

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 41 Audrey and her Susie

After pouring coffee, he went back to the armory and took a thick stack of historical materials and the draft of the explanation that Neil had organized. Klein followed a gas lamp on the wall and turned to the ladder leading to the Black Thorn Security Company.

Da, da, da, the sound of footsteps echoes in the sealed and empty ground.

Klein walked up the winding stairs, opened the door, made a slight identification, and went straight to the second office opposite.

After two days of familiarity, he has roughly figured out the layout of Blackthorn Security Company:

The first entrance is a spacious reception hall, with a group of sofas, tables, and chairs. Through the partition, it is the inner area. The three rooms on the left side of the corridor are the accounting room belonging to Mrs. Olivia from near to far, the restroom with several sofa beds, and the stairs leading to the ground.

The three rooms on the right are the office of Captain Dunn Smith, the office of the civilian staff equipped with typewriters, and the entertainment room of the full members of the night watch team from the near to the far.

Klein had seen Leonard Mitchell playing cards with two other team members in the entertainment room before. He guessed that it was the landlord. Of course, Emperor Russell had renamed it "Fighting Evil", but the playing method was no different from what Klein knew.

Bright will have a day's sleep allowance after he is on duty. Roxanne stays at the reception desk. Cezel Francis, who is responsible for purchasing and applying for supplies and part-time coachman, goes out as usual. When Klein opens the door of the civilian office, all three tables are empty and the pure mechanical typewriter is quietly placed.

"Akerson's 1346 typewriter..." Klein, who had seen similar items in his tutor's office and Welch's home, whispered, only feeling that the looming complex control system was full of mechanical beauty.

He went to the desk with a typewriter and sat down. After a while of deliberation, he tried virtual typing.

In the beginning, he always instinctively processed it into pinyin, and only when he was familiar with it did he "digest" the corresponding memory fragments of the original owner, and no longer make mistakes.

Da, da, da!

The rhythmic keyboard tapping sounds like a piece of hard music from metal and industry. Accompanied by this melody, Klein quickly completed the application documents.

But instead of rushing to find Dunn Smith, he restrained himself and carefully read the historical materials provided by Old Neil, both for review and study.

Near noon, he moved his lower neck, collected his materials, and consolidated the contents of the morning study according to the draft of the "Mystery Course".

Until this time, he took the "application form", went to the next office, and gently knocked on the door.

Dunn was waiting for the delivery of lunch. When he saw the document delivered by Klein, his mouth slightly turned up, and said:

"Old Neil taught you?"

"Hmm." Klein did not hesitate to betray Old Neil.

Dunn picked up the dark red pen, brushed, and signed:

"I am going to apply to the church and the county police department for the funds in July, August, and September. I will include you in this. After the approval, I will ask Mrs. Olivia to withdraw it. Lingpai will be able to collect it in the afternoon."

"OK," Klein replied concisely and forcefully.

His tone and eyes were tinged with obvious joy.

Before leaving, he casually asked:

"Isn't it time to apply for the funds in July, August, and September?"

How can I apply for funds in July?

Dunn was silent for a few seconds, took up his coffee cup, and sipped:

"There were three consecutive cases in June. I was so busy that some things were forgotten."

It's the captain with poor memory... Klein knew that he had asked the wrong question, laughed twice, and hurried out.

In this way, he began to live a simple and regular life. He meditated for half an hour in the morning, took a mystery course for two hours in the morning, and mastered historical data for one and a half hours. After lunch, he took a nap in the lounge to recover his energy.

Then, pick up the bullets, and go to the "Shooting Club" for practice. After the practice, take a walk to Welch's residence not far away, change the route, and walk back to Iron Cross Street. This can save a bus fare. If you have time, you can master the skills of vision and swing, and buy a dish by the way.


In a private chemical laboratory with complete instruments and articles.

Audrey, tall and blonde, stared at the cup in her hand and saw countless bubbles emerging, making the atmosphere quiet.

Finally, the liquid in the cup precipitated into a thick silvery white.

"Haha, I have the gift of mysticism, and I succeeded once! I was worried about failure and prepared two materials!" the girl said to herself happily.

She put away all kinds of surplus materials from the family treasure house and exchanged them with others, took a deep breath, and prepared to close her eyes and drink the magic medicine of "audience".

At that moment, a cry of "woof woof" came from outside the laboratory, and Audrey frowned.

She put the silvery liquid gently rippling cup into the dark corner, turned around, and walked to the door.

"Susie, who's here?" Audrey twisted her handle and asked the big golden dog sitting at the door.

Susie, the big golden dog, wagged her tail and flattered her face. Annie, the maid, appeared in the nearby corridor.

