

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 38 Amateurs

Hearing Klein's question, the beautiful lady with brown and yellow hair elegantly coiled up did not have an impatient expression at all, and kept a polite smile and said:

"Our members are free to help others do divination in the club and determine the price by themselves. We only draw a very low proportion of the fee. If you want to do divination, you can take a look at this atlas, which contains the introduction and price of the members who are willing to do divination for others."

"However, today is Monday afternoon. Most of our members are at work and are busy. Only less than five people come..."

As she said, she asked Klein to sit down on the sofa near the window in the reception hall, and then opened the album opposite, pointing out the current members of the club:

"Haynes Vincent, a famous fortune teller in Tingen, is a tutor in the resident club. He is good at all kinds of fortune telling, and charges 4 Sul each time."

It's so expensive... it can make me and Benson and Melissa have two big dinners... Klein said nothing to himself.

The woman with brown hair in a bun saw the situation and continued to turn the page back to introduce one by one:

"... The last one, Gladys, who has just joined the club this year, has mastered Tarot divination, and charges 2p each time."

"Sir, who do you want to choose?"

Klein did not answer politely:

"Mr. Glasses."

"..." The beautiful lady in charge of reception said in silence for two seconds, "Sir, I must remind you in advance that Mr. Glasses is only a beginner."

"Yes, I will be responsible for my decision." Klein smiled and nodded.

"... Then please follow me." The beautiful lady got up and led Klein to the door next to the reception hall.

There is a corridor that is not too long, and at the end is an open conference room. There is plenty of sunshine in it. There are tables and chairs. There are newspapers, magazines, cards, and other things. The faint aroma of coffee wafts out of it.

When there were two rooms left from the conference room, the beautiful lady in charge of reception signaled Klein to stop, quickened her pace, and walked to the end, with a soft voice:

"Mr. Gladys, you are asked for divination."

"Me?" a voice full of surprise and doubt immediately sounded, accompanied by the movement of the chair.

"Yes, which divination room do you want to use?" The beautiful lady replied with no emotion.

"Topaz room, I like topaz." Gladys appeared at the door of the conference room and looked curiously at Klein, who was waiting not far away.

He is a man in his thirties, with dark skin color, dark green pupils, light yellow, and soft hair. He wears a white shirt, a black vest, and a pair of monocles on his chest. He has a good temperament.

The beautiful lady in charge of reception didn't say much and opened the "yellow crystal" room next to the conference room.

The curtain inside is closed and the light is dim. It seems that only in this way can we get the inspiration of God and spirit and get accurate divination results.

"Hello, I'm Gladys. I didn't expect you to choose me to do divination for you." Gladys saluted in a gentleman's way, walked into the room, and sat behind the long table

Klein returned the salute, followed in, and closed the door with his backhand.

He smiled and said with the light penetrating the curtain:

"You are really an honest gentleman, but I am a very persistent person in my choice."

"Please take a seat." Gladys pointed to the opposite position and thought for a few seconds, "Divination is just my hobby. Ho ho, people often get the guidance of gods in their life, but ordinary people can't accurately interpret the meaning of the Lord. That's the meaning of divination, and it's also the reason why I join this club. In this respect, I don't have enough confidence in myself, so we should consider the following divination as a communication, free communication. How about this proposal? The cost of giving the club is my own responsibility, only a quarter of a penny. "

Klein did not say well, nor shook his head, but smiled:

"I can see that you have a good and decent job."

At the same time, he leaned forward slightly, his right hand clenched his fist against his forehead, and tapped twice.

"But this can't improve my accuracy of divination." Gladys replied humorously and asked in a deep voice, "Do you have a headache? Do you want to divine about health?"

"A little bit, I hope the divination is the whereabouts of an object." Klein had already thought of his words and leaned back slowly.

In his eyes, Glassis' physical aura was clearly presented, and the orange color of his lungs was dim and thin and affected the rest of the brightness.

This is not a sign of fatigue... Klein nodded slightly and invisibly.

"Looking for lost items?" Gladys thought for a few seconds. "Let's make a simple judgment first."

He pushed the neat stack of tarot cards on the black table toward Klein:

"Calm down, think about the item in your heart, and meditate on the question of 'can you find it?' At the same time, shuffle and cut cards."

