

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 39 Interesting Skills

I don't know whether the note was destroyed or hidden... But I can infer it backward. If I want to destroy it, I can do it on the spot. There is no need for me to take it away and then do it... When hearing Leonard's question, Klein immediately turned on the "keyboard detective" mode and said in a deep voice:

"Perhaps the unknown existence that Welch and Naya and I have touched, not only enjoy the 'sacrifice' of life but also hope to continue to have similar things. So, in the case that the 'suicide event' is bound to be found, let me take away my notes, hide them and prepare for the second 'enjoyment', but I don't know what happened in the process. I didn't succeed in suicide."

This is a reasonable guess made by Klein based on the materials, novels, films, and TV dramas related to the evil cult he has seen in his previous life.

As for what went wrong in the process, he was very clear that he had added his own "variable".

"It's a good explanation, but I think there may be another possibility. Welch and Naya's suicide sacrifice made it possible for the unknown existence to come. That note carries or breeds evil. Let you take it away and hide it. It's for fear that we will find it and destroy it before it is born and powerful." Leonard Mitchell explained another possibility.

Speaking of this, he stared at Klein's eyes and smiled:

"Of course, the notes may have been destroyed to cover up the contents above and the objects that carry or breed evil. In this way, your suicide attempt has enough reasons to explain."

what do you mean? Is this suspicious of me? Doubt that the body of the original Lord carries or breeds evil? No, what he carries or breeds is a passer-by... The word "breeds" is OK... Klein was stunned, secretly roast, and deliberated:

"I don't defend myself. After all, I forgot that memory, but both the captain and Ms. Daley confirmed that I had no other problems. Your joke was not funny."

"I'm just exploring such a possibility. I don't rule out that the unknown existence was hit when it came so that you failed to commit suicide. We should believe that the goddess always protects us." Leonard smiled and changed the topic. "What did you find this afternoon?"

After the conversation just now and the previous events, Klein was very alert to Leonard, but he replied quietly:

"No, I have to change my route tomorrow afternoon."

He pointed to the partition:

"I have to go to the weapons depot to get the bullets."

The "Shooting Club" will be open until 9 p.m., after all, many of its members have to work to have free time.

"May the goddess bless you." Leonard smiled and drew a circle on his chest to symbolize the crimson moon.

Seeing Klein through the partition and listening to his footsteps down the stairs, Leonard's smile gradually disappeared and his green eyes were full of doubts.

He said something in a low voice, a little dissatisfied.


Down the stairs, Klein turned down the corridor quietly lit by gas lamps to the weapons, materials, and literature library.

Here, the iron door is open, and the brown-haired girl Luo Shan is standing at the long table, talking with a middle-aged man with a thick black beard and a half-high hat.

"In the afternoon, no, good evening. It's always like midnight here. Klein, listen to Old Neil. You have become an extraordinary person. What is your name 'fortune teller'?" Luo Shan turned aside and asked quickly.

She didn't hide her curiosity and concern.

Klein smiled and nodded:

"Good afternoon, Miss Roxanne, although it is always dark here, it makes people feel quiet. Your description just now is not accurate enough. I should say that the name of the serial magic medicine I take is' fortune teller '."

"You still chose to be an extraordinary person..." said Luo Shan with a sigh, and fell into silence for a moment.

Klein looked at the middle-aged man next to him and asked politely:

"Who is this?"

Other night watchmen, or one of the other two civilian officers I haven't seen?

Roxanne pursed her lower lip and said:

"Bright, our colleague, wants to change the order of duty with me and come out the night after tomorrow. He and his wife will go to the North District Grand Theater to watch the Pride and celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary. What a romantic gentleman!"

Bright smiled and stretched out his hand

"With Miss Roxanne, everything doesn't need to be repeated. Hello, Klein, I didn't expect you to become an extraordinary person so soon, and I, oh, may never have the courage."

"Maybe the ignorant are fearless." Klein laughed at himself and shook his hand.

"This is not a bad thing." Bright shook his head and smiled. "An extraordinary man once told me before he died that he should never explore those strange and dangerous things. The less he knows, the longer he will live."

At this time, Luo Shan interrupted:

"Klein, you don't need to care too much. I heard from Old Neil that your 'fortune teller' is auxiliary and relatively safe. As long as you don't try to communicate with the unknown existence, how do you wear such clothes? Not a gentleman at all! What are you doing here?"

"Collect today's thirty bullets." Klein did not answer the question before Roxanne.

