
I am a Mage! Not a Cultivator!

25-year-old Jessica died in her world. A god took pity for her because of her circumstances. They granted her any wish that she desires. Wanting to be a mage for once, Jessica voices out her wish. The god granted her wish and provided her a system. They sent her to the other world, but an error occured, and she ended up being reincarnated in a world of cultivation. All Jessica could do is to train her magic, but everyone will call her a demon or a witch.

Theodore_Mariano · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Three way Showdown

Entering the portal, they arrived in the Dungeon. But they are not alone. The Blood Flame Sect soldiers followed them. "Kill them! Bring their heads to Elder!" one guy shouted. Zhang Jiao and Jessica makes a run for it.

While running away, an arrow flew to Zhang Jiao. He is fortunate enough to not get hit. "Atta Ahmarika!" shouted by a female voice. Jessica knew what is up ahead. "Elves!" she shouted in a panic. Suddenly, barrages of arrows fly to their position. Jessica is able to reflect the arrows by using Thunderbolt. They are completely surrounded.

"Listen up Mortal. You take on those Mystical Creatures with your techniques. I'll deal with the Blood Flame myself." Zhang Jiao suggested calmly. "Roger that Jiao!" shouted Jessica. The two separated for a while.

Zhang Jiao is standing on the way of the Blood Flame Sect disciples. "You... You're Zhang Jiao!" they shouted. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Come, meet your maker." said Zhang Jiao menacingly. He unleashes a powerful aura that sends fear to them. Their movement became sluggish, thus making it easier for Zhang Jiao to throw Flame Talismans at them.

Meanwhile, Jessica is looking for the Elves. They are nowhere to be seen. "Where the heck are these elves?!" she shouted angrily. She is considering using Fireball to burn the Forest. But the trees don't get destroyed because of the system rules. All she could do is reflect all arrows that flies on her way. "Is there any spell that can help me track them?!" she muttered in a panic. She wants a Tracking Spell.

She opened her system and checks the Skill category. She quickly browse all skills while under suppression. "This is..." said she. Seemingly she had found what she is looking for. She used her SP to unlock that skill and upgraded it to level 3. "Critical Eye!" she shouted. This is not a Mage Spell.

This technique is a Hunter Skill that increases critical chances on marked enemies. There will be icon to show who are marked. Since she is in battle, she used Critical Eye to find the elves. They got marked and the icon showed up. They are moving pretty fast from one position to another. "Wind Cutter!" she shouted.

Wind Cutter is a wind based skill that sends a cutting wind that propels forward to the enemy. Plus, this skill is invisible to the naked eye. The elves did not expect to get hit by something. Some of them got knocked out from single hit because the Critical Eye powered the spell. Jessica finished them off with Thunderbolt. This netted her big amount of experience up to 12%.

Zhang Jiao defeated most of the disciples. "You're still fighting when everything you have is lost?" asked by an ominous voice. An old man appeared in the scene. His clothes are in better fashion than the disciples. His snake like eyes pierces whatever it gazes upon. "You're looking better like always, Huang Zhu." said Zhang Jiao sarcastically. "Well now, aren't we joyful for our meeting." said Huang Zhu.

"It appears this place is a grave for either one of us." Zhang Jiao said as he prepares more Talismans. "Relying on mere trinkets. You're still the same spineless coward who betrayed your own Sect." Huang Zhu as he begins to charge up. The disciples surrounded both of them to ensure that Zhang Jiao cannot escape. "Blood is thicker than water, Brother Huang." said Zhang Jiao as his eyes glow red.