
I am really not Evil

In a realm where strength determines one's fate, an extraordinarily powerful and earnest young woman, aspires to become a righteous warrior. However, her noble quest takes an uproariously comical turn when a series of absurd misunderstandings lead her to be labeled as an evil empress of the demonic path. "I am a good person why the heck is everyone calling me a demon?" Ming Yun lamented "I really am not evil "

Rishab_Kumar · Eastern
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8 Chs

Xue Sang the confused

The qi gathering array a standard default ability in the game was what Ming Yun used to help Mie Hua cultivate actually it should be called as cheat ultra high purity qi generator automatic array

To activate the array the user has to sit in a meditative pose and the the array will continue to operate until she stands up basically she can just lie down and sleep after the array was activated

This array could also be upgraded as of now it was possible for a mortal without spiritual roots to reach the golden core realm by just sitting in there for an entire day

Obviously she didn't sleep for days together only for 6-8 per day hours nap was enough for her

The rest of the time she spent swimming/bathing in a nearby lake and testing Hua's assets during that time

Another ability of the game was the attributes features which allows one to increase the attributes of strength endurance agility dexterity intellect and constitution via training or essence points

Since this directly affects the body it was a good way to get close to her disciple especially her soft melons (she totally believed the fact that this requires intimate skin contact)

Other activities included feeding rabbits and taking long walks

Even though these methods may seem lazy and questionable (considering Ming Yun only slept and played with Hua during baths ) they were effective enough for a late foundation level cultivator like Ming Yun to reach the soul formation realm

It was no surprise that in three hours Xue Sang broke to the fourth layer of soul formation or Mie Hua reached the spirit refining realm (the next realm above the soul formation stage) but it was a big surprise to Xue Sang when the dense spiritual energy dissipated into the surroundings as Ming Yun woke up

"Who are you !!" Mie Hua sprang to her feet upon sensing Xue Sang and released aura

"Spat !" Xue Sang spat blood and dropped flat on the ground even though he was a soul formation cultivator the difference between him and a dpirit refining realm cultivator like Hua was too great

"T-t-this junior greets S-senio-hak "

"Little Hua let go of him" Ming Yun asked

"B-but teacher he is a demonic cultivator!!"

"Aren't you also one though?"

"..." the pressure eased on Xue Sang who was relieved to breath again

"So who are you ?" Mie Hua asked

" This lowly one is Xue Sang !and I give my greetings to respected Fairy and her esteemed teacher " Xue Sang dropped to his knees and bowed to the two

"what are you doing here ?"

"This junior just happened to sense a large amount of spiritual energy in this place so I had come here to cultivate "

"...sure whatever since you didn't disturb us you can go..." Ming Yun waved

Xue Sang eyes flashed as he felt lucky. He cupped his hands and said, "Since Senior doesn't want to be disturbed, then this junior will take his leave first!"

With that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

After a few steps, just as he was about to leap into the air, a faint voice sounded from behind.

"littel Daoist, you forgot to take your bag."

The voice frightened Xue Sang and he almost fell down turning around he saw his travelling bag that he had left behind.

He cursed himself for being careless before walking over to carry the box and thanking Ming Yun

"Thank you for your reminder, Senior. If there's nothing else, this junior will take his leave."

"little Daoist, this bag is so big. May I know what's inside?"

Xue Sagn tried his best to calm his expression. He took a deep breath and said, "Senior, there are things that this junior uses to earn a living inside this box. They are all minor cultivation techniques, and a few spiritual –"

"Azure dragon sword ,Azure sky sword ,oh the sixteen sacred flame palms "

"Sixteen sacred flame palms teacher this is my sects top technique "

"!!" Xue Sang flew as fast as he can from the place but

"wha-what " a huge pressure crashed on him and held him immobile as if an invisible giant hand had grabbed

"!" he was dragged back to Ming Yun

"...I 'll ask again who are you? "

"I am Xue Sang a fiendish cultivator and the bag contains all the secret manuals and techniques that I have stolen from the various sects." Xue Sang cried just what was with his luck running into two such powerful figures" this junior understands his mistake trying to lie to you please let me go!"

At first he thought that fairy there was powerful but then she had referred to the little girl as teacher he honestly doubted it at first but now

He a soul formation cultivator was caught like an ant by this girl and he didn't even feel her qi fluctuate or rather he can't even sense any qi from her

Too terrifying

"...What should I do with this guy " Ming Yun sighed " never mind I don't care about these techniques but since you stole from the sacred flame sect ....."

"..." Xue Sang paled ' is this little monster the ancestor of the sacred flame sect? Then I-I'

"You will come with us to destroy the sacred flame sect !!!!"



Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

Xue Sang felt a deep sense of confusion and despondence as he sat on the large red-gold feathered spirit bird along with Ming Yun and Mie Hua

One minute he was begging for his life the next second he is on his way to destroy a sect

"here take this pill " Ming Yun casually dropped a golden glowing pill in his hands "you might need just in case"

On swallowing the pill, he suddenly found that a huge and pure spiritual energy burst in his stomach.

This spiritual energy is particularly gentle, and it was completely absorbed by Dantian!

You must know that when swallowing medicinal herbs or elixir, Dantian can only absorb a small part of the spiritual energy, and the rest of the medicinal power will be turned into waste and discharged.

It's good now, that huge spiritual energy has been completely absorbed.

That is the purest spirit!

He felt that his cultivation was rapidly improving.

Fifth layer of soul formation, sixth layer of soul formation, seventh layer of soul formation, eighth layer of soul formation, ninth layer of soul formation

The peak of soul formation !!!

Keke... Looks like even the heavens are on my side sacred flame Sect, you're doomed!" Xue Sang gave a cold laugh he didn't know what the sacred flame sect did to have incurred the wrath of such a figure but he didn't mind if it meant he would get such opportunities for break through

The sacred flame Sect had been established for a hundred and thirty years but because of its rich resources, the sect was eyed by other sects. Those sects were greedy for the wealth in this land, and they had been harassed by enemies for many years yet they held strong until now.

The sky was grey, and the smell of blood permeated the air. The sad ruins of the great sect hall lay smouldering as the surviving disciples were running around helping the injured and burying the dead


They were abruptly startled by a sudden onset of great, crushing pressure and someone shouting outside(the speaker was too far to be heard clearly)

All the disciples craned their necks to look up at the perpetrator and were stumped by the sight.

High up in the clouds, a large fiery bird

What... What's happening?

Everyone were stunned by whatever they saw. Several of them had never experienced such powerful pressure and they fell over violently while some disciples were screaming out in fear.

Several beams of light could be seen appearing in the sky above the destroyed Sect as the bird landed gracefully not minding the fearful disciples

Ming Yun blinked in confusion

"What the heck who destroyed this place before we can !?" she shouted