

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 42 Chamberlain Carving Profit

There is a task you want to entrust... I'm afraid you have found the wrong place... The brand of this security company is really just a brand

Hearing the words of the comer, Klein immediately choked up a full roast, and only hated that there was no forum and bullet screen to communicate here.

However, he quickly remembered that he had asked something similar. The captain's answer was, if he had time, why not take it? The money earned can be used as the team's small treasury and the welfare of participants.

Luo Shan turned her eyes and thought for a moment:

"Our security personnel are out of work, and the fastest time to come back is at least one hour later. If your business is not urgent, you can consider it."

Among the six regular members of the night watchman, Captain Dunn Smith was invited to the church by the Bishop. He did not know what to discuss. Leonard Mitchell was guarding the "Channismen" for him.

Fry, the "corpse collector", and Loyao Laiting, the "sleepless man", have gone to Jinwutong District to cooperate with the police department to investigate a theft case with sectarian elements. Another "sleepless man", Cornery White, has taken turns off, and another "midnight poet", Sija Teong, has gone to the "Raphael Cemetery" on the outskirts of the northern district for daily inspection.

The remaining two extraordinary people, Neil, are growing old and frail, and have not been out of work for a long time. Klein is still a beginner, and all aspects are really half-baked.

"Not at all..." The tall and thin man with white sideburns and umbrellas turned pale, took off his hat, bowed and saluted, "Excuse me, goodbye."

He turned around and walked to the door. In the crash of rain and the howling wind, he left 36 Zotland Street along the stairs.

"It's really unlucky." Luo Shan watched the gentleman leave just now and sighed with regret.

Although the commission won't have her share, it certainly won't be without a big meal.

"There is no way. Channismen must be guarded at all times." Klein put down his knife, fork and spoon contentedly. Even if he didn't like the thick soup mixed with turnips and vegetables, he drank it clean. "Do you want Bright to go out on a mission? Or, yourself?"

Luo Shan turned her eyes and said with a laugh:

"Bright can't, but you can, our 'fortune teller'..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly woke up and quickly shut up, because the door was not closed at this time. If someone passing or visiting outside heard something about the extraordinary, it would be a leak.

"Fortunately, the captain is not here..." Luo Shan looked at the door and spit out her tongue secretly. "Otherwise, she would have to repent again!"

Bright and Klein laughed at the same time, looked at each other and began to clean up the tableware.

After finishing all this, Klein, who had no umbrella, chose to stay at the "Black Thorn Security Company" after seeing that the storm had not stopped.

He took a newspaper, sat on the soft and elastic sofa, and had a leisurely "lunch break".

"The airship route from Baekeland to Disy Bay has been opened..."

"The Great Detective Munson has been compiled into a volume and will be published soon..."

"The advertisement of the Lawgrass weapons store? A standard revolver with 6 rounds, 3 pounds 10 Sul, and a double-barreled shotgun with 2 pounds..."


Klein looked at the Tingen Honest and suddenly found a news:

"... All the criminals who killed Mr. Welch and Ms. Naya have been arrested, and it is believed that the panic atmosphere spreading in the North District, Jinwutong District and the East District will be greatly alleviated... Welch's father, Mr. McGovern, the banker, escorted the body of his little son back to Kangston City, where a grand funeral will be held soon..."

After reading it several times, Klein suddenly sighed:

It seems that Welch's father has believed the words of the police and has not invited another private detective to investigate

He lost his youngest son's heart. It must not be as sad as my father and my mother lost their only son

In a low mood, Klein sat there without moving for a long time.

As for the fact that Welch and Naya didn't invite themselves at the funeral, he didn't feel surprised or depressed at all.

When everything calms down, I will find another chance to present a bunch of flowers in front of their graves... Klein is waiting to take a nap in the lounge when the door of the reception hall is suddenly knocked again.

"Please come in." Luo Shan, whose head was little by little, suddenly woke up.

The open door was pushed open, and the tall and thin man in formal clothes with gray temples came in again.

"Can I wait here for a while? Your mercenaries, no, the security personnel should be back soon?" He tried to hide his anxious expression and asked sincerely.

"Yes, you can sit there for a while." Luo Shan pointed to the sofa next to her.

Klein asked curiously:

"Where did you hear about our security company? Who introduced you?"

So that I went back and forth two times in the heavy rain at noon and was willing to wait?

Well, it must be the members of the night watch team who solved the difficult task in others' eyes very easily and accumulated enough reputation in this industry

The tall and thin man leaned his umbrella outside the door, walked to the sofa and answered with a wry smile:

"I visited all the mercenaries in several streets nearby, er, security companies and private detectives. Only you still have hope. They have no one to take on other tasks at all... Frankly speaking, if I didn't meet a waiter delivering food, I would never have thought there was a security company here."

... It's totally different from what I thought... Klein was stunned.

