the colonnades to question each other, and even chase and play.

One of the female trilobites cautiously approached the only person who was not frolicking and asked her with a serious expression.


"You said, Does God really exist?"

Star, as the only high priest among them, of course, answered in an unquestionable tone.

"Of course it exists."

"Otherwise, where did we come from and where did our power come from?"

"Our intellectual power, our food, our words and language."

"All are gifted by God."

The other party hesitated, as if to ask something next.

Stellaris had seen through her thoughts a long time ago and said directly.

"We can't see God. That's because we don't see the glory of God."

"How can a person with original sin be worthy of appearing in front of the god?"


Stellaris learned from his father and ancestors, looking back solemnly and saying that someone had said the word of God that had been passed down from generation to generation.

Whether mortals believe in God or not, Whether mortals can not see God. "


"It's there."

Stellaris' father is the current chief priest of the Sky Temple, the priest next to the chief priest Schroeder, who reminded him that there might be problems with the god's cup of divine art.

Her ancestor was Redlichia's fourth son, Schieren, which also means Starlight.

Her father named him Stellaris Stellaris. You can see his love for her.

a starShe is currently the priest of the god Ince, but as the heir of the Schieren family, she is destined to take over the post of her father, the chief priest of the Sky Temple.

and as a price.

She can't leave the sky temple and will never even be able to walk down this god-servant city and leave the holy mountain.

She walked down the stone stairs from a high place to the God's Cup Garden below, where she lived.

She knelt down outside the Garden of God's Cup and closed her eyes to perform magical magic.


This is a magical technique she has explored, and she can use her mythical bloodline to make contracts with other lives.

Among them, there is the magic power of the god with the help of the king's power, and there is also the illusion power of the cup of god.

It's just that it's not perfect at present, and there are many problems that have not been resolved.

Schroder's idea of fusing the cup of the sun to explore the advanced path of wisdom and power is completely different. Stellaris believes that the power of wisdom and power lies not in the use of external forces but in the strength of their own wisdom and thinking consciousness.

It's a pity that she didn't dare tell her father, because her father forbade her to explore the power of the sun cup.

That is a taboo power, a cursed power.

Although she can't leave the sky temple and holy mountain, she hopes to use this power to see the outside world with the eyes of other beings.

Just as the star's mind and consciousness were projected onto the body of an ancestor fish at the foot of a mountain, using the eyes of the other party to swim and visit the holy lake.

In the cup of the sun flower garden beside him, a figure suddenly emerged.


"What a great magic. How did you think of it?"

Polo lay on the blossoming cups of the flower garden, holding the largest of them in his arms with both hands. His face was already tilted close to the other side.

And Stellaris turned her head, her mouth wide open. She didn't expect someone to hide in the Cup of God Garden.

The two looked at each other.

new story.

is turned on.