
I am only 0.5% of Creator

The Setsu is former luggage carrier of brave party (group of chosen people to save the world from the demon king) who was exiled from the party, because the he is weak. However, he found out his only 0.5% of god. Setsu with some of his powers return, let journey with him in this world. (Note: This story was inspired by Japanese Web Novels, Manga, and Anime. There be some lot of self Insert, so WARNING:MATURE CONTENT. I put a link to original story author work that I have consent to use in comment to support there original work. Hope you are in for a Wild Ride!)

HDS79 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Bandit Death

Walking back to the village with Lisa was the best time ever. She was the reason why I was still walking in the fresh air. Mid-way through, I hear a noise from the bush and tree. I pull out my dagger and stand in guard position

"Lisa, go and hide, there someone….."

"Setsu help."

I turned around and saw Lisa was held back by the bandit holding a knife on her neck.

"Teeth" "What do you want"

"What we want is the all-iron ores and anything you've got." One bandit said with grossly smile on his face. 

"Include this look girl here." 

As the bandit who hold Lisa, move his dagger closer to Lisa neck. 

"Stop that, you need have more important business. 

A woman in jet black light-weight leather with an A-cup breast came out of the tree.

"Hello there, I am Deianira, a thief. We are here on a request to make sure you are completely dead."

I was confused, but I realized there was someone who made sure that I didn't exist anymore.

"Who sent you?"

"You don't need to know, but someone really high on the food chain wants you to die."

"Ok, they, if I let you kill me, will you let Lisa go."

"Don't worry if this dagger doesn't kill you. The poison will kill you slow and paralyze the area is hit. In addition, when the poison enters the body instant travel through the body, so it impossible to remove."

[Setsu thought: Man, If I have a better can't control of my speed. I can save Lisa and kill these guys no problem, but dammit. If I move normal, I will move some fast the I hit the tree or bandit will kill Lisa if the I try to move slowly.]

<<Jack of All Trade is cooldown now over. You can use it,>>

As the system announced a skill cooldown is over, I don't notice and paying more attend to the situation in face of me.

Deianira smiled.

"Sure, if you agree."

Deianira snaps her fingers, and the bandit pulls his blade from Lisa's neck. 

"Lisa goes"

"But Setsu"

"It's fine, they want me not you, go."

Lisa begins to turn. I raise my arm in surrender and drop down my dagger. I closed my eyes.  Deianira takes her dagger and rushes toward me. The dagger struck, I opened my eyes to see the dagger in my chest, but it struck Lisa's back. Deianira quickly pulls the dagger open and jump back. 

"Lisa why?"

Lisa's mouth starts to bleed blood. I quickly activate time rewind to reverse the time on her body. The problem is poison is will inside her body. 

"Because I love Setsu and I can't live in a world without him"

Lisa's body starts to collapse. I quickly went and caught her. All bandits started to laugh.

"Oh, look, here was a love couple. Do have you have sex, yet." One of them said.

"Shut up"

[Setsu thought: Why? Why? Why? Why I let Lisa get hurt. If I can control my status. If my restoration magic can remove poison and recovery hp. If I can remove. If I can know. If I, If I….. If I ... If...]

"O, I think I hit a nerve. Kill him." One bandit shout. 

<All requirement has been met. Activate Jack of all Trade....>

<Skill Acquire: Status Control> 

As, one bandit being swung her dagger. Before the dagger hit my neck, I caught it and broke off the tip (20% of Strength).


Deianira stared at me with surprise and bandit step back. My mind becomes blank. I begin to speak.

"Prepare to die."

I place Lisa on the ground and stand up.

"Lisa please rest here, I will right back."

I stand up and begin my massacre of the bandits first and then their leader. My begin to my first move (10% Speed). 

"Where is he?"


All the bandits were confused and I moved to the bandit who held Lisa Hostage. He turns around.


I put my hand on his head and snapped it (10% Strength). The other was shocked and Deianira fell to the ground. I moved to the second bandit and punched his face, which blasted pieces and blood spray and covered my hand (50% Strength). 

"He is a monster…."


I rush to number three bandit who turn and begin to run. Grab his head and smash into a tree. (90% Strength) The fourth bandit is running away. Rush at him, kick his leg, so he can't run anymore (10% Speed with 30% Strength). 

"Please don't kill, I'm doing anything."

"Too late, you and your partner kill my lover and the last hope for this world. Now die."

Kick the last bandit's face and place my leg on his face and apply pressure. (50% strength).

"Now the last one."

I ran back to Lisa. Deianira was there on the ground with tear fall from her eye. I rush to Lisa's side. Deianira will still cry knowing that she will die any minute.

"Please don't kill, I need money to help feed my brother and sister. I don't want to die."

"Too late, I will kill to avenge Lisa."

As I begin to walk toward Deianira, suddenly I feel like someone is pulling my leg. It was Lisa.

"Please let her go, she just needs the money to feed her brother and sister."

"But she stabs you. She is the reason your poison now."

"It is fine. I understand Deianira needs the money to feed her family and I don't want to see my Setsu indirectly take the life of innocent children." 

I look at Deianira. She is still crying. 

"How much money do you need"

"About 5 silver coins."


I walk to the bandit and take the loot they have and then walk over to the basket of iron ore. I quickly open the sell screen and begin to sell all the loot. After finishing the sale, I walked to Deianira. 


I throw 10 silver coins here in front of Deianira. 

"Take it and go."

Deianira nods and grabs the coins and begins to run. Suddenly, She stop, and turned around and spoke.

"Thank You."