
I’m not leaving yet

After getting kicked out of his old school he moves to New York and finds something.. or someone.

Arrianna_0632 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

|The date|

When London reached his house he immediately took a shower still trying to figure out how he's gonna be on the date. He thought he was straight.. he knows he's straight but why does his heart flutter each time he thinks of either of the boys that asked him out.

As be got out the shower he picked a sophisticated outfit and sprayed a nice amount of cologne then he was out.

[25 mins later]

He arrived at "jones coffee shop" and stood there for a good minute before walking in.

As he walked in he was greeted by a waiter "Hello!! Welcome to jones coffee shop how can we be of service?"the lady spoke

"Hey erm. I'm meant to be meeting someone."

"Alrighty!! Who?"

"Uhh Charlie.. Charlie st jakes I think."

"Ok!! Let me just check... Yup!! Ok right this way!"

The waiter lead London to a booth where Charlie was sitting there with a black button up only 2 buttons where unbuttoned and his hair look wet but didn't drip.

"Hello London.."

"Hey Charlie.."

C:"Well don't just stand there, cmon sit."

Without a second guess London sat down.

[Just a few minutes later]

London is playing with a spoon lost on words to say and Charlie is staring down on his phone

"Hello!! What can i get started for you two?" The waiter says cheerfully

" hello! Could I get a black coffee without anything and hmmm *he says while looking at the menu* a buttered croissant please." London spoke

"Alright a modern man. And for you?" The waiter said while writing on her notepad

"I'll have a caramel espresso and a ham and cheese sandwich, toasted please." Charlie spoke while closing his menu

"Alrighty!! I'll be right back with your orders." The waiter says while walking away.

They both sat there in silence for a few minutes

"Okay.. here's the black coffee and the caramel espresso." The waiter says as placing the beverages down "the croissant and sandwich will be out momentarily." She says and walks away

London takes a sip of his coffee and hisses "shit. Needs sugar." He says and starts ripping small packs of low fat sugar

"Why ask for a black coffee specifically with nothing in it if your just gonna add sugar?" Charlie asked confused

"Because.. the sugar they have stored it's never good, always stale.

Charlie chuckled and took a sip of his coffee.

"So tell me why did you move here?"

"Well I moved here because of my school.. I got a.. scholarship. Yeah a scholarship here so I had to move. What about you? Where you born here or.."

"I wasn't born here, I was born in Puerto Rico. I moved here when I was 12 and stayed every sense."

"Cool cool.. so you in college?"

"Yes I go to states of jalocks college. What about you?"

"Interesting that's uh.. the one I'm going to as well I was looking up photos of it just earlier today."

"Cool! Hopefully we're in the same class."

"Yeah.. hopefully."

They kept the conversation going for 2 whole hours.

"Here's the check" the waiter says placing the check down and walking away

"I got it" they both say

They laughed it off and both reached for the bill then laughed again "I can pay." Charlie said

"No no no you invited me here I should pay."

"You have no money. I'll pay."

"...fine." London says finally forfeiting the challenge

Charlie paid and they both left the place

"I really liked this." Charlie said

"Me to."

"Can we do it again?"

"Of course hows next week?"

"Awesome.. oh my taxi is here gotta go see you next week." Charlie said giving London a small peck on the cheek before leaving.

London was baffled he liked it but he wasn't gay. But he liked it but wasn't gay.

He likes girls.. but Charlie is.. no no no forget about it

London took the city train home and headed straight to bed.