
When even Iron Man also blooms

The Black Powder Security Company, in one of its many rooms.

" Several members of Gunpowder " are gathered together and are discussing the reports they have received last night as well as this morning.

There was a copy of Nico Robin's bounty on the table. The bounty of 79 million Belli, which was a very tempting sum.

"The Devil's Child has not left the island and is still out there!"

"She absolutely must be found!"

The Mafia members in black suits conversed with each other.

As a rule, this kind high bounty amount is mostly found on the Grand Line, all of which the bounties in question are extremely dangerous and fierce criminals. Although the " Gunpowder " group is the largest force in West Blue at the moment, they would still not go looking for trouble with this type of criminals . Even if you have the skill to make trouble with that kind of powerful criminals, it's better to go stick to making more money instead.

But by chance, "the devil's child" Nico Robin is not some dangerous monster from the Grand Line but just a weak eight-year-old girl.

Though they do not know why the fools in the Marines are offering up such a high bounty for such a little girl, But money is money and one that is so easy to grab, who can't be tempted when they see it?

"This is outrageous, they are not putting us 'Gunpowder' seriously, huh? Everyone knows that in the kingdom of Noel, South Cango Island is our territory!" Someone exclaimed, "Those damn punks!"

" Boss, she is only an eight year old brat, she may not have any idea about organizations like ours..." someone commented.

" Also the ' Bullets ' has been pushing too aggressively as of late, it is very hard to say whether this Noel Kingdom will still be ours in the future... " Another person voiced his worries.

" Whose fucking side do you guys think you're on, you morons?!"

Talking about the West Blue Mobsters, everyone is afraid of the " Bullet " group, especially the " Bullet " group's young boss that in recent years has been nicknamed the unrestrained Capone Bege. The topic of discussion is sometimes twisted.

The Gangs have a long history of rivalries, disputes, land grabs, and scramble for business deals with each other... especially Capone Bege, who is ruthless son of a bastard, his favorite operations is the assassination of a rival boss, and sometimes not even from a rival group, just taking off the leader of an organization! It is rumored that he simply enjoys the chaos that follows in the wake of removing the other party's leader from the picture.

What a nutcase! This kind of indiscriminate scum can attract their grudge more than a little girl with a Marine bounty.


A large hand slammed down on a piece of paper over Robin's bounty, " Knock it off!"

A sketch of a boy with short black hair is outlined on paper, alongside which are a few brief lines of text that describe his features: age of about 12 or 13; charming features; crafty personality; and suspected of having the ability to be on control of ghosts or evil spirits in the form of a Devil Fruit, it is recommended to shoot him first to make him incapable of action...

" Make more copies of this portrait and send them to the others, and make sure you find them both-especially Nico Robin!" The man barked, " Also, pay attention to the port areas, don't let those two brats slip into passing merchant ships and fishing boats."



" Wait a minute, while I get in the mood..."

Outside of the town and on the road to the island's largest town. Along the river, Lin Qi said, taking deep breaths and putting himself in a proper mental state.

And next to him stood the black battle armor stand B.I.B.

When using the power of the flower flower fruit, Lin Qi had a question, through the substitute ability of the stand, taking out the devil fruit's power from Robin and injecting it into his own body. So, What Lin Qi understand is that the basic characteristics of his stand is to be an exact "copy" of the Stand User, can it also be able to be done with the power of the flower flower fruit?

The answer is no, it cannot.

Not for the time being.

Because Lin Qi soon realized that the state of the current B.I.B, is a "copy" of his own body before falling asleep in the alley last night. And he absorbed the flower flower fruit "chip" and obtained its abilities after B.I.B had been released.

(Tn. To those confused, it basically means Back in Black has a passive ability that perfectly copies the Stand Users Attributes during the summoning. While its hands has the ability to extract and store things, that we know include Devil Fruit Powers for now.)

In other words, to know whether B.I.B can copy the power of the flower flower fruit, Lin Qi must first recall the Stand, and then Summon it back...

Recalling the Stand...

Lin Qi fingers crossed, ignoring the previous workout at the home of the pair of well intentioned man and woman, or even the night of just guarding him in the alley standing B.I.B at this moment has accumulated physical "fatigue"... and Lin Qi took a couple of deep breaths and said to the battle armor: " Black, I am ready. Do it!"

All this time Robin, who was watching: "..." She was totally lost on what the boy was up to. Black? Who is Black? Is it that the name of that spirit of his?

At this point, B.I.B was already following the command of the Stand User, and turned into an illusionary form and retreated back into Lin Qi's body.

Lin Qi's whole body ruthlessly fought a cold war!

His features are scrunched together and seem to be enduring an unspeakable feeling... with the return of the Stand his body has received the additional fatigue, and memories, in the form physical and mental stress which gave Lin Qi a double " dose " of Tiredness and Stress. In an instant, Lin Qi's back was covered in cold sweat.

Robin was more confused, what was this boy playing at?

Enduring a moment, Lin Qi couldn't wait to summon B.I.B out again.

After the black battle armor appeared again, Lin Qi sat on his butt on the grass by the river, and said tiredly: "Come on, now give it a try."

B.I.B silently nodded, according to the flower flower fruit power found inside the Stand User's body to " copy " and to use its instinctive knowledge, it moved its hands, and near Robin's feet bloomed and soon it grew a blue flame patterned " armor " arm.

"Woof!" The stray puppy that was licking the water at the river barked at the strange hand that emerged from the ground. Robin was also startled, what was this thing?

The arm was created by the power of the flower flower fruit? But that boy's hands did not look like this!

"Oh, you can see it?" Lin Qi see, nodded while sitting, " because it was created with Devil Fruit power therefore even ordinary people can see it..."

He himself also signalled, so next to the arm of the "battle armor" at Robin's feet bloomed and an additional hand of Lin Qi was created.

The two hands are holding each other like in an arm wrestle position. A clear sense of tactility, transmitted through the hand created by the ability to Lin Qi's real palm.

The sense of "entity" created by the Flower Flower Fruit is shared with senses of the person who has the ability. If not, it would not be possible to eavesdrop by creating "ears" nor see by creating "eyes".

Lin Qi, at this moment is thinking, since B.I.B substitution can even copy the fruit ability..., then if he learns the Armament Haki, Observation Haki and so on, it should also be able to perfectly "Copy" and use it, right?

"By the way, if you can use the Devil Fruit ability - will you also become a Hammer in the water?"

Lin Qi suddenly realized a serious problem.

Devil Fruit users, are rejected by the sea. That is, if you are immersed in a large amount of sea water, you will not be able to use your abilities, will feel powerless and unable to swim.

They become hammers! But it does not matter anyway, Lin Qi has a Stand It can help him if he drowns. But if even the Stand also became a Hammer, then its no longer a laughing matter!

Lin Qi a pointed next to the creek, ordered the Stand said: "Go on and try..."

B.I.B. automatically obeys the Stand User, and is about to jump into the river after hearing the command.

"Wait!" Lin Qi suddenly thought, if something happens to this guy, it will behave like a person weakened by the sea water flowing through the river, and become weak and uncomfortable. Then after recalling the Stand, isn't the only one who is going to suffering in the end is him? He hurriedly held B.I.B and persuaded: "Just go down the bubble with both legs, the main thing is to try the effect..."

I hunger... for Mcdo 2pc Chicken Meal!!!

FeatherLitePencreators' thoughts