He believed that the girl would soon forget it.

"OK." Roxanne pointed to the table and said, "Brett, it's all for you. You should know the location of the keys and bullets. Alas, Old Neil is so mean that he didn't leave his coffee with his hands. He promised to let me drink today..."

As she rambled, Klein got the bullet.

The two men left the ground together and parted on Zotland Street. One took a public carriage home and the other entered the "Shooting Club".

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Hold the gun, lift the arm, shoot, throw out the wheel, withdraw the cartridge case, and insert the bullet... Klein repeated the process over and over, familiar with and remembering the feeling of shooting.

Of course, he had several breaks to summarize and revise.

After the practice, Klein made use of the field to do many exercises similar to push-ups to exercise and improve his physique.

When everything was over and he returned home on the trolley bus, he found that it was nearly seven o'clock and the sky was already dark.

When Klein was going to the market or the street to buy dinner ingredients, he found that the door was open and Melissa came back with a bag of stationery and books.

In addition, she also carries many dishes.

"... I think you and Benson will come back later today. They took 1 Sul from the place where you hid the money when they went out in the morning." Melissa habitually explained carefully when she saw her brother's puzzled eyes.

"Why don't you take the public carriage to school when you have all the money?" The reminded Klein remembered what happened in the morning.

Melissa frowned slightly and said:

"Why take a public carriage? It costs 4 pence to get to school and 8 pence to go back and forth. If you and Benson are included, we will spend 24 pence on the public carriage in a day, 2 Sules for a whole week. Well, not counting Sunday, it is 12 Sules, which is slightly equal to our rent!"

Stop and stop, don't show off your math skills... Klein laughed down.

Melissa paused and then added:

"It's good for me to walk to school. The teacher said that everyone should exercise regularly, and I can pick up some broken parts on the road."

Klein chuckled:

"Let's count again. The public carriage cost is 12 Sul, the rent is 12 Sul and 3 pence, and the total is only 1 pound and 4 Sul and 3 pence, which can be paid with Benson's salary. There are still a lot of surpluses. Well, he received the salary last week... and I can still get 1 pound and 10 Sul a week, that is, I can eat meat every day, even if the cost of gas, coal, wood, seasoning, etc. is included, there is still a surplus, even if the lunch is a little frugal Subscribe to a morning newspaper, only 1 penny a day. "

"After two months, I can make up for the advance salary, and then I can save money for Benson, give you, and buy new clothes."

"However, we have to consider accidents," Melissa insisted.

Klein looked at her with a smile and said:

"Then we can eat less meat. Don't you think it's a waste of time to spend 50, no, 100 minutes on the road every day? You can use it to read more books, think more about problems, and improve your performance."

"In this way, Melissa, you can graduate with excellent grades and find a job with a good salary. What are you worried about then?"


He finally persuaded Melissa to agree to go to school by public carriage, using his previous experience in debating with others in the forum.

Huh, it's finally hustle. No, how can it be called hustle? It's called persuasion... Klein muttered, took the food bought by Melissa, and sighed:

"Remember to buy beef or mutton or chicken tomorrow... Eat well and have a healthy body and smart brain to cope with difficult learning."

Just talking about it, I want to drool

Melissa pursed her mouth and said silently for a few seconds:



On the morning of the next day, Melissa was supervised to get on the public carriage. Klein and Benson arrived at the company at the corner of the street respectively.

As soon as Klein stepped into the door, he saw Old Neil and Roxanne chatting at the reception desk. The former was still dressed in a classic black robe and did not care about the eyes of others, while the latter changed into a light yellow dress.

"Good morning, Mr. Neil, Miss Roxanne." Klein took off his hat and saluted.

Old Neil glanced at him sheepishly:

"Good morning, didn't you hear anything you shouldn't hear last night?"

"No, I slept well." Klein was also surprised.

He can only attribute this to his inspiration is not high enough

"Ha ha, don't worry, it's not so easy to hear." Old Neil pointed to the partition and said, "Go to the weapons depot and continue our 'mystery course' this morning."

Klein nodded, followed Old Neil down the stairs, into the ground, came to the weapons depot, and replaced the last night's guard, Brett.

"What do you need to learn today?" Klein asked curiously.

Old Neil gave a long hum:

"Complex and basic knowledge, but before that, I will teach you an interesting skill."

He pointed to the silver chain wrapped around his wrist, and a pure white crystal hung at the top of the chain.