
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · War
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39 Chs


Luo Wen thought about it carefully again, but fortunately his "worm life" was not long. Even if counting from "birth", it hasn't been long until now, and it can be recalled in a while.

Could it be that the genes carried by the body itself are activated? like digging feet? This is not impossible, but what is the use of this thing?

It's not good to be unable to independently choose to activate certain gene segments, and it's a big headache to make a whole thing. At this time, Luo Wen urgently wants to grow up and grow into a mature stage, but it was impossible at that time, which required a long time and accumulation.

Thinking back to "Insect Life" again, apart from seeing a few kinds of insects, the types of food are also pitifully small. Rhizome sap, white bugs, black algae, ants, black beetles, camouflage bugs...

Wait, Rowan turned his thoughts backwards and noticed the new discovery, ants?

Then I thought that I also ate a mouthful of foul-smelling earthworms. Although most of them were spit out, who knows if I absorbed any messy gene fragments.

It's not right after thinking about it. Stinky earthworms don't have this kind of abdomen, and there are obviously two types, so they should be ruled out.

Neither did the ants, and the clue went to a dead end again.

Luo Wen doesn't believe in evil, this big butt can't appear for no reason, there must be traces to follow.

He also remembered that every time he evolves, he evolves what he needs most, so what does he need most now? Need a big ass? Isn't this bullshit?

Suddenly, Rowan thought of the philosophical question that he seemed to have been thinking about for a long time when he saw the black beetle attacked and killed by the camouflage bug that day. Could it be the problem?

Can the individual alone go to the strongest ultimate, ignoring everything? But on the road to the strongest, before becoming the strongest, there will always be some kind of weakness, which will be targeted by some means. So, before becoming the strongest ultimate, is collective power needed?

These questions made him dizzy at the time, and he thought for a long time but couldn't find the answer.

But if you take this as a deeper point and follow it, Rowan guesses a terrible answer.

He has already given the answer to the question deep in his heart, that is the power of the collective.

And Luo Wen is now alone, and he can't even see the shadow of a fellow clan. Where can he seek collective strength?

Then the answer is ready to come out...

But Rowan didn't want to accept it, it wasn't what he wanted.

Thinking of the previous seniors who seem to have taken the single-handed force route, I have no worm education, no worm control, and relying on my own groping, I really went astray.

The predecessors have not gone through this route, so naturally they will not leave gene fragments. Then the root of the problem still lies in oneself.

The biggest possibility he thought of was the ants. At that time, he picked the body closest to him first, then he went up to take a head for the second time, and picked the biggest one for the third and last time...

Could that be the body of the queen ant? Luo Wen didn't know much about it, but he knew that queen ants usually hid deep in the nest and never went out.

However, it seems that all ants carry the queen gene, and after the death of the queen, without the suppression of certain pheromones, they will mutate into the queen.

It is also possible that the separated Queen Ant took her followers and was cut in two by the black armor "God of War" as soon as she went out, so those ants attacked wildly at that time, fighting to the death and never retreating. Damn, this plot can be written novel.

But that's the habit of the ants in my hometown. Although they look similar here, I don't know what they are.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out. Even if I figured it out, the matter had already become a fact, and it was too late to say anything.

Deep in his heart, he chose the power of the collective, and solved the problem of being alone for him very intimately...

But the solution turned out to be to give him a production organ and let him give birth by himself!

In fact, what Rowan really rejects is not the choice of collective strength. To be honest, he himself has been cautious these days, living like walking on thin ice, and he also wants a few companions, at least for a while.

But he can't accept this method, doesn't this mean that he has become a female insect? This is a matter of dignity as a man, and there must be no compromise!

But now that the deal is done, what can be done.

Rowan was a little confused again.

Thinking about problems made his brain hurt, and mental work seemed to consume a lot of energy. In addition, he had just woken up, so he quickly replenished a wave of food.

"Go find some food first, and only when you are full will you have the strength to think about problems."

Although it is said to think about problems after eating food, in fact, what is thinking in the mind is not so easy to control. Sometimes the more you don't want to think about it, but you can't help but continue to think about it.

Therefore, along the way, Luo Wen was absent-minded and kept thinking.

In fact, this problem can be easily solved if Luo Wen is mature, and it will be fine if he just degenerates. But now he is just a larva and does not have such ability.

However, the successful case of replacing licking mouthparts with chewing mouthparts gave him new hope and ideas.

At the beginning, he was the one who always resisted and complained about the mushroom-shaped lick-sucking mouthparts. Later, as soon as there were new gene fragments, he immediately replaced them.

So now that he strongly resists the reproductive organs behind his butt, is there a chance to degenerate into its original form?

The thinking is very clear, the purpose is very clear, Luo Wen's eyes are lit up, and the digging is much more vigorous.

He didn't go to the surface, and now his bloated and clumsy figure goes up to the waves to give away his head, and he will be reported.

So he just randomly found some roots of plants in the ground, and he ate very little because of his shrinking stomach. After filling his stomach in a hurry, he immediately turned back to the small cave dug out temporarily.

Since it hasn't been too long since he just woke up, Luo Wen lay on the ground and couldn't fall asleep for a while.

He still doesn't know how this evolutionary function works. Does it have to be a deep sleep? Won't start when awake? In an instant, many questions popped up in his mind.

As the saying goes, a sentence is passed on in truth, but thousands of books are passed on in falsehood.

He has a lot of questions that need to be answered urgently. Now, if someone can come up with a few words, he won't be in such a miserable situation, confusing himself with sex...

It's boring to think about problems at leisure, he plans to study this new organ a little bit, and if it doesn't degenerate, he has to know it well.

In fact, he was also very curious about it.

Curiosity is the number one driver driving direction. The first step for a girl to like a boy is to become curious about him.

And if an insect becomes curious about a certain organ on its body, what kind of sparks will it create?

If he is curious, he will explore. Rowan sensed slightly that this new organ is connected to the end of his abdomen.

There was a small hole there, and he thought it was an excrement opening before, but after a fight and lost the last three knots, the small hole naturally disappeared.

The small hole that had disappeared after healing did not know when it would grow back.

But Rowan has only drained water so far, and it still drains from a hidden hole in the middle of the abdomen. So, the one behind the butt has never been used, and I don't know what function it is.