
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 397: World in Blood Mist

Chapter 397: World in Blood Mist

In the abyss world, there was no day, only perpetual night. The sky was dominated by a blood moon, its dim glow barely illuminating the world below. The atmosphere was thick with a crimson mist that obscured vision.

Deep within a valley, the blood mist swirled, making it difficult for anyone to see beyond a few meters. However, William possessed keen vision, allowing him to discern objects up to 100 meters away. This enhanced perception was a valuable asset, enabling him to detect danger ahead of others and potentially gain a few extra minutes of life by outpacing it.

William couldn't help but wonder about the potential adverse effects of this blood mist. Would it be harmful to their health? He glanced at the properties panel and found reassurance that he wouldn't go mad from exposure in just a few days.

The group reached the entrance of the valley, gazing out at the forest enveloped in the eerie combination of blood moonlight and crimson mist. They exchanged glances as a blood-armored figure moved to take the lead.

Delocis, who had raised an eyebrow earlier, seemed about to voice something but held his words. Instead, he followed closely behind the blood-armored leader, and William, too, silently followed suit.

As the first blood-armored individual stepped out of the valley entrance, a sudden calamity befell them. A massive, nightmarish leg descended from the sky at a frightening speed.

The blood-armored warrior reacted swiftly, activating a protective shield and drawing their sword to defend against the looming threat. However, it was too late. The horrifying leg pierced through the warrior's mouth, exiting through the other end, leaving them lifeless and grotesquely contorted.

In the face of this gruesome scene, Delocis, as if guided by instinct, swiftly swung his blade, severing the elongated leg that impaled the fallen warrior. He then reached down and retrieved the detached limb.

What they had encountered was a colossal blood-red spider with countless eyes. Its severed leg dripped molten substance as it fell to the ground, eventually disintegrating into pus.

The spider was no ordinary arachnid, measuring over six meters in length, adorned with numerous legs and three menacing, fanged maws. As it tumbled to the ground, it turned its many eyes towards the group, a sinister aura emanating from its presence.

The unfortunate blood-armored warrior was beyond saving, their body mutilated from the spider's attack, and they had drawn their final breath. In a pragmatic decision, Blood Jiali swiftly crushed the warrior's skull and stored the body in a spatial ring.

Blood Armor Three reacted swiftly, transforming into a crimson blur that charged towards the monstrous spider. She skillfully evaded the spider's ensnaring silk and agilely dodged its sharp limbs, all the while cutting the creature in half with precise strikes.

With surgical precision, she dissected the spider into pieces, ensuring it posed no further threat. As she completed her task, the two other blood-armored warriors arrived on the scene.

Blood Armor San's cold voice broke the silence. "You were aware of the danger here. Why didn't you stop him?"

Delocis, still bearing the mantle of wrath, retorted, "Why should I have stopped him? If we turn on each other here, we'll all meet our demise. It wouldn't be in your best interest, would it? You're no god anymore, and you can't leave without us."

Delocis raised an eyebrow and glanced at Blue Moon and the inhabitants of Dawn City, implying that cooperation was their best course of action. Eventually, he nodded and added, "Alright, I'll lead you out of here. But you must follow my lead without question."

With that settled, Delocis guided the group out of the valley. They trod carefully through the blood mist, following in his footsteps. Delocis continued to explain the unique challenges of the abyss world, emphasizing that in this realm, adaptability was key. Creatures from the abyss world that ventured to the surface adapted to the rules of the gods' world, becoming stronger and more resilient.

In contrast, those entering the abyss world had to adjust to its harsh environment. Their physical attributes, such as defense and vitality, were far less effective here compared to the gods' world. However, their weaponry, like the sword in Delocis's hand, was exceptionally potent.

Here, only the most skilled professionals could hope to survive. Ember and Diablo exchanged a knowing glance, realizing the gravity of their situation. William, too, understood that the rules of the abyss world differed significantly from those of the gods' world.

