
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

The secret location within the Magic Nightmare Forest had unexpectedly emerged, and a group of individuals blocked their path, presenting a significant obstacle for William. Meanwhile, Lao Wang from the neighboring city contemplated escaping through the door while William was preoccupied.

In response, William decided to return home first. As for the Dragon Blood Legion, he determined that it was best to temporarily set aside the matters concerning the Dark Devil's Cave, as his current capacity was insufficient to address it adequately.

William dedicated himself to enhancing the Dragon Blood Legion through various means. He recognized that the Legion's capabilities relied heavily on his own efforts. However, he understood that venturing alone into the secret land was unwise. Thus, he selected Diablo and Burned Cinder to accompany him.

Meanwhile, Old Leather expressed a desire to study under the old man of time, and Annie possessed considerable strength and luck. Still, William hesitated to involve her out of concern for her safety. Instead, he contemplated having her assist the Dragon Blood Corps by providing guidance on their missions.

William was acutely aware that the individuals obstructing the space rifts possessed formidable strength and abilities. He couldn't help but reflect on the fact that those who could interact with gods and reincarnations were undoubtedly powerful. Their skills and strengths likely rivaled his own.

In essence, the situation signaled that the secret location they sought was exceptionally perilous. Yet the more perilous it appeared, the more William's determination to confront it head-on grew.

From a logical standpoint, this situation underscores the extreme peril of this hidden location. However, the more perilous it appeared, the more determined William became.

Before long, William led Burned Cinders and Diablo to the Nightmare Forest, following precise coordinates. They journeyed northward for dozens of kilometers until they arrived in a fog-filled valley. Here, they encountered a rift in space that seemed on the verge of crossing into the human realm.

However, within the thick fog, concealed eyes observed William and his uninvited party. One figure emerged from the fog, donned in blood-red armor, and spoke in a cold, commanding tone, "Leave this place."

Another man, dressed in a white robe with a hat shading his eyes, adopted a more polite tone and urged, "Adventurer, this isn't the place for you. Depart."

A third individual, adorned in a golden, battle-worn armor, sneered as he inquired, "Why don't you take a look at the corpses on the ground?" This man seemed to belong to a bygone era of mythology.

Accompanying this group was Delosis, who upon seeing William, rolled his eyes and appeared disinterested in engaging.

William, unfazed by the presence of the Blood Armor, Blue Moon Man, and Reincarnations of the Gods, grinned and snapped his fingers, signaling something was about to happen. In an instant, countless swift and synchronized sounds reverberated throughout the valley.

In the blink of an eye, a legion of Professionals filled the valley, comprising equal parts masters and high-level individuals, all belonging to the Black Leaf Elves. These were the personal guards of William's mother, led by a seemingly middle-aged Elf named Douglett, renowned as William's mother's ace guard.

Douglett was an Epic Level field warrior, and his appearance silenced the Blood Armor, the Blue Moon Man, and the Reincarnations of the Gods. The absolute authority he exuded was overwhelming, shattering their pride and haughtiness.

The words they had uttered earlier felt like hollow boasts they were now forced to retract, a bitter pill to swallow.

William addressed the situation confidently, stating, "What's going on in my territory? Who allowed me to leave?" He approached the space rift, emphasizing his control over the situation.

The Blood Armor, Blue Moon Man, and Reincarnations of the Gods remained silent, contemplating their next move and reconsidering their previous intentions.

Delosis, however, noticed a hint of uncertainty in William's eyes and awkwardly remarked, "Isn't this the Lord of Dawn, William Blackleaf? It's been a while."

William, adopting a friendly tone, approached Delosis and embraced him warmly. Delosis, his expression conflicted, responded, "Brother, I'll give you some advice. Don't push too hard if you want to enter. Only we can open this door."

William patted Delosis on the back and asked, "Wouldn't it be interesting to form a team?"

Delosis replied with disinterest, "Not interested."

William accepted his response with grace, and they parted ways, resuming their previous expressions of indifference.

The others present paid little attention to this exchange, and Delosis refrained from providing further explanations. The complex history and conflicts among the three parties would require delving into the mythical era to fully understand.

While many mysteries persisted, it was evident that these individuals had been present since the mythical age, appearing cyclically throughout history. Their ambitions rivaled the dragons, yet their endeavors often ended in failure.

One of the Blood Armors finally broke the silence and addressed William, "Are you the Lord of Dawn, William Blackleaf, the Prince of the Black Leaf Elves?"

William, with an amused expression, replied, "Well, there seems to be a flaw in their judgment. They could use some reevaluation."

The Prince then inquired, "You recognize me?"

A cold response came from Xuejia, "I've heard of your name. You should be in the far north now."

William, his eyes narrowing, retorted, "The homeland is in turmoil. Shouldn't my Lord return to assess the situation?"

Miss Xuejia fell silent, leaving the atmosphere charged with unspoken tensions.

Instead, a Blue Moon man approached William with deliberate grace. He removed his hat from his pocket, revealing a countenance that bore no resemblance to the intelligent beings of the gods. While their facial features resembled those of humans, their pupils formed crescent moon shapes, and their skin emitted a soft blue glow.

This young man exuded a cool demeanor, crafting a smile that curled at the corners of his mouth. After a brief salute, he addressed William in a distinct Continent dialect, "Since you are William William, the one who vanquished the son of darkness, you are welcome to join us in this world. However, I must caution you – ordinary soldiers cannot enter, and Professionals beyond the master's level may not only cause significant trouble but also trigger the collapse of the alternate dimension. In such an event, all of us would meet our demise."

William, with a smile hiding his thoughts, responded, "I appreciate your warning. Can you please provide some insight into this so-called 'divine world'?"

