
I am only 0.5% of Creator

The Setsu is former luggage carrier of brave party (group of chosen people to save the world from the demon king) who was exiled from the party, because the he is weak. However, he found out his only 0.5% of god. Setsu with some of his powers return, let journey with him in this world. (Note: This story was inspired by Japanese Web Novels, Manga, and Anime. There be some lot of self Insert, so WARNING:MATURE CONTENT. I put a link to original story author work that I have consent to use in comment to support there original work. Hope you are in for a Wild Ride!)

HDS79 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: The Village

With a flashing light blast out of nowhere. I closed my eyes from being blind. As the moment went by, I tried to open my eyes, but I felt it kind of heavy. I try to move my body. I see that I was not in the forest, but a bed. When I manage to open them, I look around. There were hammer lineups on the wall. When I turn to the edge of the bed. There I see my childhood friend with her black hair tied up with an orange ribbon sleeping. Suddenly, she opens her eyes which are blue. 

"Good morning, Lisa"

I give smile at Lisa. 

Lisa quickly opens her eyes and jumps at me and begins to cry.

"Setsu finally wakes up. People think you would die, but I don't believe them."

"I am fine now; sorry for make you worry."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"I am awake now, please don't be sad."

"So, Setsu, why are you coming back, what happen you that you end up like this and where is Celia?"

As I hear Celia name, I clench my teeth. I begin to explain to Lisa the story of how Celia was cuckold by brave hero, banished from the party, how I was exiled from the capital, and finally how I was attacked by a pack of wolves. Lisa started crying even more as the door burst open and a muscular man with a woman who look like Lisa walked into the door. As Lisa quickly stops crying, releases her hugs me and sits back to her seat and clears her tears. I give a chuckle as Lisa does that and turn to face them and nod.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Bayland."

Mr. and Mrs. Bayland nod back.

"How are you Setsu are you ok?"

"How are your wounds and bruises?"

Mr. Bayland and Mrs. Bayland ask. 

The bruise seems to clear up on my body. I stared down at my chest where my wound should be, but the wound was closed with only a scar left where the wound should be. 

"I think that I am feeling fine now. Thank you for taking care of me."

Mr. Bayland gave a smirk smile. 

"You don't need to thank us. You should be thanking Lisa. Without her, you will be in the ground by now."

"Father, don't say that."

I turn to look at Lisa as her face turns red.

"Lisa, thank you."

Lisa turned to look at me.

"It no problem, we are friend after all."

"Yeah Lisa, I want to know. What happened and how did I get here?" 

"I don't know how to explain, but I was on my way home from the workshop, one night. When I hear a noise in front of the village gate. So, I went to the gate to see what is going on and that when I saw you walk with a blank stare on your face. Your body was filled with bruises and wounds all over with part of flesh missing."

When Lisa finished her story. I look at her.

"So how long have I been sleeping?"

"About eight days"

"O, yeh."

I smile sadly.

Mr. Bayland and Mrs. Bayland started to leave the room. Mr. Bayland is the village blacksmith, and it is about time when he needs to get ready to go to the workshop and Mrs. Bayland is preparing breakfast. Think back, Mr. Bayland, Mrs. Bayland, and Lisa are a great take on me when I lost my parents with, I was baby. Lisa was cold to me at first, but it all changed when we turned seven. From then on, Lisa began to support me and again, I fell in love with Celia and promised to become one of my wives. 

I turn to look at Mr. Bayland and Mrs. Bayland and back to Lisa.

"Thank you very much for helping me."

Mr. Bayland and Mrs. Bayland turned around and nodded.

"No, problem Setsu. You can rest up before breakfast."

"Yeah, I make some bean soup and bread."

 Lisa's face started to turn red. 

"Yeah, no problem."

I started to smile. Suddenly, my head started to ache with all my past lives memories and experiences that came to me. I am 797548 6E6F6761723F 6E6F53 the fifth, Title Founder, CEO of second organization and embodiment of "The ONE" and all my wives in another dimension. The experience in my dimension and this dimension all combines. I clench my head from the wave memory. Lisa looks nervous as she stands under and tries to comfort me and ask me.

"Setsu, what wrong"

I couldn't answer because pain of the overwhelming pain. Mr. Bayland and Mrs. Bayland turn and look concerned as they see me holding my head. 

"Setsu, what wrong."

"Are you ok."

A moment passes before the pain is gone. I feel a moment of calm. I lift my head up to look the Lisa and Bayland and smile.

"I am fine. I just need to organize some memory."


Mr. and Mrs. Bayland look surprised at each other and begin to leave the room again. 

Lisa stares at me.

"So, what happened to you?"

