
I am really not Evil

In a realm where strength determines one's fate, an extraordinarily powerful and earnest young woman, aspires to become a righteous warrior. However, her noble quest takes an uproariously comical turn when a series of absurd misunderstandings lead her to be labeled as an evil empress of the demonic path. "I am a good person why the heck is everyone calling me a demon?" Ming Yun lamented "I really am not evil "

Rishab_Kumar · Eastern
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8 Chs

The thief

"this Mei Hua , thanks senior for saving my life!" Mie Hua was still confused and couldn't understand what happened but she knew enough that the girl infront of her was a powerful figure who saved her life

"sure little Fairy...now tell this senior sister what is your problem " Ming Yun waved after that guy ran away she had quickly healed Mei Hua from her injuries

Mei Hua stood up obediently, looking at Ming Yun with respect still in her eyes.

"It was like this senior....."

Long story short her she had discovered some good treasures but unfortunately a disciple of the clear spring sect who happened to stumble upon there tried to claim it from her but ended up being defeated and humiliated by her,

That guy happened to be the grandson of the clear spring sect 's leader and even though her Sacred Flame sect tried to support her the Clear spring sect had the backing of the Azure sky sect as result her sect was forced to bow down and she was to become a dual cultivation partner for that guy she defeated

Hua decided that she would not do so and became a rouge demonic cultivators until she was hunted down by her sect's grand elder and she would be hunted and killed by him if Ming Yun didn't interfere

the corner of Ming Yun' s mouth twitched when she heard Mei Hua story 'did I just save a demonic cultivator....no wait it's not like she became one on her own....that's right I am supposed to help redeem her and be called a great heroine of justice!!!'

"so what do you want to do now?"

Thinking quickly, Hua hurriedly replied: "Senior, in fact, the junior has encountered a problem in cultivation. The cultivation base has been stuck at the peak of fasting, and there is no sign of breakthrough. The junior is really helpless. I hope the senior can give me some advice and maybe guide me "

This was an indirect way of asking if she could become her disciple

"... do you know how to gather qi ?"

"Yes senior!"

" Good sit there"

at the foot of the four hill.

Man dressed in nondescript traveling clothes was walking slowly. He looked thoroughly unremarkable, even though most of his features were hidden by his clothing and his hood. The only attribute was a giant bag twice his size strapped to his back despite the weight he moves easy but cautious...

The movement is very light once in a while he turns toward behind to look as if afraid is discovered generally.

„Hahahaha, Sacred Flame sect is also mediocre, unexpectedly made me successfully " the black robe person laughs in a low insolent voice

His named Xue Sang !

Originally a fiendish cultivator, he had betrayed his fraction and revealed the secrets of the fiendish cultivators to the three major sect, during the great battle that lasted for three days he stole thee major sects rare scriptures and books while they were busy fighting with each other while also slaughtering several lower rank members and disciples who tried to stop him and burnt down the entire Azure sky scriptures pavilion in the process

this violent treachery had made him one of the most wanted person, called as the King of Thieves(due to his very recent exploits) the treacherous outlaw Xue Sang was hunted by innumerable powerhouses all seeking his life

From then on, he had been on the run.

After arriving at the foot of these hills which he dubbed the four spirit hill he planned on staying here lay low for a period of time.

It was no accident that he had come here the extremely dense spiritual energy in this place could easily cover-up his aura and also provide him with a excellent place to cultivate

He had at first rushed up when he suddenly felt something and stopped abruptly. He raised his head and looked toward the peak of the second spirit hill

"This is the aura of the Dao! Are there Soul Formation cultivators at the peak of the mountain? Could it be that those old monsters from the three sect have caught up?

"Impossible! Disregarding my Qi Concealment ability, even if those dogs were to catch up to me, they wouldn't explicitly reveal their Dao aura. They would have attacked me directly."

"On closer inspection, this Dao aura is very weak, far less majestic than the Dao aura of a Soul Formation cultivator..... The one at the summit was either a half-step Soul Formation cultivator or someone who had just broken through to the Soul Formation stage .....no maybe it because of this dense spiritual energy that it feels weak"

Xue Sang stared intently at the peak. He was an existence at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage. He is only a step away from the Soul Formation stage. Thus, he was extremely sensitive to the aura of the Dao the signature aura of a soul formation cultivator

"Even so with all the treasures he has he had nothing to fear. "This was what Zhang San thought to himself as he continued to carry the large bag up to towards that aura

He stopped as he finally reached the source a beautiful fairy engrossed in cultivation her temperament was ethereal and illusory, like a banished immortal. At first glance, it seemed as if she was a peerless expert however her robes were in damage and dirty

Near her lay a young girl sleeping peacefully

Xue Sang eyes narrowed, and he became alert the aura the fairy was giving him was that of a peak soul formation cultivator as for the girl he couldn't sense anything but then again in this place the spiritual energy was so dense that even his aura was too faint to be sensed

"That young brat might be the fairy's disciple " Xue Sang shook his head normally he would have tried to use his fiendish arts to kill a cultivators and steal their cultivation for himself if he had an opportunity like this but there were problems

Firstly it required a good amount of resources to set up the array second it should be done carefully and quietly since disturbing the cultivator might lead to qi divination hence alerting the other party or in the less painful case the intended victim would lose their cultivation and make the entire process a waste and also Xue Sang wasn't eager to fight against a peak-soul formation expert

Xue Sang just looked around and then set his bag down and started to cultivate