"OK." Klein actually doesn't remember the look of the ancient note, and can only expand on the question that needs to be read silently: can we still find the note of the Antigonius family?

During the repetition, he skillfully completed the shuffle and cut.

Gladys twisted a sheet from the top and pushed it across to Klein:

"Turn it clockwise into a vertical position, and then turn it over. If it is in the reverse position, that is, the pattern on the card is facing you upside down, which means that the item cannot be found. If it is in the right position, then we will continue the following divination to find its specific whereabouts."

Klein followed the prompts and turned the horizontal cards to vertical in time.

He twisted the edge of the tarot and turned it over.

This is a reverse card with a reverse pattern.

"I'm sorry." Gladys sighed.

Klein did not respond because his attention was on the tarot card in front of him.

The pattern on this reverse sign is a "fool" wearing gorgeous clothes and gorgeous headwear!

Are you a fool again? It can't be so coincidence... According to "Hanging Man" and Old Neil, divination is the result of communication between spirituality and spirituality, and the higher level "I". The tarot card is only a convenient tool to interpret "symbolic revelation". Theoretically, it doesn't matter what divination objects are used, and it doesn't affect the result... Klein frowned slightly and considered for a while:

"Can I tell whether the item has been acquired by others?"

"You can do it again in the same way." Gladys nodded with great interest.

Klein shuffled and cut the cards again and thought about the problem silently.

Draw cards, lay them horizontally, turn them clockwise to vertically, and carefully prepared them.

After taking a breath, Klein reached out and opened the tarot card.

Don't be a fool again

In the mood of prayer, he suddenly relaxed, because the face of the card appeared as "stars", reverse!

"It seems that the item has not been picked up by others," Glassis explained with a smile.

Klein nodded, raised his right hand, thoughtfully tapped his eyebrows twice, then took out two pennies with dark brass from his pocket and pushed them to Glasses.

"Didn't I say free?" Glasses frowned.

Klein smiled and stood up:

"This is respect for divination."

"Well, thank you for your generosity." Glasses stood up and extended his hand.

After shaking hands, Klein stepped back two steps, turned around, walked to the door, and twisted the handle.

When he was about to go out, he suddenly turned back and said "Hmm":

"Mr. Glasses, I suggest you see a doctor as soon as possible, mainly because of lung problems."

"Why?" Gladys asked in amazement.

This is the result of unsatisfied divination. Are you cursing me?

Klein thought for a moment and said:

"This is a symptom that can be seen on your face. You, uh, your eyebrows are black."

"Eyebrows darken..." Glass is heard similar descriptions for the first time.

Klein didn't explain again, smiled and walked out of the room, and closed the wooden door.

"Is he an unlicensed doctor or a rural pharmacist?" Gladys laughed and shook his head and picked up the silver mirror for divination.

He looked carefully and found that his eyebrows were really black.

However, this is a problem of the environment. Under the dim light of the curtain, his eyebrows are not only black, but his whole face is black!

"A joke that is not so pleasant," Gladys whispered.

He divined his health and made sure there was no problem.


When leaving the divination club, Klein had a plan for the future.

That is to save money as soon as possible, pay the annual fee, become a member of the club, and start playing the so-called "fortune teller".

Why not do it alone? It is because there are no resources and no channels, and it is impossible to go to the street to be a street vendor. After all, it is an individual face.

After a few minutes, he waited for the public carriage and arrived at Scotland Street, which was not too far away, at a cost of 2p.

When he opened the door of the "Black Thorn Security Company", he did not see the familiar brunette girl, only found Leonard Mitchell, a poet with black hair and green eyes, sitting behind the reception desk.

"Good afternoon, where's Roxanne?" Klein asked after taking off his hat and saluting.

Leonard smiled and pointed to the partition door:

"She is on duty in the arsenal tonight."

Before Klein asked again, Leonard seemed to be thinking about something:

"Klein, I've been wondering about one thing."

"What's the matter?" Klein looked blank.

Leonard stood up and smiled softly:

"Why did Welch and Naya commit suicide on the spot while you came home?"

"It should be the unknown existence that wants me to take away and hide the notes of the Antigonius family," Klein said.

Leonard paced a few steps and suddenly turned and looked straight into Klein's eyes:

"If you were asked to commit suicide in order to kill your mouth and erase the clues, why not directly let you destroy the note on the spot?"