"It sees that I remember everything."

But I explain to her that I died and wake up to a group of 193 other men and how one of them is the god who created this dimension and possible other world, because there 193 others experience the flow into me and summary of all my memory. Lisa looks confused after I explain the story, but then sad as she understands the meaning.

"So, are you going to be leaving this world?"

I look at her.


Lisa begins to look down again and begins to cry. I put my hand on her shoulders. 

"Why don't you come with me to this other world." 

Lisa looks at me and asks.

"How about my parents? They would like to stay here."

I look at Lisa. 

"Don't worry, if I have the power to return to the other dimension, it doesn't mean that I can't go back to this once again, beside I don't have skill to travel back to my dimension. yet."

Lisa slowly looks up with hope and smiles. 

"You know I love you, Setsu. I always feel jealous of Celia being with you."

"That's fine, I love Lisa, too."

I think back in my memory. I looked at Lisa and asked her.

"Lisa, I forgot my memory, I remember that I have 1,000,000 wives in my original dimension and possibly more in this one from my memories. I not sure if you want loves me after hearing that?" 

Lisa gives me a surprised smile, but slowly gives me a clear answer.

"As long as they are in love with you. I don't mind becoming one of your wives."

I am now confused.

"Why do you want to love a guy who has a lot of wives."

"Because you are not a bad guy and will treat me equally from everyone."

I gave Lisa a soft smile and spoke. 

"Thank you for understanding. Don't worry from now on. I didn't show love to anyone in this world unless Lisa allowed it. I, Setsu, will promise to make Lisa stay happy always."

"Ok" (Lisa answer.)

I take a deep breath and remember about my status screen that which I add when I create this dimension. It allows me to see my status and everything living thing. In some worlds, people use the status screen, but in this world. No one can use the status screen, but me. However, there is a downside to the status screen can't display the history of the user or living things. It can't show status effect of skills or magic on the user or targets. It only shows the user's name, level, HP, MP, Strength, Defense, Speed, Skills/their description/List of Techniques or Method, Magic/their description/List of Spells, and title. 

"Now that I remember something. I need to check my status."

Lisa looks at me with a confused face and asks.

"How are you going to do that? Do you need an adventurer card to do that, and didn't you say the capital takes your adventurer card? How will you do that, Setsu?"

I just look at her and smile.

"This is how."

I pointed at mid-air and spoke.

"Menu open."

A blue screen all at status display there was five-tab, label Status, Editing, Map, Inventory, Setting.

Name: Setsu

Job: None

Level: 5,000

HP: 3,890,000 / 3,890,000

MP: 4,360,000 / 4,360,000

Strength: 331,000

Defense: 389,000

Speed: 397,000

Luck: ∞


Jack of all Trade (Lv. 3), Martial Art (Art of fist and leg) (Lv. 1), Cooking (Lv 2), Camp (Max), Mining (Lv 1), Dagger Skill (Lv. 2), Luggage Carrier (Lv. 4), Acceleration (Lv. 1), Magic Immunes (Max), Elemental Immunes (Max), Status Immunes + Status Protection + Abnormal Immunes + Abnormal Protection (Max), Experience Boost + Multiplier (Max), Limit Break (Max), Language Knowledge (Max)


Cleaning Magic (Lv. 2), Gravity Magic (Max), Spatial Magic (Max), Restoration Magic (Max), Love Contract + Power Connection (Max), Gacha (Max) (Point:0), Online Shopping Magic (Max), Illusion Magic + Illusion Manipulation (Max)

Legendary Skill / Magic:

Creation (Max), Spiritual Magic (Max), Evolution (Max), Concept Manipulation (Max), God Magic (Max- Locked), The One (Max -Locked)


Celia's Former Lover

Former Adventurer 

Lisa's Lover

Former Demon Lord

Former Hero


The One


I started to laugh at my status when I looked at the skill and magic. All these skills and magics look like one I used in the past, but the magic called Love Contract is the one that I don't quite remember and how it works.

"Ha Ha Ha! I can believe that I have all these skills and magic. Ha Ha Ha! Ha Ha Ha!"

 I turned and saw Lisa, confused, looking at me who laugh suddenly.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Ha Ha Ha Ha. Here I show you."

I turn on the show function on the screen and when Lisa looks at my status. Lisa was shocked by the screen popping up with the in mid-air. 

"Setsu, what is this?"

"Oh, this is menu."


"Yeah, the menus, It not a skill or magic. It just a unique function that I create to see the status."

Lisa places a finger on her chin and looks at the statue.

"So, Setsu what are this number and words."


As I start to explain what the menu is and what the words and numbers mean to her. Lisa eyes lift with a surprise look with my explanation.

