
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · Fantasy
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62 Chs

True Form

The cultivation phases were divided into mortal realm phases, immortal realm phases, and celestial or god realm phases.

It was extremely rare to encounter anyone who had reached the immortal realm phases. Those that reached the immortal phase ascended into the immortals and gods realm.

The mortal realm phases consisted of the following stages: body refinement, energy gathering or foundation establishment, tempered veins, tempered bones, true spirit (also known as spiritual awakening), perfect body, perfect spirit, followed by tribulation and ascension.

The realms beyond tempered bones were known as True Form phases.

Once someone entered these phases, their chi became incredibly dense, to the point where they seemed to possess their own gravity.

In their full strength, anyone below the tempered veins phase could not stand, while even those in the tempered veins phase struggled to maintain their footing.

In this awe-inspiring demonstration of power, Xuan Yi's feet faltered, and he fell to his knees too. At this moment, he regretted venturing to this remote place.

Even his whistle summon would prove futile in this isolated village. If he were closer to home, he could blow it and call for help. However, stranded so far away, he had to rely solely on his wits — which, since meeting Tian Wei, seemed frustratingly elusive.

Even his clan name might not evoke the fear it would be closer to his home. This town was too secluded, far away from the real world. The only people this village knew were the Yang, and understandably so, the Yang were a vicious clan.

If Qing Quang intended to kill them it was only a matter of thought. He was a mere weakling in the middle of the Energy Gathering phase.

And while Tian Wei was strong enough to beat Zhou Baisheng, he would truly die of shock if Tian Wei could stand against this kind of power.

Their defeat here was decided. They might as well plead mercy and count their losses. Qing Fu may have been a newfound friend, but she was not someone he was willing to sacrifice his life for.

Furthermore, he did not consider himself a righteous saint who would die for the sake of justice.

Tian Wei could feel the power of Qing Quang. In his mortal flesh, he knew he did not have the strength to challenge her.

He could hear the ground calling to him, his muscles urging him to descend.

However, touching the ground would lead to immediate defeat. Transforming and fighting in his true form might attract unwanted trouble, with so many eyes present—the gods themselves could be alerted.

With little choice left, Tian Wei mustered his strength, his body radiating a strange and majestic golden hue.

From his hand, a golden sword began to manifest, forged from his gathered chi. As each shard of ethereal energy seamlessly integrated into the sword, the air crackled and churned.

Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place, each shard clicked into position, releasing explosive bursts of high energy.

These eruptions sent shockwaves rippling through the surroundings, creating a tremor that reverberated in every direction.

The weather fluctuated, oscillating between a gentle breeze and a fierce, untamed wind. Tian Wei hovered slightly above the ground, his hair tied back in a ponytail and his flowing billowing robes swaying with the shifting elements.

Despite the ever-changing weather, his gaze remained steadfast and calm, his impoverished appearance, in this moment, looking astute and godlike.

Before their eyes, a sword made of chi was being brewed, leaving the onlookers stunned. If their jaws hadn't dropped when they first felt the power of Qing Quang, they certainly dropped now.

It was extremely rare to witness such a display of power in this remote corner of the world. Whether it was horror or amazement that gripped the onlookers remained uncertain.

Nevertheless, it was evident that this little village had caught the attention of the gods. Powerful forces had discovered it, and now, before their very eyes, a real battle unfolded.

No one could match the Wangs in terms of power, and due to the weakness of everyone else, the Wangs had never truly engaged in combat. As a result, these mesmerizing and terrifying phenomena had never before unfolded in front of their eyes.

Those who bore witness to it felt both blessed and unlucky. They considered themselves fortunate to have glimpsed true power, yet unfortunate to have been caught in the crossfire of such immense forces.

"True Form," Xuan Yi murmured in astonishment under his breath. His heart froze, his hands trembled, and his breath became labored with surprise.

The clouds churned and amassed above them, casting a foreboding atmosphere.

The onlookers realized it was no longer safe to simply witness this spectacle. Even if they desired to stay, they knew that their lives hung in uncertainty before such overwhelming power.

The burgeoning strength of the chi sword beckoned the lightning to bear witness. The churning clouds seemed to be in a state of hysteria, unleashing flashes and rumbles that quickly filled everyone with terror.

Resisting the compulsion that forced them to their knees, they hastily dragged themselves away.

Once they had put a considerable distance between themselves and the unfolding chaos, they sprinted as fast as their feet could carry them.

Embedded within the very fabric of the villages, there was a profound saying passed down through generations: "When powerful gods are locked in battle, why would a mere mortal desire to stand as a witness?"

It served as a cautionary reminder, urging them to seek safety and shelter when confronted with such cosmic clashes. For mortal eyes were not meant to witness the raw might and cosmic fury unleashed when deities or powerful beings clashed, for the consequences could be cataclysmic.

And Tian Wei and Qing Quang were no less like gods before them. If there remained a thought for self preservation, any wisdom at all, they had to bolt. And that they did.

"I told you, don't make me repeat myself," Tian Wei's voice boomed, tearing through the crackling air. As his command reverberated, the small wooden carriage disintegrated into splinters.

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