
I accidentally became a cultivator in another world

a 24 years old man who has died in his work and transport into cultivator world. what is he gonna do in this unfamiliar world with no cheat or system at all? Let watch how he survive in this unfamiliar world.

jeiester · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

chapter 18:to the demon forest

Roy got up from bed, walked in to the window, and saw that it's already dawn,so he walked out to his room and went to the backyard to start his daily practice.


While he was practicing, he thought about the sword intent that he read in the book.


"Sword Intent.It's said in the book that if I want to form a sword intent, I need to imagine what form I want."


"The form I want is simplicity, so what should I do?"


"Yes, that should be it."


"In simplicity, there are so many meanings, like simple clothes, simple houses,and so on, but I want to form a sword intent, so I should focus on the characteristics of a sword, but in the simplest way."


"The sword is meant to kill or defend, so if I want to form a sword intent,I should fight, but there's no other cultivator here in the village to spar with,so what should I do?"


Roy was thinking, Where can he find a sparing partner? until he thought of something.


"That's it; there is no need to find a sparing partner. I can hunt a demon best for practice, and with my strength, I can fight against an early-stage 1st-order demon beast.The cultivator from the medicine sect said back then that there are many early-stage 1st-order demon beasts at the preminary outer range of demon forest."


"Let's prepare now,"


Roy walked inside the house and started preparing the things he should bring, like medicine,food,and his sword.Old Wang, who came to the kitchen, saw him and asked.


"Where are you going, Roy?"


"Oh, Old Wang, you're awake. I plan to hunt some demon beasts in Demon Forrest," Roy replied.


"What! Are you crazy? You just promoted to the 1st Qi gathering realm yesterday, and now you want to commit suicide," Old Wang said in a flustered expression.


"It's not that, Old Wang. I will only hunt at the preminary outer range demon forrest, and I want to test my strength because there's no other cultivator in the village to spar with," Roy explained to him.


"But still"


"There is no need to worry, Old Wang; I'll be careful," Roy said.


"Hayys, kids these days... okay, but you have to be extra careful, and if there's a demon beast that you can't defeat,you have to retreat, because life is more important than a dead body," Old Wang said to Roy with a serious expression.


Roy's heart's warm from the words of advice that came from Old Wang and thank him.


"Thank you, Old Wang. I'll remember it, and I'll be careful."


"Sigh, before you go, there is something I want to give you; wait for me here," Old Wang said.


Old Wang goes to his room and brings back a map and a sword, then gives them to Roy.


"Here is the map in the demon forest; use it so you will not be lost and stumble upon the lair of a strong demon beast."


"This sword is for you. I brought it to the Cloud City; use it so it will not rot in here," Old Wang said.


"Thanks, Old Wang."


"Okay, let's go. I'll accompany you to the entrance at the back of the village," Old Wang said.




Old Wang and Roy walked to the gate at the back of the village. Soon they arrived at the gate, and Roy said good-bye to Old Wang.


"Good bye, Old Wang; see you soon," said Roy while walking.


"Bye, Roy, and take care,replied Old Wang while watching him leave.


While Old Wang was watching Roy, suddenly village chief Li appeared on his back and said


"He really just liked you when you were young."


"Why not train him so he can grow faster and become stronger just like you back then?" Village chief Li said.


"Hahaha, become like me, for what? To make a mistake just like what I did? Beside, he has his own path. I don't want to interfere with his life," Old Wang said.


"Sometimes it's better to let a person develop itself than rely on others, because relying on others can make a person waste,just like those of the second generation who rely on their families. Am I right, former Hall Master Li of the battle department in Medicine Sect?" Old Wang added.


When the village chief heard a blue vein pop out in his head, he replied with a mocking expression.


"Yes, you are right, former General Wang of the Crimson Army in the Sun Dynasty."


"Hahaha"both laugh


"By the Wang, there was a message that was sent by the sect leader yesterday; it says that the sealed portal in Demon Forest is weakening," village chief Li said.


"It was discovered by the ancestors of the sect when she was checking the disturbance in the forest last year. She estimates that in 50 years the seal will be destroyed," village chief Li added.


"Hayys, it's only been 80 years since the invasion of the alien race, and now they're coming again. Because of the war that happened 80 years ago, we became crippled because of the poison that the enemy released,Old Wang said.


"The poison is still in my body, and it keeps eroding my vitality.I think I can only live up to 10 years; what about you, Old Li?Old Wang added.


"Same as you,if it were not for the pills that suppress the poison that the sect gave us, we wouldn't be able to live till these days," village chief Li said.


"Let's stop this depressing topic. Have you heard that there are many genius cultivators appearing these days?" Old Wang said.


"Yes, I heard of it, like Li Wanwan, my niece in Medicine Sect, who is already at Gold Core at the age of 20; the chief disciple of Fire Sect Chen Lu at the age of 23; he is already at the Gold Core 5th stage; and the 8th prince Wu Lang of Sun dynasty, who is already at the peak of the Foundation building at the age of 17," village chief Li said.


"Yes, they are appearing like mushrooms who pop out of nowhere; it's just like before the war happened in the past, many geniuses appeared, and there are troubles everywhere. It lasts until the war happened and the human race, the spirit race, and the beast race joined forces against the alien invasion," Old Wang said.


"Yeah,it's the same in the past.So we should stop talking and get back to our respective houses and get work because we already talked in one hour and my throat is itching for water," villag chief Li said.


"You really are a mode killer, Old Li," Old Wang said.


"Shut up, and don't call me old," village chief Li replied while walking to his house.


"Hayys,it's a pity I can't live that long to see what the future looks like. Hahahahaha," Old wang said to himself while walking to his house and laugh.


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