Audrey walked out of the laboratory, closed the door with her backhand, looked at Annie, and said:

"Didn't you say that? Don't bother me when I'm doing chemical experiments."

Annie replied in distress:

"There is an invitation from the Duchess, Mrs. Della."

"Duchess of Nigan?" Audrey walked forward a few steps and approached Annie.

"Yes, she invited Ms. Wei Wei, the court baker, to have afternoon tea with you," Annie said the contents of the invitation.

Audrey puffed her cheeks imperceptibly and said:

"Tell my mother that I am dizzy, maybe the sun is too strong and a little dehydrated. Please ask her to say sorry to Mrs. Della for me."

As she spoke, she looked weak.

"Miss, this is not only afternoon tea, but also a literary salon," Annie added.

"But it can't cure my dizziness. I need a rest." Audrey firmly refused.

At the same time, she murmured silently in her heart: If I insist, I will faint to show you. The etiquette teacher said that I did this action perfectly... What sound did I hear?

"All right." Annie said, "Can I help you back to your room?"

"No, I'll clean up the laboratory first." Audrey couldn't wait to return immediately and take the magic medicine.

However, she kept her temper, watched Annie go away, and then walked back to the door of the laboratory.

Suddenly, she found that Susie, the big golden dog that should have stayed outside, was missing, and the door of the laboratory was half open.

"I forgot that Susie would open the door with the handle... What's the sound? No!" Audrey heard the crisp movement coming from inside, and suddenly had an association and rushed into the laboratory.

What she could see was the broken cup on the ground and the last drop of silver liquid that Susie, the big golden dog, licked.

Audrey stood at the door like a statue.

Susie, the big golden dog, immediately sat upright, looked at her master with innocent eyes, and wagged her tail.


On an island that is always shrouded in storms, an ancient sailboat is parked at the port of Pulitz.

The man with soft yellow hair and wearing a lightning pattern robe looked at the opposite Alger Wilson and said with great puzzlement:

"Alger, you can go back to the kingdom and become the captain of the punishment team or a decent bishop. Why did you choose to go to sea and become the captain of the 'Youlan Avenger'?"

Alger's rugged and profound face had no extra expression, and replied solemnly:

"The sea belongs to the storm. This is the kingdom of the Lord. I am willing to follow the will of the Lord and patrol this country for him."

"All right," said the yellow-haired man, shaking his chest. "The storm is with you."

"The storm is with you," Alger replied with standard courtesy.

He stood on the deck with a few crew members, watching his companions leave the ghost ship and go farther and farther.

"Saines, you don't understand because you don't know enough..." Alger whispered.

At the same time, Audrey finished the second modulation with fear.

Looking at the silver magic potion that was no different from before, she was almost moved to tears.

Huh, she drank the magic medicine of "audience" quickly and in a small mouthful.


On Friday, heavy rain hit Tingen, and the rain clattered against all the windows.

In the Black Thorn Security Company, Klein, Roxanne, and Bright sat on the sofa in the reception hall and enjoyed lunch on the table.

Because there is only a stove for boiling water and there is no way to heat the leftovers, Klein can't eat brown bread every day or take a public carriage back to Welch's house. Then he has to consider taking a car back after walking from Iron Cross Street in the afternoon, which is a waste of money, so he has to eat the so-called "office food" with Rosan and other colleagues.

——The nearby Laowei restaurant will send a waiter to the restaurant at 10:30 every day to ask how many people need lunch. After determining the number, they will send it at 12:30 noon and put it in containers similar to lunch boxes. At 3:00 in the afternoon, they will ask whether to order dinner and return the tableware.

Such "meals" include meat, vegetables, and bread. Although the portions are not very large, they can barely satisfy a person. A meal ranges from 7p to 10p, with different grades.

Klein has the cheek to choose 7p each time, usually half a pound of oatmeal bread, a small piece of meat with different methods, a spoonful of thick soup with vegetables, and a little butter or butter.

"Today, there is only one person on duty..." Luo Shan uses a spoon to put the thick soup into her mouth.

"I heard that there was a case in Jinwutong District, which had sectarian elements, so the police department invited two-night watchmen to go there..." Bright put down his bread and said.

Klein dipped the remaining oatmeal bread in the last gravy and put it into his mouth. He didn't speak.

On his left sleeve, there is a silver chain with a yellow crystal hanging around it.

At that moment, there was a thumping sound from the half-closed door.

"... Please come in." Luo Shan was stunned for a moment, put the spoon, quickly wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and stood up and said.

The door was pushed open, and a man wearing a half-high hat and a black suit was wet on the left shoulder.

His temples were gray, and he looked at Klein and other people with his umbrella in his hand:

"Is this the former mercenary team?"

"You can say so," replied Luo Shan.

The tall and thin man coughed:

"I have a task to delegate."