
I accidentally became a cultivator in another world

a 24 years old man who has died in his work and transport into cultivator world. what is he gonna do in this unfamiliar world with no cheat or system at all? Let watch how he survive in this unfamiliar world.

jeiester · Book&Literature
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chapter 16: gift and sword intent

While they were eating, Old Wang came back, brought the village chief, and introduced him.


"Chief, this is Roy, the one I brought back who I saw faint at the forrest."


The village chief went to Roy, shook his hand, and introduced himself.


"Hello Roy, I am Li Min, the village chief."


"Hello, sir, I am Roy Sanchez," replied Roy while shaking his hand.


Roy Sanchez—what a weird name! Maybe he came from another kingdom, thought village chief Li and asked.


"Roy, is it true that you are going to stay in this village?"


"Yes, I plan to stay here in the village, and village chief Li, why do you ask? Roy asked.


"Hahaha, see that, Old Li. I told you that he wanted to stay here; you never believed me,Old Wang said.


"Shut up, Wang Bo, and don't call me old; we are at the same age," says village chief Li while scolding Old Wang.


"Don't call me village chief Li; it's too long. Just call me Old Li, just like you called Old Wang."


"Well, I asked you because it's so rare for a cultivator like you to stay here in the village; the others will only stay for a week and leave."


"Also, this is my gift for you." Old Li got the two books from his pocket and gave them to Roy.


"These two books are the treasures of my ancestors, and by the way, my ancestors were also cultivators," Old Li says while giving the books to Roy.


"This is too precious; take it back, sir. I can't afford this," Roy said.


"Take it; there is no one in my family who can practice, and if there is someone in my family who can cultivate, I can ask you to teach them, so it's a win-win situation, so there's no need to take it back, said Old Li.


Hey I got another favor in this village how can I pay back.thought by Roy.


"Thank you, Old Li. Just say if you have a favour to ask and don't hesitate to tell me unless it's against my will, said Roy.


"You really are a cunning old man; you just won a favour from a cultivator," Old Wang said with a joking expression.


"It's the same goes for you, Old Wang. Don't hesitate to tell me if there's something that you need to help with," Roy said.


"Okay, that's enough chit chat. Let's eat. Here's your bowl, Old Li," Old Wang said."


Soon, they finished eating, and Old Li decided to go home while Roy went to his room and read the books that Old Li gave him.


Let's see what books these are: hmmm, The Sword Intent Guide, and Basic Formation Manual.


This sword-intent guide is an instruction on how to form a sword-intent, and there's an example of a sword-intent that has been formed by many sword practitioners and ideas on how to create it, like this one from the River Sword Intent. The sword practitioner watched the river for a hundred years to form this sword intent. He watched the changes of the river, from the gentle flow of the water to a great flood, and somehow he gained the epiphany that it lasted a hundred years, and when he came out,he slaughtered thousands of his enemies by using the sword intent formed by a river. Also, it's written here that when he strikes his sword, a great river forms; sometimes it's gentle river flow, and sometimes it's like a flood.


The way to realised a sword intent based on these guides is to imagine what you want to form and release it with intention or meaning by using a sword, and you are medium to make it work. There are a few sword techniques that can make a person realize and form a sword technique, and they're made by sword cultivators who have success in sword intent and are prodigies in their generation. They make those sword techniques to be passed down to the next generation and to not lose their legacy.


Based on these books, the first thing you need to do to form a sword intent is meditate, imagine the sword intent you want to form, and if you're done, study this form, what's behind it,why you want to form it,feel it, and how to make it work.


It also says here that when you're done with your prototype, you need to make it a seed, plant it in your sea of consciousness, and then nourish it with your spiritual energy. It will continue to grow when you become stronger, and the more you become stronger, the easier it will be for you to control it.


The sword-intent seed or embryo will bloom and become a real sword-intent when the person finally realized the essence or intention of this form.


Also, it says here that a person who has sword intent can fight the enemy stronger than him.


This book is a great help now that I am practicing a sword technique. Even if it is just a basic one, imagine the enemy's face when you defeat it using the basic move with intention. It's just like they were saying,

"How can I be defeated with just a basic move? Hehehe, how funny when you see it," thought Roy, imagining the face of the enemy chuckled.


But still, what sword-intent form do I want to produce? ... It's hard to choose; there are too many of them, like this one in the book. Wait a minute! Since I was practicing the basic sword, why not form it based on this technique?


The three-principle sword technique is based on a basic move and is easy to get started on practicing. Its form is simple and efficient, just like 1+1=11. "What am I thinking? I'm off the topic.


The word is basic. Basic means simple, and simple means simple or easy to do. Yes! Simplicity.


It's decided the sword intent I want to form is simplicity. So how can I form this?


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