
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · War
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39 Chs

The birth of the brood, the beginning of the swarm

Now there is another big guy behind this small hole, and Rowan finally felt the effect of this small hole.

He can transport the food he eats into this big guy through this small hole. His abdomen is now squeezed like a compressed biscuit, and the food that can be stored in it has decreased a lot.

So, most of the food he eats goes to the new organs, which get the food and convert it into energy. As for what effect it can have after absorbing energy, Rowan doesn't want to try it.

If an egg is really born, it will be ruined.

If he doesn't try now and pretends not to know, there will still be room for redemption. But if the conjecture is really turned into reality because of curiosity, he said that he cannot accept the consequences.

While thinking wildly, time passed quickly, and he finally fell asleep.

In his sleep, Luo Wen dreamed of the big guy behind his butt, with a hole opened at the end, and then sprayed small bugs outward, while he was looking at them kindly.

It was as if a bucket of ice water had been poured all over his body, freezing from head to toe, and Luo Wen woke up with a frightened expression on his face.

The scene in the dream was too terrifying, if something like that really happened, he would really die to show his ambition.

It took me a while to get over my fear, but my body still felt very tired, which is a sign of lack of energy reserves.

Luo Wen was not surprised but happy, this is a manifestation of another change in the body!

He checked his head, chest and back first, but there was no change, nor did he increase in size.

He let out a sigh of relief, fortunately, the energy that disappeared was not wasted elsewhere.

Then, he looked at his abdomen with full expectation, and what imprinted in his eyes was the abdomen that had returned to normal from the shape of a compressed biscuit.

But what surprised Rowan was that the new organ was still connected to the back of his butt.

A question mark appeared on the forehead, what is this? Simply restore his stomach back? What is the use of this besides making him longer and clumsier? Is it because he didn't die fast enough?

However, then he felt a slight difference.

With a thought, the new organ fell off from the buttocks and became a separate entity, placed on the ground.

Then he moved his butt over the hole above the new organ, snapped, and it reattached to Rowan's body.

Luo Wen was shocked, he could only lament the brain hole of evolution ability at this time!

In order to prevent him from self-destructive tendencies, but also to enable him to have collective strength, he chose a compromise method and actually made this new organ a detachable device.

Luo Wen just wanted to shout six six six at this time.

From then on, he can use this new organ as a machine. In a critical moment, he can also pull it away like a cart.

In this way, his integrity is preserved.

No matter what others think, anyway, Luo Wen believed it himself, and kept hypnotizing himself, making him believe in this statement.

Now that the most critical moral issue has been solved, Rowan's desire to explore new organs also exploded at this moment.

He studied its function with great interest.

After some groping, he got a general understanding.

First of all, it is still a living body and needs constant energy replenishment to survive.

It has an independent food digestion system and energy conversion system.

The method of feeding can choose to connect him directly with the small hole on the buttocks, and then transport the food in. There is also an option to dispense food directly into a funnel-shaped receptacle on its side.

Rowan said forget about the first option, there is only one feeding method for this new organ.

It does not have its own independent will, and all codes of conduct are subject to Rowan, and Rowan's will is its will. This is also easy to understand, after all, it belongs to Rowan, and it fell off from it.

Rowan said that this information will be kept strictly confidential in the future.

And Rowan doesn't matter which part of the body, the head, the joint limbs, including the buttocks, as long as he touches it, he can operate some of its functions.

Its function is just as Rowan guessed, it is to produce small bugs. It shares all of Rowan's gene fragments except the ability to evolve, and can combine them arbitrarily to produce corresponding bugs.

And this function has another advantage, which gives him the ability to view the gene fragments in his body in disguise. For example, he discovered that he had indeed obtained some gene fragments of black beetles, which was a small surprise.

Of course, the new organs do not have the ability to prey, and all energy needs to be provided by Rowan.

Even so, it still made Luo Wen shout "Awesome" in his heart.

Soon, he will also be a worm with a younger brother.

However, we can't always call new organs and new organs that way in the future, as this will reveal some secrets. So, it needs a new name.

Rowan thought about it, and called it the "brood" from now on!

A very vivid name.

After determining the name, the next step is to test its performance.

Luo Wen was eager to try, but at this time his stomach was empty, so he went to replenish food first.

He was worried about leaving the brood alone in the cave.

The brood itself doesn't have any attack and defense capabilities. If something breaks in here by accident while he's looking for food, and then gnaws on the brood and destroys it, he won't have a place to cry go.

No way, in the end he shamelessly linked the brood to the back of his butt, dragging it along.

Climb up along the passage where you went out to look for food before. Although this is a temporary excavation, and many places on the road have collapsed, it is much less labor-saving than digging a new one.

Arriving at the rhizome of an unknown plant, Rowan began to supplement food.

After he was full, he began to think of a way to feed the brood. In fact, he had a convenient and efficient choice at this time. However, he would not choose to do that.

He had no choice but to bite open the rhizome to suck a little juice, and then spit it into the funnel-shaped absorber of the brood. The process is somewhat difficult to describe in one word, so I won't describe it in detail here.

This method is extremely inefficient. After working for a long time, the brood didn't collect much energy, which made Luo Wen exhausted.

During this period, Rowan kept touching the brood to see if the accumulated material could produce a bug.

The bug he originally designed was based on him, and added some strong genes of the black beetle.

The oxygen supply system of the black beetle is not much more advanced than that of Rowan, but its internal muscles are more developed, which can squeeze oxygen to farther places, so it can support his huge body.

Later, when I thought about it, I might as well just make a black beetle with added ingredients.

It's a pity that the materials needed to make such a bug are simply amazing.

Moreover, the conversion energy ratio of substances contained in juice is very low. According to Rowan's current efficiency, he would have to work for a long time to collect enough energy.

This is completely different from what he had imagined before. If this is the case, not only will the brood not be able to help him, but it will also slow down his own growth rate.