
I accidentally became a cultivator in another world

a 24 years old man who has died in his work and transport into cultivator world. what is he gonna do in this unfamiliar world with no cheat or system at all? Let watch how he survive in this unfamiliar world.

jeiester · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

chapter 17: the formation manual

Simplicity means a simple state or quality, as form or composition; freedom from intricacy or complexity.


So I should watch the simplest things around me and observe them.


Hayys, let's stop it for now, and this sword intent can't be done in one day. Well, let's study this next book.


Basic Formation Manual...


This book consists of a basic array, like a spirit-gathering array, a turtle shell formation array, an evil-warding array, a sword formation array,an illusion array, and a mist formation array.


The spirit-gathering array is Tier 1, which can be found in the cities or in the sect.It gathers the spiritual energy in the air around 20 meters and rushes into the center of the array.


The materials needed for this array are spirit stone and spirit wood. To set up this array, you need to draw the diagram using spirit wood. Put the spirit stone in the center as a node in the diagram.


The requirements to set up this array are that you need to be a Tier 1 formation master.



A turtle shell array is a defensive formation in the form of a turtle shell. This formation can be defended against a 9th Qi gathering realm and can withstand 5 blows against the peak of the Qi gathering realm. This array can cover an area of 300 meters around it.


The material needed for this array is the four cores of a turtle demon beast, spirit wood,spirit stone as fuel, and an array flag to control the formation.


To set up this array, you need to draw a diagram. A total of five diagrams are needed to draw this array and make it work, one in the center and one in each corner.This array is box-style; each corner has one diagram and is around 150 meters from the other diagram. Connect it with a leyline; each corner needs a core, and bury it so it will not be spotted by enemies.The center of the box-styled array is where you draw the final diagram, and surround it with spirit stone as a fuel for the array and also plant the array flag.


The requirements to set up this array are that the formation master needs to be Tier 2.



The evil-warding array is a type of formation that drives the evil around the settlement and protects it against the ghosts and evil spirits that cause harm to the people inside the formation. It can also be set up in a large-scale formation, but it's going to need large amounts of materials and spirit stones to run it.


The materials needed for this array are spirit wood,five array flags, spirit stones,and yang stones.


This is a star-shaped formation.Each corner of this diagram needs to plant an array flag, and in the center is a yang stone buried to the ground so it cannot be damaged by people living inside the settlement. To make it operate, it needs a spirit stone as fuel. One spirit stone can last up to 7 days; you just need to put the spirit stone in the center of this array.


To set up this array, the formation master needs to be in Tier 1, and on a large scale, it is the Tier 4 formation master.



The sword formation array is an attack-type formation that can be combined in any defensive formation, and you just need to put it down under the defensive array and connect it with Leyline to share the energy needed to activate it, but it doubles the spirit stone that was consumed by the defensive formation.This formation manifests a sword that attacks the target.


This formation can fight against any type of attack that hits the defensive formation. This formation is also upgradable based on the materials needed; the stronger the materials, the stronger their effect.


The basic material needed for this formation is spirit wood (by the way, this spirit wood is like a chalk-type wood that is used in drawing the formation), a sword (the better the sword, the better its effect), and an array flag.


To setup this formation, you basically need a formation master in Tier 1. The foundation building material is Tier 3, the gold core material is Tier 5, and so on.



The illusion array is a type of formation that creates an illusion and a hallucinating effect.This formation can be drawn on the array plate, so it can be used in ambushes and during battles. This formation can be activated by using the spiritual energy of the person who holds it.


The materials needed for this are spirit wood, and you also need to be an inscription master to draw it.



The mist formation is a type of formation that shields the vision of a person outside the formation. It's usually used in the secret realm and the medicine gardens. This formation can produce a mist that can hallucinate the person who inhales it and make him think that he has fallen into an illusion.


This formation is needed to draw in array plates and put them around the surrounding areas of the medicine field or secret realm, and there's no need for a spirit stone to operate it; it can absorb some spiritual energy in the surrounding area. You just need to follow the directions on the diagram for where to put the array plate.


The materials needed for this formation are spirit wood and an array plate.


To set up this formation, the formation master needs to be in Tier 3, and the inscription master needs to inscribe the array plate.



This book is detailed, and it's got the information that was needed to set up a formation. Also, it says here that to become a formation master, you need to have strong divine consciousness because you need to focus on drawing the diagram so it can work. A single mistake can waste materials and time.


It's said here that a formation master needs to be a blacksmith and an inscriber so he can craft the materials needed and inscribe the symbols that were written when creating a diagram.


To become a Tier 1 formation master, you need to be in the 3rd Qi gathering realm, because in this realm you can already produce a divine consciousness. This does not work for me because I already have a divine consciousness because of my strong soul. But the drawback is that I don't have the materials needed to create an array.


Enjoy and support, guys.