
I am only 0.5% of Creator

The Setsu is former luggage carrier of brave party (group of chosen people to save the world from the demon king) who was exiled from the party, because the he is weak. However, he found out his only 0.5% of god. Setsu with some of his powers return, let journey with him in this world. (Note: This story was inspired by Japanese Web Novels, Manga, and Anime. There be some lot of self Insert, so WARNING:MATURE CONTENT. I put a link to original story author work that I have consent to use in comment to support there original work. Hope you are in for a Wild Ride!)

HDS79 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Mountain

The mountain of goat is not just a name, but a goat -like monster with a bat wing, sleeping in the mountain cave. They only come out at night and only stay in their territory. So, it is safe, if you leave in the morning and collect iron ore that fills the whole mountain. A Goat-like monster is rank 1 called Goatatick. 

Me and Lisa walkabout hour to get to the Mountain. As we walk,

"Lisa what have you been up to?"

"Well, nothing much, most craft weapon and armor to sell in town or farm tool for Mrs. Potter. Most, improve my blacksmith skill."

"It seen that you have risen your skill. One day you will be a famous blacksmith."

Lisa blush. 

"I don't want to become famous blacksmith; I just want to be skill enough to help father and one day, I can run the workshop."

I give her a smile. 

"Don't worry, I will be there to support you."

I clench my hand and raise to the sky to show my determination to accomplish it. Lisa simple smiles as we make our way to the mountain. It takes about 6 hours of search, mining, and scan for the perfect pieces to fit in the baskets. As, we are mining, I gentle tap my pickaxe on the mountain ore with huge chuck fall down is time. We have fun time separate the orc from rock. 

"Done for now!!!"

Lisa said as she sat down to rest for lunch.

"Yeah, you got a bunch of iron ore."

"Thank you for your help, Setsu."

I turn to look at her. 

"No problem, I want to support you that all."

"Look who's talking, you always send money back to the village, which helps it stand."

"Yeah, I guess I have been doing that."


"What is?"

"Remember what you said about you already having 195,000 wives."


"I don't mind if other girls want to join in to become your wife."


"Because, Setsu, you are stronger, and girls would like to become your wife. But I am wondering something. How did you maintain to marry so many wives."

I give a little laugh. 

"I had lived for more than 100 existences and for each adventure or mission. I met lots of people, and we are going on an adventure with them. So how I end get marry more time than one."

I turn to look at Lisa. 

"But don't worry, you are my one person in this world that I will listen to first and my first priority is to be tents too."

Lisa started to snuggle closer to me. I sense her warm body touching me and her B-cup breasts will also develop. I began to sweat and so I grab one of the ore.

"I wonder if there is a way for me to make a sale without going to the guild system or merchant."

"Yeah, merchant and guild system usually take 30 percent of sell material profit and the now with the war with demon king. The guild will take 60 percent of the sale profit." 


"I wonder if I can sell the ore using one my skill."

"What skill" Lisa asks in confusion to my word.

"Remember what happen during breakfast, I said that a screen pops up and ask me if I want to sell or not"


"I wonder if I can sell the ore that we don't want from before."

Lisa put her hand on her cheek and pondered the question.

"I don't know."

"Yeah, at least, I can give it a try." 

I grab one of the ore the land at our feet that we don't want. I focus on the skill or magic that I use to open the sell screen in the first place.  Suddenly a screen pops up, the label sees "Do you want to sell" (Yes/No). 


A new screen pops up with a blank box with an arrow leading from one box to another. Another box was on the upper-right hand with three different currencies: copper, silver, gold, and platinum. They all have zero in each one.

  "I see, there are more looking than pressing yes."

"What, I can't see"

Lisa asks with curiosity.


I activate menus and set to this world language and then activate the show screen option, so Lisa to see.

"Oh, I see. You sell material without going to the guild or merchant, directly."


I focus on the iron ore in my hand that I want to sell. The iron ore suddenly disappears and reappears in one of the boxes of the sell screen. Another box shows the copper coins with 50x under it. 

"I see, an iron ore is a set currency in this world, usually adventurers will get 40 copper coins for each ore they sell to guilds." (Lisa)

"So, the price but it looks like that without a guild or merchant buying it. The full price is 50 copper coins. Hey, I think I can use this."


Lisa started to look down. 

"What wrong"

"I mean it's cool that you can use the skill, but I don't know if you will rely on me anymore."

I put my finger on her forehead and flick, but make sure that I don't put my 99.9999 percent of strength power to it, so as not to hurt her. 

"Ouch, why did you do that?"

Lisa holds her head from my flick.

"Don't think that I will rely only on my skill to get through all my problems. I will also need my brain as well, so there will not be a problem. The skill is just to help me get started."

"Yes, you're right."

"Oh right, Lisa. Why you give the ore. Is Mr. Reid and his son, Myles supposed to get the ore?"

As Lisa hold her half eaten sandwich with cheese, she answers. 

"Mr. Reid got hurt his back a few weeks ago. His son Myles found that he has the swordsmanship skill and leave the villager a year ago with Milena Potter, who learn that she got the earth magic. So, the two them leave."

I nod and as I continues to biting to cheese sandwiches. 

"I hope they do well, first time adventurer is easy prey for higher rank adventurer to take advantages."

[Setsu thought: Unlike, second where we have morale laws to conduct ourselves during missions and everyone will protect no matter who they are, also long as they are second member. From my memory of this world. The one who is the strongest which they use their own strength to protect themselves while have more political cloud are protect through the protest of the government. Everyone else is on their own.]

The two of us finish our lunch and start mining a bit more iron. While I was mining, I just need to gentle strike my pickaxe on to the ore and it begin to broke and fall to the round. We keep work, until the sun is about to set.

"It looks like the sun is going down. We should finish up and head home."


We begin to pick the bucket full of ore and walk back to the village.