The three Blood Armors from the Temple of Killing paid little heed to the conversation. The alien man simply shook his head coldly, signaling his reluctance to elaborate.

The young man beside Delussis regarded William intently. He looked upon the sky with an air of superiority, casting disdainful glances at those around him. He declared, "We cannot unlock the legacies left behind from the mythical age without your presence. It's a matter of luck."

William refrained from boasting about his own luck. However, he couldn't help but ponder the question – how high were their own luck values? He had recognized their identity earlier.


The Son of the Sun God.

A member of the divine branch of the Light System, Badlit carried the blood of The Supreme God within him. Despite his heritage, he had remained sealed until now. Badlit was known for his domineering personality, fiery temper, and overwhelming pride. Temples across the continent had pursued him relentlessly.

The reason for the Temple's reluctance to deploy additional resources against him was connected to their other objective – the creation of a deity.

Before William could respond, the space crack began to exhibit signs of collapse. Instead of expanding, it was gradually shrinking. In response, each of the three groups had a member cut their palm, offering their blood to draw strange runes with the power of their souls. These runes were then consecutively inserted into the space cracks.

As a result, the space cracks absorbed these runes and slowly began to expand once more. The expressions of those who had opened the door changed to varying degrees.

While the door had been opened, its true nature remained a mystery.

The mythological era had left behind numerous different spaces. Many of these doors didn't just lead to alternate dimensions; they could also transport one to sinister realms, including the abyss world, the inner world, the dark world, or even the three moons. Time had passed, and the continents of the gods had been torn apart, their geography dramatically altered through countless world-shaping battles.

The opening of this particular door was intricately tied to the Black Dragon slain by William. As a mysterious organization tracing its origins to the mythological age, the Temple of Killing Gods had the ability to discern doors on the verge of opening. Upon receiving the information, they had been the first to arrive at the scene.

However, they had encountered an issue – they couldn't open the door independently. They required a descendant of a god or a god's reincarnation to collaborate with the Blue Moon people in order to cast a Spell to unlock it. This was the primary reason for their current collective approach.

As the space cracks continued to expand, they slowly took on the appearance of a doorway. The three groups chose to enter in sequence.

William narrowed his eyes, preparing to enter. However, Burned Cinder suddenly interjected, "What if we block the door and seize the treasures when they emerge?"

William, taken aback by Burned Cinder's clever suggestion, responded, "You have a sharp mind, but some things cannot be taken. Moreover, who's to say that the entrance is the same as the exit? Let's dispense with talk and proceed." William stepped back, allowing Burned Cinder to lead the way.

However, as the three groups entered the door, there was no sensation of traversing a spatial threshold. It was as if they had passed through a curtain of water. What awaited them on the other side was a horrifying world enveloped in blood fog.

William recognized the environment immediately – it was reminiscent of a valley with spatial rifts, much like the Magic Nightmare Forest.

The other three groups followed suit, remaining in the area. It appeared they were waiting for William, not with the intention of harming him, but to bolster their chances of survival.

Upon witnessing this scene, William couldn't help but exclaim, "Indeed, my luck may be lacking."

In this new world, the Abyss World, they had ventured into dangerous territory willingly, and their predicament seemed more challenging than they had anticipated.

This unexpected twist had caught them off guard, but based on their method of opening the door, the level of danger within this realm might not be excessively high. It could potentially hold remnants of treasures from the past.

"I'd like to introduce ourselves. I am Blood Armor Nine, this is Blood Armor Six, and over here is Blood Armor Three," one of the Blood Armors from the Temple of Killing Gods announced, Pointing to the other two individuals in succession.

William raised an intrigued eyebrow. The woman was still considered Blood Armor Three? That was quite an achievement. Under the auspices of the Temple of Killing Gods, there were already a few individuals who had managed to attain the level of Blood Armor Three. However, Delosis and Badlit seemed a tad perturbed. They gazed at the trio of Blood Armors with a mix of resentment and mild irritation. It was as if they were silently insinuating that these individuals looked down upon the Temple of Killing Gods. 

In response, William mused, "Seems like you think rather poorly of the Temple of Killing Gods. With the 'alliance' between the reincarnation of gods and The Son Of Supreme God, aren't even one or two of you sent out? Quite a handful, I must say."

The Blue Moon group also had three members. The cold, young man scanned the surroundings warily, uttering bird-like sounds. The luminescence on their skin promptly dimmed, a clear attempt to avoid drawing attention.

The young man introduced himself, "You can call me Lanze, the Son of the Blue Moon."

Upon hearing this, the others exchanged glances, clearly pondering the significance of being the Son of the Blue Moon. Among the gods, there were three moons – the Blue Moon, Green Moon, and Purple Moon. Lanze's identity as the Son of the Blue Moon added an interesting dimension to his character.

Nevertheless, as they stepped through the door, it vanished from their view. Their primary goal for the day was to make the most of their time. If they couldn't secure what they sought, they needed to locate another door promptly. In the era of gods, multiple doors often remained available for exploration. 

Even the Son of the Blue Moon should exercise caution in this realm, given that it was a world steeped in resentment, evil, curses, sin, and countless horrors. Every negative aspect of the gods seemed to converge within this realm.

In response to the ominous atmosphere, William the prince decisively picked up the enigmatic dark stone, instantly transforming into a demon of small stature. After all, the abyss world had a connection to the dark world, making a demonic form more advantageous than that of a Half-Elf.

Ember and Diablo gazed intently, while the others regarded him with expressions ranging from stoicism to slight pity. It was as if they were silently asking, "Old friend Iron, is there anything else you'd like to add?"

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