Luo Shan interposed and asked:

"Are they busy? So many tasks?"

The tall and thin man with gray temples sat down and sighed:

"You are a mercenary team. No, the security company. You should have heard about the burglary and homicide in Howers Street?"

Howers Street... burglary and homicide... Well, unfortunately, I'm one of the parties... Klein nodded a little heavily:


"Because of the ferocity and cruelty of the criminals, the rich people in the neighborhood and even the whole city of Tingen are afraid. In addition to increasing their own security, they also hired a lot of security personnel and private detectives, making this line appear obvious vacancies." The tall and thin man replied methodically and clearly.

Standard chain reaction... Klein and Roxanne looked at each other and saw the self-mocking on each other's faces.

The security industry has entered the "golden age", and the Black Thorn has no feeling, which shows how the company has failed.

Of course, in a sense, it also proves the success of the night watcher team.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Klein was ready to pack up and leave and go to the "Shooting Club" to practice the revolver.

At that moment, Leonard Mitchell, with dark hair and green eyes, came out of the partition and looked at the sofa in doubt:

"Who is this?"

"The client, is the captain back?" Luo Shan asked happily.

"Come back?" The tall and thin man was stunned.

I sat here and stared at the door. Why didn't I find anyone coming back?

Luo Shan's expression suddenly froze, and she laughed hurriedly:

"As a security company, we won't have only the front door."

"I understand." The tall and thin man nodded suddenly.

As for the title of the captain, he was not surprised. The security company was the former mercenary team or small mercenary guild. It was quite normal to have a "captain".

Leonard's white shirt was not tied up, and his black vest was also casually dressed. He looked at the tall and thin man, and suddenly snapped his fingers and said:

"I'm the security guard of Black Thorn. What do you call me? What do you want to entrust?"

Perhaps I have heard of the unbridled behavior of "mercenaries". The tall and thin man was relieved instead of being insulted.

He looked at Leonard and sat down, organized his words and said:

"My name is Keli, the butler of Mr. Vickroll, a tobacco merchant. His only son, little Eliot, was kidnapped this morning. We have called the police and received enough attention. But Mr. Vickroll is not at ease. I hope that through the channels of your mercenaries, er, security personnel, and your understanding of Tingen, we can investigate from another direction to ensure that little Eliot is safely rescued."

"If you can find the place where the kidnappers are hiding, Mr. Victor is willing to pay a reward of 100 pounds. If you have a way to rescue young Master Eliot successfully, he is willing to double the reward and give 200 pounds at a time."

Leonard Mitchell said with a leisurely smile:

"Mr. Vicoll seems to want us to find the place where the kidnappers are hiding? Otherwise, he will not think that his only son is worth only 100 pounds, and the tobacco dealer who has close relationship with the southern plantation will not get only 200 pounds."

"No, Mr. Victor is just an ordinary businessman, not a rich man, and he believes that the police department is more professional in the matter of rescue." The old housekeeper Kerry replied frankly.

"OK, no problem." Leonard snapped his fingers again.

His green eyes looked at Luo Shan and said:

"Beautiful lady, please draw up a contract."

"Don't always think of yourself as a poet. In fact, you can only recite other people's works." Roxanne was used to taunting each other with Leonard and forgot that there were guests.

Of course, the Black Thorn Security Company doesn't care about the client. It's good to have it, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't.

Roxanne left the reception desk and entered the clerk's office. The clattering sounded immediately.

Klein saw the corners of his mouth twitch, but he thought they were too unprofessional.

There is no standard and ready-made contract!

"This is really a sad thing..."

"What's more sad is that I should work in such an unprofessional company..."

He had a lot of ideas. Rona drew up a contract with only a few clauses, which was signed by housekeeper Kerry and Leonard Mitchell respectively.

When Kerry sealed the seal, she took the contract and went into the accounting room to find Mrs. Olivia to get the seal of "Black Thorn Security Company" - this seal was almost useless. Dunn usually gave it to Olivia for safekeeping. On Sundays, it was given to Rosanne and others.

"I'm waiting for your good news." After receiving one of the contracts, the housekeeper Kerry stood up, took off his hat and bowed.

Leonard did not respond. He was silent for more than ten seconds as if thinking about something.

He suddenly turned his head, looked at Klein, smiled and said:

"I need your help."

"Huh?" Klein was stunned.

"I mean, this task is done by me and you." Leonard explained slightly with his mouth turned up. "I'm good at fighting, shooting, climbing, sensing and singing, and doing some assistance, but not including finding people. You don't want Old Neil to go out in this weather, do you?"

When he said "induction", his voice was so vague that people could not hear him clearly.

"All right." Klein has the impulse to try new "skills" and a little vigilance against Leonard Mitchell.

Huh, I hope it can be completed smoothly... I don't know how much role my "fortune teller" ability can play... He thought with some expectation.