
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 399

Chapter 399

In the abyss world, daylight remained absent, and night prevailed continuously. A blood moon perpetually adorned the sky, its dim outline casting a feeble glow amidst the pervasive blood fog that obscured vision beyond a few meters.

Within the valley, the thick blood mist seemed almost solid, obstructing sight for most beings. However, William's Thunder Eye had a limited effect, extending his vision to a hundred meters – a valuable advantage for detecting dangers ahead.

In essence, it meant that when danger lurked, he merely needed to outpace his companions to gain a few precious extra minutes of life. As for the potential negative effects of the blood mist on individuals, it remained uncertain. Could it impede breathing? William pondered this, briefly checking his property panel for information. Fortunately, he concluded that he wouldn't go insane within the next few days due to these conditions.

As they advanced towards the valley's entrance, they examined the forest beyond, shrouded in the thick blood fog. Their gazes exchanged silently, and one of the Blood Armors made a move to take the lead.

Delosis raised an eyebrow, as though considering a comment but choosing to remain silent. Instead, he followed suit. William, on the other hand, continued in silence, trailing behind.

The forest they entered was remarkably similar to the Magic Nightmare Forest, indicating a spatial overlap between the two locations. As a result, the circumstances surrounding their exit remained uncertain. 

William contemplated the reasons for the door's appearance. Had the guardian of the door perished, or had its contents been removed? Delosis raised the question, sparking the attention of the three Blue Moon individuals, who all directed their gaze toward the Blood Armor.

Blood Armor Three and Six, however, displayed no concern and instead turned their attention to William's group. With a grin, the prince declared, "I possess certain knowledge and know the way out. Head south, Delosis, and continue leading the way."

Upon hearing this, the others considered William's recent accomplishments and reputation. It seemed that he was no ordinary adversary to cross. Nonetheless, they had no intention of resorting to violence. They recognized that they couldn't overpower him, and if William ventured off alone, it would pose a dilemma for all parties involved.

In the abyss world, cooperation proved the wisest course of action. Those who ventured forth individually left themselves vulnerable. As powerful individuals, they understood that danger lurked at every corner, and confidence did not equate to recklessness.

Suspicion hung in the air, and they acknowledged the potential threats they might encounter. While they were not allies by any means in the world of gods, in this forsaken realm, they couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and shared vulnerability. In this treacherous abyss, survival depended on unity.

Delosis's familiarity with the abyss world became apparent as they traversed the terrain. William couldn't help but marvel that, in the absence of the blood fog's adverse effects, Delosis would likely navigate this realm even more skillfully than many of its native inhabitants.

As they journeyed on, they occasionally encountered conflicts among various monstrous entities. In such cases, they relied on Delosis to guide them safely through the treacherous encounters, often witnessing bizarre scenes of creatures devouring one another.

"What is the purpose of the abyss creatures?" 

This question loomed large in their minds as they ventured deeper into the nightmare forest, a place where monsters were scarce for various reasons. William led the way, while Delussis followed closely, both uncertain about the duration of their journey until they stumbled upon a dilapidated city entrance hidden within the forest.

Upon the city gate, they saw four imposing letters: "Dark City." The name was aptly fitting. With the advent of space folding, the gods had not only mirrored elements from the abyss world, but the reverse had also taken place. The dark steel gate stood ajar, bearing numerous scars, and the entire city lay enveloped in a shroud of crimson mist. Eerie, discordant cries resonated within, accompanied by unsettling odors that sent shivers down their spines, as if warning against venturing any further.

It was highly likely that the city had fallen under the control of the abyssal creatures, though no one could ascertain the exact number or origin of these monsters. Alternatively, perhaps the abyssal creatures from the forest had been drawn to this city following its sudden appearance.

As Delussis and the others exchanged uneasy glances with William, it seemed as though they were silently asking, "Is this really the exit of the 'door'? Are you serious? There are countless abyssal creatures inside, and even with our skills, entering would be perilous."

William contemplated the task at hand, his heart heavy with a sharp pang of regret. He was no ordinary adventurer; he had received a mission upon entering this realm.

"Invasion of the Abyss World: When the gatekeeper dies and the space crack reopens, the two worlds will begin to overlap again."

"Mission Introduction: Kill the strongest abyss monster in the Abyss World City Master's Mansion and find a way to close the space crack in its stomach."

"Task Time Limit: 48 hours."

"Task Difficulty: S Plus ."

"Task Reward: 500000–150000 Experience Points."

"Task Reward: Talent 'Heart of Justice.'"

"Task Failure Penalty: Immediate space overlap."

William sighed, realizing that he had no choice but to undertake this mission. He couldn't simply abandon the Nightmare Forest in the Magic Nightmare Forest. It left him with two options: complete the task or risk a catastrophic space overlap, endangering all the inhabitants.

"I have only four cities in total. How can I abandon one of them? It's not an option," William declared resolutely, wearing a sunny and benevolent façade.

The others, though skeptical of William's true intentions, followed his lead. They had glimpsed the task details and realized that there might be a solution or treasure within the stomach of the strongest abyss creature that could resolve the impending spatial overlap.

This abyss monster, which had inhabited the city for eons, potentially held an invaluable treasure in its stomach. The abyss monster's stomach acid alone indicated its extraordinary nature.

William noticed that the others were not refusing to participate; in fact, they seemed more knowledgeable about abyss monsters than he was. As he pondered further, he considered the possibility that the three factions had come here in the mythical era for a purpose, or to leave something behind.

Perhaps centuries ago, a space crack had emerged unexpectedly in the Magic Nightmare Forest, leading the three factions to search for treasures or solutions left behind. Over time, this quest might have inadvertently triggered the spatial overlap problem, which, while temporarily resolved, had left a black dragon as its guardian.

The dark city had now become a gathering Point for abyss creatures, and they appeared eager to enter it. It was strange that these formidable individuals had chosen to obey William's command. Was there more to their compliance than met the eye? Did they truly not know the location of the door?

Delussis had shown his ruthlessness by killing a Blood Armor when he disagreed, making it clear that he cared little for the lives of others. Blood Armor Three had mentioned that the combined efforts of the three parties were necessary to leave through the door, possibly indicating that their cooperation served his own interests.

As they ventured deeper into the blood-misted dark city, they felt as if they were entering the belly of a colossal monster. The broken ruins, bell towers, and structures seemed like grotesque giants, and the abyss creatures appeared to merge seamlessly with the buildings. Broken doors and windows resembled their eyes and mouths, while countless unseen eyes seemed to fixate on the group.

But there was more to uncover.

William quickly noticed that the person beside him was far more enthusiastic than he was about entering the perilous city. It was evident that they were even more eager to explore this city of crisis than he was. On the other hand, there were those among them who hesitated, reluctant to enter the city.

"Fucker, are you planning to use me as cannon fodder?" William muttered under his breath, his throat dry. He cast a sidelong glance at the calculating individual beside him. "Fine, let's see how lucky you are."

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