
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension, William sought out the individual responsible for merit exchanges. He encountered a masterful snow Elf Female who, upon seeing him, greeted him with joy, acknowledging him as Prince William and inquiring about his intended exchange.

With a smile, William inquired, "Anything?" This prompted the fairy sister to consider various possibilities, and her popularity soared. She even offered some shy suggestions, given his substantial 1.32 million merits.

However, William interrupted her before she could delve further into recommendations, whispering, "1 million merit Points in exchange for 'life chain'!"

As he uttered those final four words, the fairy sister was visibly taken aback. It was evident she lacked the authority to grant him the 'life chain' skill. Additionally, the 'life chain' was not typically offered for exchange, given its origin as a morale-boosting tool for the Elves.

The Elf sister was left with no choice but to communicate this matter to her superiors. Ultimately, after much discussion among the Elf leaders, they reluctantly agreed to grant William access to the 'life chain' secret technique.

As William eagerly awaited the news, he couldn't help but ponder the gravity and significance of this acquisition. The 'life chain' was no ordinary skill, and the Elves were entrusting him with a precious secret. However, with his ambition and determination, he felt ready for this responsibility.

William eventually received the 'life chain' scroll, but the stern expressions of the three elders who handed it to him emphasized its value and importance.

Undaunted, William smiled, confident that he could keep this secret safe from prying eyes. He decided to contact Albert, a powerful Moonlight Elf and the commander of the Dragon Blood Legion. Albert was known for his loyalty and steadfastness.

With Albert's help, William believed he could ensure the secrecy of the 'life chain' skill. Yet, as he waited for Albert's arrival, he couldn't help but wonder about the true extent of his own ambitions.

Bernice intervened, recognizing that the elder often liked to hold reservations before voicing concerns. She addressed the matter directly, saying, "I understand your apprehensions. William may be young, even underage, but he's not foolish. He comprehends the consequences of sharing these secret arts with outsiders. Look at the soldiers who embrace death as their home. I have faith that he will choose an exceptional commander to learn this secret art. You should go ahead and deliver the 'chain of life' without overcomplicating matters."

Observing the three elders' reluctant departure, Bernice's lips curled slightly. She realized that William's loyalty to the world tree and his pure-blooded Elf heritage were not the sole driving forces behind his actions. There was something more profound hidden within him.

From his perspective, Bernice could discern not only wisdom in the face of adversity but also a concealed ambition. Through various initiatives like the Dawn Legion, Dawn City, and the recruitment of numerous candidates, William was steadily rising to prominence. His ambition was becoming increasingly apparent.

This rapid ascent posed a crucial question: What were William's ultimate intentions?

Certainly, it wasn't an ambition to harm the Elves; rather, it seemed like William was paving the way for the future, positioning himself strategically.

Bernice recognized that ambition wasn't inherently negative. She hoped that William would stay on the right path. After all, William's primary ambition appeared to be becoming the king of the black leaf Elves, which didn't directly concern the snow Elves. 

However, she couldn't help but wonder if this young prince harbored aspirations to unite all the Elves across the Legendary continent. Such an ambition would require unwavering dedication.

This contemplation led Bernice to decide to entrust William with the secret of the 'chain of life.' The elders of the black leaf and moonlight families served merely as messengers; the true agreement came from the elder of the moonlight family and the black leaf Elf king.

As the seconds ticked by, William eventually received both heartening and worrisome news. He had obtained the 'chain of life' scroll, but the gravity and preciousness of this artifact were evident from the subdued expressions of the three elders.

With a confident smile, William shrugged off concerns about potential leaks, affirming his own abilities. After some contemplation, he sent a message to Albert, a remarkable Moonlight Elf who stood at an impressive two meters in height and had become a formidable Dragon's Blood Warriors in the Elf ranks.

Albert had initially served as the commander of the Moonlight Corps, but after the formation of the Dragon Blood Legion, he assumed leadership of this elite force. Although Albert's combat skills were not the most outstanding among the legion, his unwavering loyalty and bravery were quintessential Elf traits.

Not long after, the door creaked open, revealing Albert, whose robust and imposing figure approached with an air of confidence.

"Your Highness, is there something you require?" Albert greeted William with a loyalty index surpassing 900 . He saluted, but upon noting the conflicted expression on his prince's face, he couldn't help but grow concerned.

William finally broke the silence with a question: "Albert, how do you feel about my leadership?"

Albert's immediate response was to prostrate himself on the ground and lament, "Your Highness, it's all my fault. The Dragon Blood Legion suffered 89 casualties, and it's all on me. Please relieve me of my position and assign me to guard duty."

William sighed. He realized that he had neglected to acknowledge the commendable performance of the Dragon Blood Legion in the face of the formidable orc fortress. The loss of 89 soldiers was, in fact, remarkably low, especially given the legion's strength and the challenges they faced. 

While other elite legions had suffered thousands of casualties, the Dragon Blood Legion had managed to minimize their losses. William understood that Albert had led the Legion admirably.

Resolute in his decision, William descended from his chair and approached Albert, commanding him, "Raise your head."

"Your Highness…" Albert hesitated, his gaze meeting William's, uncertain of his prince's intentions.

As he extended his hand to lift Albert's bowed head, William spoke firmly, "The significance of the Dragon Blood Legion is undeniable. There's no need to dwell on the 89 soldiers lost in battle."

"I granted you the position of army commander because I trust you. Now, I'm offering you another chance to lead your Dragon Blood army to avenge our 89 fallen brothers and defeat the 800000 orcs. Do you have the confidence?"

Albert pondered deeply. He wanted to reject the seemingly impossible task, but he clenched his fist and nodded resolutely.

Not for any personal gain.

But because he was an Elf, a member of Dawn City, and a loyal soldier to Prince William.

He knew that he couldn't refuse a military order.

"Very well," William gazed into Albert's eyes and smiled. In truth, only 300000 orcs needed to be defeated to achieve a victorious army buff.

Albert, a seasoned warrior, felt a sense of unease when he saw William's expression. Something didn't seem right.


When William handed him a scroll, Albert opened it slowly, following William's signal.

In that moment…

Albert knelt on one knee, slapped his right hand firmly against his chest, and declared with a solemn and unwavering expression, "I pledge my unwavering allegiance to William Prince William Blackleaf. I shall be your most loyal follower, the sharpest blade in your hand, and the vanguard of your banner. I will never betray you. You are my king!"

William exchanged a glance with the two men who had just pledged their loyalty. With the same seriousness, he drew the Blade of Thunder and rested it on Albert's shoulder, saying, "I accept your loyalty, and I stand with you."


Albert rose slowly, trembling as he held the "Chain of Life" scroll in his hands.

As a pure-blood Elf, no one understood better than him what this scroll represented.

This scroll signified that he, as the leader of the Dragon Blood army, would become the most powerful legion and the sharpest sword in Dawn City.

And the Dragon Blood Legion under his command…

Would truly become unbeatable!

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