
there's something strange in the neighborhood

Standing at the entrance of the alley is a woman who came out in the morning to take out the trash, and looked about thirty years old.

After dumping the trash in the garage, the woman approached and looked at Robin and Lin Qi, " I have never seen you two before, are you street children?"

Lin Qi looked left and right, one male, one female and one dog, all are quite in a state of poverty. "It seems like it yes."

Robin pursed her lips and eyed the woman cautiously.

" Ugh, it's because of that wretched Gold Roger! Over the past couple of years, more and more of you kids became homeless... My poor brother has also gone mad, shouting every day that he is going out to sea to hunt for some treasures, and left his family to become a pirate! After so long, not a word..."

The lady cursed in a low voice at the " Devil " who was executed two years ago in the East Blue Loguetown, and was called the King of the Pirates.

The words that guy spoke before he died have brought about an era of chaos where pirates are running amok!

The lady wiped the corner of her eyes and sighed: "Are you children hungry? Come, come with me back into my house and have some warm soup."

Robin would very much rather turn around and escape. But when she thought that she had lost her Flower Flower Fruit Abilities... How can she still escape? How far can she run and for how long will she be able to get away?

As soon as she thought about it, she felt disheartened and depressed.

All because this boy, stole her Devil Fruit Powers...

" Sure, auntie!" However, this boy smiled and said, "I'm so hungry! Auntie, you are such a nice person!"

Auntie...?! The lady was not happy, but looking at the boy's charming little smile she couldn't help forgive him!

She laughed and beckoned Robin to come along, saying kindly " You poor thing, you come too."

Robin wants to run, but her feet just wouldn't move.

All of a sudden, a hand nudged her on her back.

Robin stumbled a step forwards.

It was my abilities... Robin thought sadly.

Lin Qi walked out of the "battle armor" he was wearing that only he can see and said a few words to B.I.B. in a voice that no one noticed. The latter nodded silently, its white eyes flickered.

Eventually, Robin and Lin Qi were led out of the alley by the lady, and arrived at a house nearby.

The stray puppy circled around a few times and then followed along.


Inside the house, at a wooden table.

Lin Qi and Robin were each served a steaming bowl of delicious soup and a loaf of bread.

"It smells good!" Lin Qi took a deep breath, he was really hungry, because this body had just been dead, so he took a loaf of bread and took a big bite off the bread and drank a mouthful of soup, Lin Qi felt that he was alive again.

Robin nibbled on the bread, but she was distracted. The woman served them food, and then went to the kitchen. Robin used to habitually use her ability to " bloom " and grow " ears " on the wall to eavesdrop on the homeowner's conversations, so that she could instantly escape when things went south... Then she realized yet again that she no longer has the power of the flower flower fruit.

At that moment, her left palm suddenly " bloomed ", and a " mouth " grew, it opened and closed, letting out the voice of Lin Qi " Hurry up and eat, if you don't start eatingv now, there will be no more time later. They are talking about you in the kitchen, whether you are really worth 79 million!"

Robin was shocked. The boy had already used the ability to " bloom " ears in on the kitchen walls to listen in?

But how come he's so skilled at the Flower Flower Fruit!


In the kitchen next door, the woman restrained her voice and excitedly exclaimed: "I told you my eyes are not wrong! The girl in the alley is really the devil's child!"

Beside her, was a man was holding a wanted poster, and the picture was of a skinny girl with black hair - "Devil's Child" Nico Robin!

Bounty of 79 million Belli!

It's 79 million Belli!!!

I was just going out in the morning to take out the trash, and got lucky. A couple of pleasant words, the girl was lured to the house... It's a walking 79 million Belli money bag!!!

" But selling a girl to the Mafia or the Marines ... isn't a good idea?" The man was torn as he squeezed the bounty and murmured indecisively, "I do not see how the girl ... could possibly be a vicious criminal. ... She is quite miserable... ..."

The woman yelled, "You-!" And she lowered her voice, " Stop speaking nonsense! She is a what? A Devil's child! That hateful Gold Roger is the devil, she is the son of the devil! Just think, can she be anything else? Why are you saying it's not a good a idea? WE are doing this for good! And besides, it's 79 million!!!" And then lowered her voice even more.

At the same time, the woman opened the kitchen cabinet and pulled out a small hunting rifle from it.

The people of the West Blue have a strong culture of Mobsters, which is evident in the aggressive nature of the people.

The woman shoved the small hunting rifle into the man's arms, " I will go out and report, and you control the two of them! That boy is mixed up with the Devil's Child, he must not be any good either! How about getting the Gunpowder people to get rid of the two of them?"

And at this moment in the ceiling above their heads unnoticed, a total of thirteen "ears" forming a circle, and listening to the conversation with a full range of perspectives on the man and woman below.

At the same time, the two of them talked in a hushed voice, there was a black body, left arm blue flame pattern, right arm red flame pattern, chest white inverted triangle of "steel battle armor"... silently observing their conversation all the time...

The woman walked out of the kitchen, with a vegetable basket in her arm and kindly said " Hehe, Auntie has to go out to buy some vegetables, and to entertain you..."

" Woof! Woof!" The stray puppy that was licking the hot soup at Robin's feet suddenly barked at the woman who was preparing to go out the door.

The woman laughs and pushes the door to leave, but suddenly her foot went airborne, and she topples over, bang! Falling head-on at the bottom of the stairs, and fell on a dog's poo, knocking out two big teeth, bleeding!

The woman was confused!

What tripped me?

She covered her bleeding mouth, tears of pain bursting out of her eyes, and hastily got up, turning around and seeing the boy and girl at the table were still enjoying their meals, or eating desperately as if dying of hunger! The boy, whose mouth was full of bread as well as hot soup, asked confusedly, "Auntie, are you alright?"

"Yes, I am alright..." the woman smiled and hurriedly climbed up, but didn't get a firm footing, and slipped on the spot.

Thud! This time not only did she lose another tooth, but she also accidentally bit into her tongue.

"Ah!!!" The woman finally lost her composure and shrieked through tears, " What in the world is this..."


A gunshot came from inside the kitchen. The woman who was in a state of panic got scared and sat on the ground paralyzed.

A man was shouting in terror from the kitchen: "What is this, what is this! Get away! Get away!!!"

In the kitchen, the man rushed out wielding a kitchen knife, his face is filled with terror.

And behind him, a small hunting rifle floated in the air, as if controlled by an invisible ghost, closely following, with the muzzle pointed at the man.

"You, whatever you are don't you come over here!!!" The man waved his kitchen knife in fear.

But suddenly his wrist seems to be held tightly by something! In the man's panic the kitchen knife in his hand immediately fell off, and yet it did not hit the ground, it suddenly suspended in mid-air!

The kitchen knife floated up, in front of the woman, the woman screamed and shrank to the side.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the man who was pale, the man was muttering " I was stupid, I should have never listened to you, I was stupid ..."

Lin Qi quietly gave B.I.B a thumbs up, who was holding the kitchen knife with the left hand and the right hand holding the hunting rifle, and then said seriously: "Auntie, Uncle, are you being attacked by a ghost?"

Robin at the side gaped, Lin Qi assumed a serious expression and said, " You guys are lucky though, I am a decent Ghost Buster!"

Ten minutes later, Lin Qi left with a "Ghost Busting" fee of 79 million, and a with the " meal discount ", received an actual amount of 79 000 Belli - with Robin who was holding the stray puppy out the window.

(t/n: they actually recieved only 79k beli and not 79M beli.)


FeatherLitePencreators' thoughts