
I am only 0.5% of Creator

The Setsu is former luggage carrier of brave party (group of chosen people to save the world from the demon king) who was exiled from the party, because the he is weak. However, he found out his only 0.5% of god. Setsu with some of his powers return, let journey with him in this world. (Note: This story was inspired by Japanese Web Novels, Manga, and Anime. There be some lot of self Insert, so WARNING:MATURE CONTENT. I put a link to original story author work that I have consent to use in comment to support there original work. Hope you are in for a Wild Ride!)

HDS79 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Only 0.5% of God

At nighttime, I am limping my way to the village where I am growing up with my friends, Celia and Lisa. It takes about four days to reach me in southern town from the royal capital. All the southern land belongs to Celia's Father. The land was given to Celia's family after her ancestor who earn the title saint hero from God to help defeat the demon lord. Without money to pay for the carriage, my body is wounded by bruises. The only thing that keeps me moving is my memory of my home village that I have raised in and my only left lover, Lisa. As I walk:

"What that noise."

I lift my head to see five wolves larger than bear appear and sprint toward me.


I know that I am too weak to outrun them, so bending my leg and holding up my fist to get into a fight. The first wolf landed at me. I have quickly dodge and back elbow the back of the wolf head. The wolf to the fall to ground. The second wolf springs up, but I quickly swung my arm around the wolf head and with the wax. The second wolf was sent flight right. Finally, I see it. The second is trapping for another three wolves to the attack together. I use all my strength to kick one of them to the other, but with crack. My leg can handle the force and my leg collapse to ground. My body lean forward and with rushing pain. I just had enough time to look up and see the wolves was inches away from me. The wolves landed on me, and they started to bite. I tried punch them off, but one them bit my shoulder. 

Ah ah ahahah

Blood splatter and gut was torn out. I feel my hand and leg slow loss its strength, but I can help by laughing at my situation. Laying there on the ground with the sound of wolves ripping up my meats.

"Ha Ha Ha. It hurt it hurt, ah uh ah ah."

A wolf was biting me. I think back on what happened.

[Setsu thought well, my luck finally run out. To think about it. It's not bad at all; my parents are gone and I lost one of my lovers. Now, my only hope is Lisa can find a husband who is better than me.]

"Best of happiness, Lisa."

I closed my eyes. Wait for one minute or two minutes. The pain is gone, but I don't feel anything. I opened my eyes. I saw a guy look at me. 192 other guys were also standing in front of me. He was sitting on a grave with my name on it. 

"So, you finally wake up?"

"Yes, who are you and where am I?"

He smiles.

"I am 797548 6E6F6761723F 6E6F53, and you are in heaven."

"Oh, you are god, and I am in heaven."

I laugh like crazy with tears in my eyes. 

He gave me a smirk.

"I was joking, you're not in heaven. You are not in heaven but in a reality that I created. I am not God but a Creator or better phase. We are a creator."


I look around.

"Who is these other people here."

He smiles again.

"They are you and so am I."


"Let me explain, you and I are not from this dimension. We are split in different parts when we are transported here from our original dimension."

"So how did you transport here and what transport us here to cause it to split."

797548 started to laugh and joke.

"I kind of built a portal that I destroyed, and someone found my blueprint and they rebuilt it with a few flaws that caused me to split into 200 parts."

I look down sadly.

"So, you want me to join you and return."

"Yeh, but not yet."

I look at and see 797548 nervous smiles.

"Well, we can't right now."

I look shocked as 797548 explain. 

"Well, you see, when we split. I have somehow lost almost all my skills and magic. It causes me to go into a deep sleep. I don't know how long have in been since I have slept. Lucky, I still have a couple of skills and magics left over, but they are my strongest. In addition, I was able to keep most of my Ancient Skill / Magics, but two of them are locked more some reason. So, they can't help getting back to our dimension."

"So, what are you plan."

797548 being to scratch his hair.

"I think that can use some one of you guy have the skill called Dimensional Transformation, but I was wrong. You are last one that I found, but you don't seem to have the skill either. I think that can found the code in portal that I use create to come to this dimension, but I don't where it is."

[Setsu: I just hope that I can see Lisa, again. I wish that I doesn't die, and we can break our promise.]

797548 simply look over to me.

"Hey Setsu, why are you look so sad."

I lift back and tell my story. After I finish, 797548 simply look up to sky. 

"I understand that you hope you feel man. Sometime, life doesn't give you what you want. All you have do is pick yourself up and follow you own path and be happy with it."

I slowly smile.

"Yeah, you are right."

797548 begin to snap his fingers.

"How about this since we don't know where our original skills or original magics are. Why do we look for them? Also, you guy. Why don't you united, and I promise the I will help you gain your wish?"

797548 and I look around and see that all different versions of us nod. Then 797548 turns back to me. 

"Listen Setsu, I will give all skill and magic that I have. All the 198 people here have enough experience points to give you a boost on your level."

"Ah...….. I see, but why not that other version of us has any skills or magics."

797548 quickly glare around and smile.

"Why you see that when I summon new version of us here. Only experience see to will pass through and skills or magics see to disappear somewhere. Every version summons the link to that world is unconnected." Hey, beside we have enough experience to overpower anything in these worlds."

I slow nods. 

"But why are there only 192."

797548 quickly look around and start to count. When he does count, he snaps his head.

"Man, 6 of us possible don't want to united renown. They possible jump back into the portal be more it closed."

797548 start to scratch his hair in frustration. I turn back to me and take a deep sigh. I low down my head.

"Man, we are not having to find our lost skills or magics. Possible is storage somewhere, but we have found our other self as well. So...."

797548 smile and ask me a question. 

"So, Setsu what do you want as your wish."

I take a deep breath and listen to my heartbeat. My only memory of the good time with Lisa and Celia in our village. The day before the brave hero, Hiro, came. I remember seeing their smile or now Lisa smile. 

"I want.... I want... I WANT LISA TO BE HAPPY!!!!!"

As I lift my head.


797548 stretched out his arm.

"Ok then, we will gain the power to achieve that goal. We will Lisa be happy, always."

I bow to 797548.

"Thank You."

As I lift my head, I see the other different version of me nod in agree to help me. 

"No problem, we are you anyway." 

797548 said as he lifts up his hand and suddenly, a white magic circle appeared.