
I am a Mage! Not a Cultivator!

25-year-old Jessica died in her world. A god took pity for her because of her circumstances. They granted her any wish that she desires. Wanting to be a mage for once, Jessica voices out her wish. The god granted her wish and provided her a system. They sent her to the other world, but an error occured, and she ended up being reincarnated in a world of cultivation. All Jessica could do is to train her magic, but everyone will call her a demon or a witch.

Theodore_Mariano · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Zhang Jiao versus Huang Zhu

Surrounded by the enemy, Zhang Jiao's only option is to fight the Elder of the Blood Flame Sect, Huang Zhu, whose Realm is Late Ensoulment Stage, just like him. He is physically more stronger as he holds a sword in his hand. "Zhang Jiao, it is time for you to cease to exist." Huang Zhu said menacingly.

He leaps forward and slashes Zhang Jiao. Zhang Jiao reacts but it was a mistake. It was a thrust. Huang Zhu is able to injure him. For payback, Zhang Jiao rips out Freeze Talismans to slow Huang Zhu's movement. Although slowed, Huang Zhu is still fast. He doesn't seem to be shivering from the cold.

"Did you forget what I have?!" he shouted arrogantly. "Of course I do. You're Unique Fire Spiritual Root." Zhang Jiao answered. Huang Zhu's Unique Fire Spiritual Root enables him to channel fire in order to use Martial Art Techniques. His sword is currently burning hot, repelling the cold from the Freeze Talisman.

Flame Talisman won't work on Huang Zhu. He will only absorb it to recover himself. Huang Zhu begins to attack. Zhang Jiao passively defends from all attacks. The first strike to the head, the second strike to the stomach, the third strike to the chest. Zhang Jiao is jumping backwards to avoid being hit, yet the flame from the burning sword burns his skin.

Huang Zhu is getting impatient and called over his disciples to stop Zhang Jiao's movement. Zhang Jiao counters this by setting up a formation during the time he passively defending. Four glacier appeared in the corner, forming a square. It's cold froze the disciples in place, in addition of further slowing down Huang Zhu's movement.

"You bastard! How can you use Four Pillar Ice Spike Formation?!" Huang Zhu shouted in anger. "Your narrow view of the cultivation world blinds you. I am one with 5 Spiritual Roots." Zhang Jiao answered. Zhang Jiao is a Cultivator possessing the 5 Spiritual Root: The Fire, The Wood, The Water, The Earth, and The Gold. His cultivation is significantly slow to progress due to the fact that he needs to absorb 5 types of qi at the same time.

But if given time, the 5 Root Cultivator has many advantages over a 1 Root Cultivator. Zhang Jiao is significantly older and experienced than Huang Zhu, who increased their Realm faster from absorbing the Fire Spiritual Root. The fact that they are in the same Late Ensoulment Realm meant that Zhang Jiao has advantages on other elements than the Fire Spiritual Root. And has the ability to use Mutated Spiritual Root.

The combination of the Water Root and the Gold Root enables him to use Ice Root. One of the rare Spiritual Roots that can only be used by Dual Root Cultivators. "Damn you!" Huang Zhu roared in anger. He charges at Zhang Jiao with all his might, using all his strength to smash him into half. "Shallow Waves cannot destroy the bamboo, but deep still water can drown it." said Zhang Jiao.

He meant that anger will make his cut shallow, so he will be submerging him with water. He released another formation, the Water Prison Formation. Huang Zhu is imprisoned in the Ball of Water. No matter how hard he tried he used his fire, it only be extinguished. Huang Zhu slowly drowned to death. "I am the Master of None. Patience and Humility is the key to ascension." said Zhang Jiao before proceeding to eliminate all disciples of the Blood Flame Sect.