
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Cold words

Xuan Yi and Qing Fu found shelter behind a shimmering, golden, near-transparent energy shield, while Qing Quang and a horrified Zhou Baisheng sought refuge behind a similar, greenish field that was nearly transparent.

As the green bamboo leaf met the mighty chi sword, it seemed as if the world had come to an abrupt end for all who witnessed the clash.

A shockwave erupted, like a burgeoning explosion, expanding in a spherical pattern.

Wave after wave of cataclysmic and destructive energy swept out, leaving the surrounding area, spanning hundreds of meters, charred and lifeless.

Not even a blade of grass remained standing.

Floating on one side like a god, Tian Wei emanated a glow, his finger gleaming in radiant gold while the rest of his body emitted a subtle, ethereal faint golden glow.

On the opposing end, a figure dressed in red and black hanfu, adorned with a doupeng, hovered in the air. Wisps of a greenish hue emanated from their form, accompanied by a few drifting bamboo leaves, as though caught in a gentle breeze.

With a beckoning gesture from Tian Wen's index finger, the surging burst of energy gradually subsided, and he deftly caught the sword in his hand.

Simultaneously, the person in the doupeng successfully called back the green leaf to their side.

"First sword," Tian Wen exhaled, his voice filled with a mix of reverence and awe.

Raising his hand to his face once again, Tian Wen's second finger began to turn a resplendent golden hue. However, before he could continue, the person in the doupeng spoke, interrupting the tense atmosphere.

"Let us halt here for the sake of the village. This journey was not intended solely for the retrieval of Miss Qing," they said, their voice carrying a note of finality, and they turned to depart.

"Yeah, run—" Xuan Yi's voice rang out, his triumph overshadowing caution.

But before he could utter another word, a powerful force struck him in the abdomen, sending him hurtling backward. He couldn't even catch a glimpse of who had struck him.

The doupeng duo and Zhuo Baisheng turned their backs and left. Zhuo Baisheng's face was a mixture of regret, awe, and anger etched on his face.

He felt as though they had suffered a significant loss of face in this encounter, and a lingering sense of missed opportunity hung in the air. The reasons behind the sudden retreat remained unclear, leaving him conflicted.

As Tian Wei gracefully descended to the ground, his gaze shifted to Xuan Yi and Qing Fu. One carried an expression of immense gratitude, while the other winced in pain.

Without uttering a word, Tian Wei passed by Qing Fu, his focus fixed, until he stood before Xuan Yi. The intensity in his eyes sent a shiver down Xuan Yi's spine, making him feel the urge to run, to hide. He understood the gravity of the power he stood before, especially being so far from home.

"My name is Cheng Di, a disciple of the Yang Sect, and I shall come to retrieve the Ten Thousand Sword Tempering skill" a voice called out from a distance. It was the person in the doupeng.

Xuan Yi's heart sank. The odds of encountering a member of the prestigious Yang clan were incredibly slim, and their chances had turned against them.

A sense of horror gripped him, and he knew they had to flee as swiftly as possible.

The Yang Sect never made empty threats.

As Xuan Yi pondered the retreat of the mysterious individual, he realized that it wasn't due to a realization of their own inferiority against Tian Wei. There was another reason, one that certainly didn't involve fear.

"Are you waiting for me to carry you up?" Tian Wei's voice broke Xuan Yi's train of thought, drawing his attention to his still-wincing form on the ground.

Xuan Yi hastily stood up and dusted off his clothes. This person was his benefactor, and he felt compelled to show his gratitude. Yet, he also recognized that this encounter had inadvertently brought doom upon himself.

By Tian Wei drawing attention to the Yang Sect, they he unwittingly invited a terrible fate upon them.

"Master Tian Wei, I must express my deepest gratitude—" Qing Fu began, her voice filled with sincerity, only to be interrupted as Tian Wei lifted his hand, signaling for her to stop.

"That won't be necessary. You bring too much trouble. Find a suitable opportunity to depart," he said coldly, his words cutting through the air like icy shards.

"Miss Qing, we have already been bound by fate. It's best if we stick together now," Xuan Yi spoke up, defending Qing Fu as he smiled warmly at her.

Despite Qing Fu's mysterious past, it was preferable to be in her company rather than being tethered solely to the cold and overwhelmingly powerful Tian Wei.

The trio walked away in silence, treading upon the charred and heavily scarred surface. It was only when they had retreated to a considerable distance that Tian Wei coughed, his knees buckling as he struggled to maintain his balance.

The toll of the fight had taken a significant toll on his body. He needed to improve his skills swiftly, while also allowing himself time to rest and recover from today's injuries, replenishing his strength.

Xuan Yi and Qing Fu swiftly rushed to his side, fully comprehending the weight and burden that the battle had placed upon Tian Wei.

They silently acknowledged the fortunate retreat of Cheng Di.

If the confrontation had persisted, Tian Wei may not have been able to endure the relentless onslaught.

"Are you okay?" Qing Fu asked with concern etched on her face.

"I just need to rest a little," Tian Wei replied, his voice betraying hints of fatigue.

"I'm afraid we can't afford to rest for long. The Yang Clan is known for their vengeful and relentless pursuit. Once they finish dealing with the immediate matter that brought them here, they will surely come after us swiftly. And we cannot discount the possibility that Cheng Di has already alerted the sect to send reinforcements," Xuan Yi cautioned, handing Tian Wei a greenish recovery pill.

"Our priority now is to create a substantial distance between us and avoid the obvious routes," Qing Fu added, her voice resolute.

They faced a critical decision. They could either traverse the rolling plains, which provided open space but lacked hiding spots, or opt for the treacherous Frozen Canyons.

While the canyons offered hiding places and obstacles to evade pursuit, they also posed great dangers due to their formidable terrain.

However, it was the only viable choice, considering the inevitable pursuit by the Yang Clan.

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