

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 40 Mystery Course

"Interesting techniques?"

Klein asked curiously.

Old Neil laughed:

"I'm going to visit the weapons, materials, and literature library. You can make two cups of coffee from two cups on the table, and put bad things in one cup. You can make your own decisions and use your imagination. The only requirement is that you can't waste too much coffee powder, which is made by myself with the coffee beans of plateau specialty!"

"OK." Although Klein didn't understand what Old Neil wanted to do, he agreed happily.

Watching the other party take out the copper key and open the iron door of the weapons depot, he heard the long footsteps echoing inside. He slowly placed the cup and confirmed that there was hot water in the pot.

Lifting off the lid of the silver-encrusted tin can, Klein shook a spoonful of fragrant coffee powder into the two cups with a metallic spoon, then poured hot water and stirred them familiarly.

——As a traveler from the era of abundant materials, he is not unfamiliar with coffee, but is only limited to instant.

After all this, Klein thought for a moment, sat down, raised his right leg, twisted some dirt on the soles of his boots, and put it into the cup on the left.

Then, he carefully stirred it again until there was little difference between the two cups of coffee in terms of appearance, color, and flavor.

After a few minutes, Old Neil shook the key chain and walked out of the weapons depot, slamming the iron door shut.

"Well done." His dark red eyes, slightly cloudy, turned and looked at Klein across the table.

"All right," Klein nodded.

Old Neil smiled and sat down as he untied the silver chain around his wrist.

His expression soon became calm. His left hand held the chain out, and let the silver chain hang vertically on the coffee cup on his right side. The pure white crystal was only a little short of being stained with liquid.

In a relaxing tranquility, the white crystal inexplicably swayed slightly, and with the silver chain, it started a small counterclockwise movement.

"This cup is to let go of bad things," said Old Neil in a positive tone.

Without Klein's confirmation, he put away the silver chain, picked up the next cup of coffee, and took a sip:

"Do you like bitter coffee? I'm used to a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of milk."

Klein did not answer, but asked with great interest:

"Your divination results are very accurate. Do you rely on that white crystal? Is it white crystal?"

"This is the pendulum method in divination, also known as the spirit pendulum method. It depends on the connection between the spiritual body and the spiritual world and the starry sky, and uses some natural materials and spiritual communication, such as crystals, precious stones, and special metals, to divine the good or bad of things... Let's go back to the two cups of coffee just now. It is bad to swing counterclockwise, and it is good to move clockwise, and it is not good or bad to stay still. You can also write the event on paper. Note that it is an event, not a problem." Old Neil put down his coffee cup and explained in detail.

Klein seemed to be thinking:

"That is, don't use questions?"

"Yes, you can't use 'who is willing to be my fiancee', but 'who is willing to be my fiancee', write it on paper, lay it flat on the table, and then hold the pendulum chain with your non-dominant hand. Pay attention, it is your non-dominant hand." Old Neil laughed, "At this time, straighten your arm, adjust the length of the pendulum chain, let the crystal just hang over the paper, almost touch the event we wrote, then close your eyes, and recite the words seven times in your heart. After the meditation, open your eyes and see if the pendulum has turned. If not, close it again, and repeat the previous process until it has swung."

Klein nodded slightly and said:

"Counterclockwise 'no', clockwise 'yes'?"

"It can also be interpreted as unsmooth and smooth." Old Neil corrected and taught Klein other uses and details of the divination of the spirit pendulum.

Klein reviewed it several times and found that this is a very practical divination skill. For example, when you are in a strange environment, you can use it to quickly determine whether the food is toxic, and you don't need to "point", "field biology" and other skills.

Of course, this form of divination is too simple, and there are only two or three kinds of answers, which can not be explored and interpreted in depth. For example, although some things are harmful to themselves, they can become very beneficial after certain treatments. For example, some ingredients do harm to the human body, but they are not serious. In the case of starving to death, it is not a big problem to eat, which can not be judged by the spirit pendulum method.

"I have to save money as soon as possible to buy crystal or sterling silver to make the spirit pendulum..." Klein sighed.

Old Neil looked at him in surprise:

"You can apply directly. This belongs to the extraordinary, especially the standard equipment of the extraordinary with partial auxiliary type. There is also a yellow crystal and a pure silver spirit pendulum in the weapon warehouse."

"But I'm not a full member of the team yet..." Klein was palpitated and hesitated.

Old Neil chuckled:

"For the extraordinary, whether they are formal members or not, since they do not raise their salaries, they must be given some convenience in other ways."

"It may be more appropriate to use 'welfare'. I will apply to the captain later!" Klein clenched his fist and made a decision.