"Setsu, you are not weak at all. With this status you can even beat the Demon King."

"Yeh, back when I had my adventurer card. All my status were all in second digits or lower. 

I fall back to the bed and sigh. [Setsu thought: Lucky that bed is not broken, so my strength doesn't have any effect on my weight.] I look up to the roof and face Lisa. 

"You know Lisa, even if I have this status. I don't want to defeat the demon king with my stat. It is not my job. It the brave. I just want to stay in this village."

"What are you not going back to the brave party?"

"No, I don't care about defeating the demon king anymore and I just want a slow life in village with you, Lisa."

Lisa's face turned a bit red and turned away from me. 

I stared at her with a smile. 

"Why are you smiling at me?"

Lisa turns around and asks.

"I think Lisa face turn red is cute."

"He he he he he!"

"Setsu, thank you."

Lisa's face stared at me. 

"What if I ask you to defeat the demon king, now."

"Then I will go to the demon king castle and..."

As I open my mouth to answer, Lisa covers my mouth.

"It's ok, you don't have to kill the demon king. I understand you why you don't want defeat the demon king."

Lisa, let go of my mouth.

"Ok, don't worry I will find a way so the village can defense themselves from the demon."

I give a small smile. 

"Right now, I just need a job to support you, I can't be an adventurer anymore. The knights take all my moneys and equipment."

Lisa smiled.

"It's ok, my parents and I can make enough to support us."

"But I can always rely on you and your parents to support me. I need to make money with the skills or money that I have without going through the adventurer guild. I think hunting monsters and sell them to the merchant companies, but I not sure if they will take buy from a stranger without card to proof their identify."

I clench my fist. 

"I will find a way."

Suddenly a voice came from outside the room.

"Come on you two, it's time for breakfast, Lisa remembers today, you need to go to the mountain to collect the material."


Lisa answered as she stood up and helped me get up from bed.

"Thank You, Lisa"

"No problem."

Lisa answered with a smile. Her smile gives me strength and I promise that I will protect Lisa's happiness. Me and Lisa went to the Bayland table. However, I forget that my strength and speed are at the high caviler than average human. So, when I try to take a step. Lisa and I zoom cross with powerful speed and crash to the wall. Lucky, I quickly hug Lisa and cover her head to slow her impact before we hit the wall. As I out my eye, I see we are standing outside the house and with large hole through the wall. Lucky, the house doesn't fall. We stepped back into the room. Lisa looks at me.

"Setsu what happen."

"Sorry Lisa, I forget that my current speed is not its original speed, so I need some time to find a control over."

Then I heard someone rush in the room. I remember restoration magic. So, I quickly, and slowly without trying to not use my full strength, place my hand the cover wall and activate restoration magic (The user can utilize a form of magic that returns injured or damaged living/non-living targets to their optimal state such as infusing life energy into a living being in order to heal it or giving it back its vitality or restoring life in the environment, such as forests or animal life, reconstructing ruins or destroyed buildings, etc. [Limit: It only review time back, but forward. It can only restore the physical effect of the living being or object. So, if you are under the effect of magic or poison. It cannot be removed]), a highest rank spell call time rewind (Reverse time back on a target, which cost 50,000 and any effect of magic on it will cost Level of the original Mana Cost * Level of the original spell levels * Caster Level). When the magic is applied, Lisa looks in shake as the wall begins to reverse all to an un-crack and smooth wall. 

"Setsu, the wall. You just fix the wall."

I give her a smile and bow my head.

"Sorry Lisa, I forgot that my stronger than normal. The spell earlier is called time rewinds. It allows be to restore the wall as it before."

Lisa slowly returns to her normal mood of a smile and hug. I try to pat Lisa's head and try to control my strength. When I place my hand on Lisa, I move my hand across her soft black hair. 

"Setsu, what happen." 

We turn and see Mr. Bayland stand with his arm stretched out.

"Setsu, what happen."

Lisa turned to look at me for my answer. 

"Well, you see. I kind of broken the wall and use my magic to fix it."

Mr. Bayland looked in shock and as Lisa looked confused at me explained the truth. Mrs. Bayland ran in and saw Lisa and me hug. 

"Lisa, Setsu, what happen."

Mrs. Bayland becomes shocked as I explain the same story. Mr. Bayland began to walk to the wall and look at it.

"Setsu, what magic did you?"

"Restoration Magic."

"RESTORATION MAGIC!!!" (Mr. Bayland and Mrs. Bayland shout at same time.)

"Setsu, there are no such thing as restoration magic in world." Mr. Bayland said with a smile. 

"But Setsu is the only one who have this magic." Lisa answered with smile.

