
I am a Mage! Not a Cultivator!

25-year-old Jessica died in her world. A god took pity for her because of her circumstances. They granted her any wish that she desires. Wanting to be a mage for once, Jessica voices out her wish. The god granted her wish and provided her a system. They sent her to the other world, but an error occured, and she ended up being reincarnated in a world of cultivation. All Jessica could do is to train her magic, but everyone will call her a demon or a witch.

Theodore_Mariano · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Elven Garden Dungeon

Entering the border of the Evil Sect, Blood Flame Sect, Jessica and Zhang Jiao sneaks past the patrol. This greatly favors Jessica for she is not emitting any qi for the patrol to sense. Zhang Jiao sticks a Concealment Talisman to himself, hiding his cultivation base. "This way." said Zhang Jiao.

They walk to the pathway to the left that leads to ledges. "We have to climb down to reach the cave easily." said he as he clears the path. Jessica follows. The area is strangely too dark for some reason during daytime. But to Zhang Jiao, it is a cakewalk. His eyes are like an owl. They can see in this darkness. "How can you see in this darkness?" asked Jessica. He answered, "This formation is set by some idiot. Easy to bypass."

They eventually reached the cave. It is faster than Jessica anticipated. "Here they come." said Zhang Jiao as he hold the Talismans. A group of men appeared holding spears. "Intruders!" they shouted. Jessica takes a deep breath then prepares her spell. "They asked for it." she said as she grinned.

"Water Splash!" she shouted. A ball of water appeared in front of the charging enemies. This ball exploded from pressure, causing a popping blast that injures them. It is like a grenade shrapnel piercing one's skin, but with water. Zhang Jiao syncs with her attack by applying Freeze Talisman. The water that was doused on the enemy froze to solid, ensnaring them in place. He has good awareness and intuition.

"That's the Witch! And that man is from that Sect! Kill them!" they shouted. Their body emits red aura that makes them enraged. They are faster, tougher, and stronger. "What the?!" shouted Jessica with her mouth open. "This is their Forbidden Technique. Body Tempering Technique will cause their body to burn qi in order to temper themselves. They absorbed qi from others so they never suffered from the after effects of the technique." explained Zhang Jiao.

The enemies are pressuring Jessica. "Back off!" she shouted angrily. She used the Thunderbolt spell and electrocuted them to crisp. Zhang Jiao fires Flame Talismans that finishes them off. "Do what you need to do, quickly." said Zhang Jiao. "On it!" said Jessica.

They entered the Blood Flame Sect and searched every corner of the location. They encountered numerous disciples on the way, with Jessica successfully knocking them out with her spell. Zhang Jiao is simply observing her while fighting. "A Mortal that can use spells without the use of Talismans nor qi. This is quite an anomaly." said he.

"Found it." said Jessica. Zhang Jiao raised his eyebrow in confusion. There is nothing there but a dead end. "System Check." said Jessica while waving her hand in the air. The system reads:

The dungeon is called "Elven Garden". Exploring the land and defeating the monster boss will net you more experiences and money. Please confirm if you want to enter by pressing the "Confirm" button. We wish you luck.

She pressed the "Confirm" and the mana begins to surge into a gateway to another realm. Zhang Jiao is quite surprised. "This is a secret realm. A place where we collect exotic items. It seems that this Mortal has the ability to summon them by force." Zhang Jiao said in his mind.

Jessica looks at Zhang Jiao and willfully asked, "Do you want to join my party, Zhang Jiao?" The system prompt popped out in front of Zhang Jiao. It is a foreign object he never seen before. He can read the texts and understand what they meant. "Obliged." said he as he pressed the "Confirm". He is now a Party Member.

Just like Liang Ri, Zhang Jiao's status appeared overhead. His Realm is Late Ensoulment Realm. "What is that over your head? Jessica Torrez?" he asked. Jessica explains the details of what it shows. "Hm. Your given name is placed at the first part. You are clearly a foreign being." he commented as he looks at Jessica from head to toe.

Jessica is wearing a garb that resembles a modern hoodie with a blue flame symbol at the back. A head dress with blue and black horizontal stripes. The stylish arm guards. The stylish boots. And a blue translucent scarf that glows in the dark. Her accessories give mana points for her and her garb gives her physical defense. At first glance, there is a sword tied to her hip. But looking closer, it is a fake sword. Zhang Jiao wonders what is the reason why Jessica is holding on a fake sword with no practical use.

"There! And is that a secret realm gate?" shouted by one of the disciples. They got spotted. "We're going in, right now!" Jessica shouted as she shove Zhang Jiao with her strength. To her surprise, she can't push him. Instead Zhang Jiao pulled her wrist and jumped to the portal ahead. She yelled from the pain.