How can we know if the captain agrees without trying?

"OK." Old Neil said with a smile, "We started the formal 'mystery course'. One of its foundations is' symbol '. Do you know what is' symbol' is?"

Klein recalled the words he had heard before and what he had seen and heard in the spirit world and above the fog and said:

"No matter the spiritual world, or the illusory starry sky, or those unknown fields, are outside our sensory world. It is not the information obtained by ears, nose, and eyes that can be accurately described. What we can only get is unspeakable intuitive inspiration and experience. They are also shown as abstract symbols and graphic symbols, which represent different meanings of different things."

"Very accurate, worthy of being a 'fortune teller'." Old Neil nodded gravely. "Only by mastering the ability to interpret symbols can we really enter the door of mysticism. Well, the patterns on the tarot cards and every element on the patterns are a symbol, a man-made symbol to help us understand and interpret the original 'revelation'."

He took out a piece of paper, picked up the pen beside him, and drew a short arc.

Then he brushed and added several vertical lines under the arc, looked up at Klein, and said:

"Do you know what this symbol represents?"

Klein looked and looked, and then hesitated for a while and said:


"..." Old Neil exhaled, "This is the symbol of the harvest sign, this is the thunder sign, this is the frost sign..."

He drew several symbols casually.

As Klein remembered, he could not help saying:

"The names of these constellations are really, really very simple, right, simple!"

Good local and primitive

Old Neil smiled and said:

"At the same time, Emperor Russell the Great thought that he had always planned to change the names of the constellations into Virgo, Cancer, and Scorpio. Unfortunately, he still failed to resist the power of tradition. At least the ancient names of these constellations and the dates they represent can guide cultivation and harvest."

"I have to say that Russell the Great is a man with ideas." Klein did not know how to roast.

Well, Russell the Great should have been an individual face before he died

Old Neil could not understand Klein's humor and continued to explain various basic symbols, such as those of various constellations, such as the sun, the red moon, the brown star, the red star, and the blue star.

When talking about this, he also taught the drawing method and precautions of the astrology chart, the production of crystal balls, and the selection of materials and incantations. Klein almost felt dizzy.

If he hadn't found that the "fortune teller" magic potion could improve his memory slightly, he would have stopped Old Neil for his own digestion.

"Today's' Mystery Course 'is here. You can think for yourself. If you have any questions, you can come to me." Old Neil took out a gold pocket watch and snapped it open. "Don't forget to read the historical materials I prepared for you. Frankly, I feel scared when I see them."

"OK." Klein took the signed drafts written by Old Neil and quickly reviewed the mysterious knowledge learned today to avoid obvious forgetting.

Old Neil took another sip of the freshly brewed coffee and said:

"Memory alone is not enough. You must use it often so that you can turn knowledge into your instinct. In addition, meditation must be carried out every day. Only by practicing and using it more can you really grasp the power of magic potion, discover its hidden mystery, and eliminate its bad effects."

Speaking of this, Klein thought of acting and divination club and said tentatively:

"My ability of magic medicine is related to divination. It is not enough to practice by one person. I must contact a large number of people and give them divination separately to master it as soon as possible. I plan to join the 'divination club', the one on Howers Street in the North District, to be a real 'diviner'."

This matter will not be hidden from the night watchers in the future. It is better to pave the way ahead.

"Your idea is very similar to that of Daly. She has always said that she wants to be a real 'psychic'." Old Neil shook his head and smiled. "But why wait until you have extra money? You can write an application to Dunn and ask him to approve the fee!"

"There may be members of evil cults and evil organizations in organizations like the 'divination club'. As a civilian member of the night watcher team, you are a standard extraordinary person. You can join them and monitor them conveniently. It is necessary for the work. We will regularly inspect these places before, but it is difficult to track them for a long time because of the lack of manpower. Now it is just for you."

It's beyond my imagination. Looking at Neil's serious expression, Klein was shocked.

This is to find reasons to reimburse expenses for your own private affairs!

I know nothing about similar things

I'm really just a keyboard player

"Do you want to do this with your own money?" Old Neil added with a smile.

Klein immediately shook his head and answered firmly:

"I'll call the captain later!"

Old Neil nodded with satisfaction, looked at the cup of coffee that had not been poured out and had something bad, and said:

"What on earth did you put in it?"

Klein smiled sheepishly:

"It's just a little mud on the soles of leather boots. Its color is about the same as your coffee powder."

Old Neil was stunned for a moment, and suddenly put his hand against his mouth and shouted in a low voice:

"Don't take it and throw it away!"