
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · Fantasy
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62 Chs


With just Tian Wei's voice, the carriage carrying Qing Quang erupted in a magnificent explosion, causing shards of wood to scatter in a spectacular display. Dust billowed up, enveloping the area in a cloudy mist.

Xuan Yi and Qing Fu, stunned and petrified, remained grounded by the unyielding force of gravity.

Reflecting back on the events, Xuan Yi realized Tian Wei had indeed crossed into his True Form phase. In the confines of the inn, Tian Wei had imposed a gravitational pressure to keep Xuan Yi rooted to his seat when he attempted to flee.

Conflicting emotions swirled within Xuan Yi—uncertainty mingled with a glimmer of exhilaration. Miss Qing, on the other hand, felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy. To have someone, a stranger no less, fight so fiercely to protect her was a testament to the profound feeling of being cherished.

The expressions on Xuan Yi and Qing Fu's faces transformed from sheer terror to a mix of awe and relief. A subtle, trembling smile began to take shape, mirroring their conflicting emotions. They couldn't help but feel that this time they were genuinely rescued.

Tian Wei was aware that he was pushing his body beyond its limits, but since he had already embarked on this path, he resolved to see it through to the end.

His countenance suddenly tightened, indicating that something was amiss.

In an instant, an immense surge of energy erupted from Tian Wei's body, unleashing a powerful shockwave that dispersed the lingering dust, revealing the shattered remnants of the carriage.

The once dignified carriage now resembled a battered cart, its roof and sides reduced to ruins. The horses, startled by the chaos, had fled in panic.

Seated upon the wreckage were not just one, but two individuals concealed in doupengs and adorned in black and red hanfu.

As the dust settled and the gravity pressure subsided under Tian Wei's counterforce, Qing Fu, now in a state of shock, narrowed his eyes in an attempt to identify the mysterious figure besides Qing Quang. Xuan Yi, too, found himself taken aback. If this unknown person possessed comparable strength to Tian Wei's, their odds had suddenly shifted.

"Hehe..." Zhou Baisheng, who had been standing at a distance with his arms crossed, appeared unfazed and let out a derisive chuckle. "Qing Fu, Qing Fu, don't cling to false hope. These scums cannot save you through their audacity alone."

"Young man, you have some nerve, I'll give you that. I have extended courtesy but you return my kindness with arrogance. Don't think because you have crossed into the True Form phases, you can offend my clan. Do not confuse my patience for weakness," Qing Quang retorted in a taunting manner.

"And you, Zhou Baisheng, you scoundrel! Now that you are sheltered behind your companions, you dare to flaunt your arrogance. Was it not you who cried out for 'help' in front of Tian Wei just moments ago?" Xuan Yi found his courage and spoke with conviction. "And as for you, arrogant woman, you are the one that mistake Tian Wei's patience for weakness. He has yet to reveal even a fraction of his true strength. Once he does, there will be nothing but a vanquished corpse for you to bury."

Xuan Yi's words weren't mere stubbornness or bravado. He recognized the likelihood that both individuals on the carriage had also reached the True Form phase.

While he understood Tian Wei's ability to surprise with another move, it was wiser to err on the side of caution and bluff instead.

Tian Wei hoped that Xuan Yi's bluff would prove effective. Engaging in a fight with his human body, which had not fully transformed or gained significant strength, would indeed pose challenges. Moreover, unleashing his true sword spirit to its full extent would invite the attention of a god, a confrontation that would surely result in his demise.

"Well, today isn't a very bad day to die. Let's see who will visit their ancestor first," Qing Quang proclaimed with determination.

With a swift kick, she propelled herself off the remains of the carriage and ascended into the air. Extending her spear before her, it began to spin wildly, gathering momentum. She then withdrew her hand, poised like a javelin, channeling her entire chi into propelling it towards Tian Wei.

A surge of energies enveloped the surroundings, transforming the land into a turbulent sea of power.

The crackling energies reverberated through the air, darkening the day, while fierce gusts of wind howled relentlessly.

As the final fragment of Tian Wei's power clicked into place, Tian's Sword, forged from golden chi, materialized with a seismic wave of energy rippling outward.

The sword floated before his face, its tip aimed directly at the javelin spear hurtling toward him with all of Qing Quang's might.

The spear sliced through the air, leaving behind a trail of energy like a blazing comet. It surged forward at a speed faster than sound, threatening to pierce through anything in its path.

Tian Wei raised his index finger, which turned like pure gold. And he tapped the hilt end of the sword.

The moment his finger made contact, a tremendous explosion of power erupted. A shockwave spread outwards that razed everything in its path.

The impact of the contact of finger and the sword's hilt was as fuel for the sword. Propelled by this force, the sword shot forward like a blazing rocket, its spin slightly enhanced.

The ground shattered, and trees were torn asunder by the immense shockwave. Fortunately, the onlookers had wisely fled. Indeed, where the gods are locked in battle, why would a mortal wish to be a witness?

The rattan vine shield conjured by Xuan Yi proved futile against the collateral shockwave, evaporating like water on molten lava.

Similarly, the second layer of glass-like energy shield summoned by Qing Fu crumbled like fragile paper. Only a golden shield, materializing out of thin air, safeguarded their petrified forms from instant death.

As the sword, crafted from chi, clashed with the spear, a second surge of energy erupted, causing the ground beneath to fracture and sink. It was as if a comet had crashed onto the land, leaving destruction in its wake.

The spear proved futile against the might of the sword, shattering into countless fragments.

Qing Quang, visibly horrified, was thrown back by the sheer impact, left torn, battered, bleeding, and coughing. The shockwave alone had dealt her such a devastating blow.

Meanwhile, the sword, having vanquished the spear, continued its swift trajectory.

It was at this moment that the other figure, veiled in black and red, sprang into action.

Holding a single green bamboo leaf between his two fingers, he launched it forward like a dart.

It did not have any destructive force.

It was just a single bamboo leaf flying astonishingly fast like an arrow. It felt deft and gentle and it gave the feeling of spring.

I need your support and encouragement. Leave a comment, review or vote. I need to know I'm not doing a terrible job writing this.

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