
I am really not Evil

In a realm where strength determines one's fate, an extraordinarily powerful and earnest young woman, aspires to become a righteous warrior. However, her noble quest takes an uproariously comical turn when a series of absurd misunderstandings lead her to be labeled as an evil empress of the demonic path. "I am a good person why the heck is everyone calling me a demon?" Ming Yun lamented "I really am not evil "

Rishab_Kumar · Eastern
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

The start of everything

Deep in the forest of the four green hills under a large tree a young girl about 14 years old was resting peacefully


An electronic sound drilled in her ears causing Ming Yun stretched comfortably and opened her sleepy eyes

"..., what is it this time?" she took out her smartphone and looked at it

[Gained golden core cultivation pills X1000

Gained silver moon flower X500


"..." she stared at her broken system glitching out rewards for no explainable reason

Cultivation civilization in this world is extremely prosperous.

There are many sects, and the strong are respected.

Of course, there are people who can cultivate, and there are also people who are mortal.

Ming Yun was very depressed normally you would expect a system to have rigid rules. Once the task appears, if the task is not completed within the time the system will start the erasing host or destroy her soul

Except this one spammed out tasks that are somehow completed before they are released and giving her large rewards

With nothing to do, she planned on going back to sleep when a strong light suddenly flashed from outside.

After the light subsided, all kinds of restlessness began to in the forest as frightened birds and animals started fleeing for their lives

A large red-gold feathered bird landed near her the bird was obviously a phoenix, but turned into a tiny (by the phoenix's standard an hawk is considered tiny) song bird and was very aggrieved...but how would he dare to complain to Lady Ming

"there are two cultivators in the forest my lady "

"The kitchen knife is screaming every day that he is already hungry and thirsty. If he wants to chop people, will he not be restrained." A voice from her travelling pack spoke

"tell him to shut up or I will turn him to scrap metal "


"Tch…" An arrogant sneer rang out in the air, and then a black shadow slowly landed on the ground. " Mei Hua You trash, using living human souls to offer sacrifice to a Soul Devouring Banner is condemned by us orthodox cultivators "

" Yi Qin … " Mei Hua who had fallen into the yard struggled to stand, but the severity of her injuries made it almost impossible for her to support her body upright. "didn't you want to annihilate fiends and defend the Dao? Weren't you going to kill me? Why are you not taking action yet?"


"Your just a rigid fool who will doom us righteousness? justice? Those are just empty ideals without power!!!"

"Hmph! Still stubborn as ever" Yi Qin snorted before gathering qi in his palms and fired at her

"Shh" a gentle voice spoke causing the energy to vanish

"Who dare-"Yi Qin snarled before he noticed a gray-robed girl floating between him and Mei Hua her body was filthy and her messy hair even had several twigs stuck in it. His heart contracted—it was a woman. Since when was she here? Even with his level of cultivation, he a golden core cultivator had not detected anything at all!

"Oi bastard trying to picking on a defenceless girl repent and leave now and I shall show you mercy" as she spoke she slowly floated up till they were facing each other face to face

"..." He gave her a good look over and then realized she was void of any cultivation "Is she only a mortal...no what mortal save birds can fly....is she perhaps a master? Yes that must be it only a master can be able to hide her presence from me..."

He looked at her again in his eyes her dirty robes and messy hair seem like the mark of someone who cultivated in isolation and her calm smile face seemed to mock him as if daring for him to try and attack her

"Hua you b***h be grateful that your master came to save you !!" he turned and fled the other party was too mysterious and also he had sustained some injuries from his fight with Mie Hua there's no way he could risk a fight against a powerful figure in his condition

"Eh ??" the girl blinked what the heck this coward just screwed up her plans to look cool

"Hiikk" Mie Hua spat out blood and fainted in relief


Deep in the mountain forests, thousands of fiendish cultivators were gathered.

The many scattered fractions of evil path had made an unprecedented attempt to come together after casting aside their differences,. At this moment, the entire forest was filled with voices some loud, some soft, others even charming. Seated right at the top were ten Monarchs. These ten experts stood at the apex within the fractions, but they were wearing heavy frowns between their brows.

"My fellow cultivators, I believe everyone is aware of the recent happenings!" Ying Jie the leader of the Blood Tiger fraction who held the title of the Tiger Monarch spoke he was a powerful figure and everyone immediately fell silent the moment the Tiger Monarch spoke. "As fellow cultivators of the same path, in light of the crisis we are facing, I believe that we should put aside our differences and work to overcome the problem facing us."

"But there is something amiss about this matter." Wu Shan the Wolf Monarch frowned. "We still have no idea who it is that betrayed us, nor do we know their aim."

"Is there even a need to guess?" The Tiger Monarch snorted coldly. "Other than Xue Sang that rat do you think any cultivators from the Six Schools Three Sects, would do this? "

"But we have always tried to stay out of the cultivation sects' way as much as possible. Why would they suddenly blockade the path " the Wolf Monarch questioned doubtfully.

"That's right! The worst the demons who went beyond the Demon Realm borders did was to devour some mere mortals. It's not as if the disciples of the Six Schools Three Sects had been killed," analyzed the Snake Monarch. "There's no need for them to go this far, right?"

"Isn't that so!" the Crow Monarch agreed indignantly. "All these years, Just think about how many of us they have slaughtered over the years! Why would the three schools and seven sects suddenly make things difficult for us? I don't think it is them."

"That's quite simple. everyone knows that the demons deserve to die !!!" a voice spoke from above

"!!!" the ten monarchs realised too late as several righteous immortal cultivators were arriving in swarms at the top of the forest.

They stood atop their flying vessels (including living ones like spirit birds) and their hands were behind their backs in a dignified posture. Their robes were flapping about the wind and their killing intents radiated out from them.

The leaders of the group were the sect elders from different sects and their powers were anything but ordinary. Most were extremely skillful cultivators of the Golden Core Stage.

Among them were several who hailed from Raising Dawn sect ,the Azure sky sect and the heavenly sword sect.

After discovering that several fiedish cultivators were gathered in the forest these three sect sent their respective elders and top members to deal with them

Several other sects had heard about this news too and decided to respond with the promise of rewards should they tag along

"Fiendish !!! " the Crow Monarch shouted "we are fundamentally different from demonic cultivators you idiots!!! We don't go around killing without a proper reason and we have specific guidelines regarding our worship and rituals whith only a specific amount of human sacrifice and..."

"It doesn't matter your evil so just die Fiends!!!!"

"It's Fiendish!!!"

The battle had begun with mighty flashy attacks screaming with carcasses strewn across the ground along flowing rivers of blood…