"It...It...…...It ......…... amazing."

Mr. Bayland shouted out in excitement and hug me.

"I know that you can have great potential in you."

"Thank you, Mr. Bayland."

"Ok everything, I think it time for breakfast and small celebrate for Setsu recovery."

We turn to see if Mrs. Bayland claps her hand together and smiles like heavenly mother. I know where Lisa goes her friendly smile from and cheer attribute from now. Mr. Bayland began to push me and Lisa to the out-living room which both used as a kitchen. There was a bowl of hot bean soup, and a slice of bread. 

Meat is only for adventurers, aristocrats, or people of royal origin to eat. In this world, monster meat at rank 0 to 1 can be eaten. Rank 1 like the wolf can only be obtained by adventurers and only they can decide who gets to keep the meat. Often, the adventurer will keep the meat to sell at guild for more money, but sometimes not at all. Livestock like cows, chicken, and pig are examples of rank 0, but their meat is sold to guilds for money and not for eating by commoners. Raw material can only be sold at the guild as well or through merchants.

When I sat down at the table, I slowly try to grab a spoon to dig into the soup. [Setsu thought: Setsu makes should you don't break the spoon]. Mr. Bayland looked at me surprise. 

"Setsu, why are you don't you grab the spoon."

I turned to Mr. Bayland and spoke.

"Well, I worry about broking the spoon with my strength."

Mr. Bayland started to laugh.

"Ha Ha Ha. You right and see how you broken the wall and then fix it with restoration magic is amazing."


Setsu and Lisa both Laugh as I manage to grab the spoon. Still, I still have a problem. [Setsu thought: how will I make money to help the village]

Suddenly, subconsciously I activated my shopping magic and screen label "Do you want to sell" appeared.


I was surprise at first but I touch no.

Lisa looks at me confused.

"What wrong, Setsu."

"Nothing, a screen asks me if I want to sell the spoon."

Mr. Bayland and Mrs. Bayland started to look at each other and started to laugh.

"What a screen asks you if you want to sell the spoon." (Mr. Bayland)

"No be stupid, people can sell spoon out of thin-air, you need to going to market to do that." (Mrs. Bayland)

"Yeh, you're right." 

After breakfast, Mr. Bayland, Lisa and I stand up and walk to the workshop, while Mrs. Bayland is get cleaning up. As we walk, Mr. Bayland turn to look at Lisa. 

"Lisa, today you need to go to the mountain and collect ore for the workshop."


"First you need to request a guild in town for some adventurer to come and protect you."


Lisa with smiles. I look as Mr. Bayland looked down.

"I am not sure if we have enough money to pay them. Money is smaller today with the demon king reborn and all. The lord is charging the common people more money in taxes."

"I can go with Lisa to protect her."

I raised my hand to Mr. Bayland's question. 

"You can't do it, but your injury just heals up."

"No problem, I am all healed as I can see. Show my scar to Mr. Bayland.

"Ok, but you best protect my daughter, even if it means putting your life on the line."

Mr. Bayland jokes.

"Yes, I will."

Lisa shies walk away from us and to the workshop to gather the basket. Mr. Bayland was laugh. 

"Setsu, on day you leave the village Lisa feel kindly lonely. And in end, when you return to the half die state. Lisa was cry and pray for you to be alive."

I look down and clench hand. Then I look up quickly and answer. 

"Don't worry Mr. Bayland. I make should that Lisa don't have to been sad every again." 

Mr. Bayland look at me and smile. 

"If you want going to make Lisa happy. You better keep your promise."

I nod. 

"I will."

After I done speak these two words. We have arrived at the workshop. I was trying to walk really slow, but with my speed. I look like I walk in normal speed. Lisa was step out to two bucket and two pickaxes. She hands me one each.

"Ok, time to go."

Lisa said cheerful. 

"Setsu, wait here for second."

Mr. Bayland said as his step into the workshop look around and look happy with his something. 

"Here it is!"

Mr. Bayland pull out a small dagger in leather handler. Mr. Bayland throw me the dagger. 

"Here a dagger to protect my daughter. If you protect Lisa and guide her home, safety. Then you can marry Lisa if you want. Lisa already agreed."

I grab the grab across the air. [Setsu thought: Whoop, lucky the dagger doesn't break].

"Father, don't said that." 

As Lisa face blush red, she tries to walk away. Mr. Bayland start to laugh as I quickly tie the handle to my whist belt and try to catch up with Lisa. [Setsu thought: Don't worry Mr. Bayland, Lisa, You, Mrs. Bayland and this village was kind enough to support when my parent die. I will now protect everyone and make Lisa as happy as possible.]