While health and defense remained unchanged, any damage inflicted here was 100% real. William, in particular, had a unique buff that reduced the effectiveness of his rough skin defense. All creatures in the abyss world shared this vulnerability, with only a select few capable of mitigating real damage.

Despite these challenges, the group pressed on through the mist-shrouded forest, noticing that the monstrous trees shared a resemblance with those in the Mojo Forest. This spatial overlap between the two regions was curious, and Delocis wisely led them on a detour to avoid potential dangers.

He then raised a question: "If this forest shares trees with the Mojo Forest, does it mean there's also a spatial overlap here? Is that why we can't find the 'door'?"

The group pondered these questions until Delocis revealed his own theory. He speculated that the door might have been removed or taken by someone, leading to their current predicament.

When William proposed that he knew the location of the door, the group's attention turned to him. His reputation for resilience and resourcefulness had preceded him, and his knowledge of the door's whereabouts piqued their interest.

However, they didn't resort to force. They recognized that William's presence had significantly improved their chances of finding the door, making it unnecessary to resort to violence. They also recalled recent rumors and records of William's remarkable abilities, acknowledging that he was not easily defeated.

With the decision to cooperate made, the group ventured further into the abyss world, led by Delocis and guided by William's knowledge. They encountered various hostile creatures along the way, but Delocis skillfully led them around these dangers, avoiding unnecessary confrontations.

The law of survival in the abyss world was simple: devour or be devoured. Abyssal creatures thrived on this principle. This explained why the enchanted forest was not teeming with monsters, as it was in their nature to eliminate competition.

William observed their surroundings closely, noting how Delocis navigated the group through the dangerous terrain. He realized that there was a delicate balance between avoiding confrontation and maintaining forward momentum. In this world, only the strongest professionals could hope to survive.

Their journey continued until they reached a dilapidated city entrance nestled within the forest. On the city gate were four crooked characters: "Dark City."

It became evident that the spatial overlap had not only brought elements of the abyss world to the gods' world but had also allowed some features of the gods' world to manifest in the abyss. The dark steel gate of the city stood ajar, marked by numerous scratches, and the entire city was shrouded in the same blood mist.

Eerie sounds echoed from within, with strange and unsettling breaths emanating from the city. The warning signs were clear: entering the city would be fraught

 with peril.

Despite the dangers that lay ahead, all eyes turned to William, who held the answer to their quest. It was he who possessed the knowledge of the door's location within the Dark City.

With a reluctant sigh, William realized that the fate of his territory, Nightmare Forest, hung in the balance. He couldn't afford to let it fall into the abyssal creatures' grasp. 

"I have no choice but to complete this mission," he muttered to himself. He couldn't let one of his four cities be abandoned. Thus, he stepped forward and addressed the group.

"The door is inside the Dark City, but we must proceed with caution," William cautioned. "Let's try to avoid unnecessary conflicts as we make our way to the door."

The group looked at him, skeptical of his intentions. They couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to William's plan than he let on. Nonetheless, they had no choice but to follow his lead, for they needed his guidance to find the door.

As they ventured into the blood-soaked city, a daunting sense of unease settled over them. The broken buildings seemed like monstrous entities, and the abyssal creatures appeared to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Every shattered window and crumbling door felt like an eye or a mouth, watching their every move.

It was as though they had entered the belly of a colossal beast, where the city itself was a living entity. As they pressed forward, William couldn't help but notice that some among them seemed more eager to enter the city than he had anticipated. It raised suspicions and questions in his mind.

Could there be a hidden agenda among his companions? Did they truly not know the door's location, or were they concealing something from him? William couldn't help but wonder about their true motives as they ventured deeper into the heart of the Dark City.

Nonetheless, William remained resolute in his mission. The fate of his territory and the potential treasure hidden within the belly of the city spurred him onward. He had a duty to complete the task given to him, regardless of the dangers that lay ahead.

With determination in his heart, William led the way, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the mysterious and treacherous Dark City.

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