
I’m not leaving yet

After getting kicked out of his old school he moves to New York and finds something.. or someone.

Arrianna_0632 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

|The first day|

•a week later(tus).•

London had just finished getting dressed for his first day of work excited to see his.. well friend. He left early so he could stop at McDonald's and grab something to eat, just as he was locking the door behind him


"What? Oh morning!!"

"Why are you up so early?"

"I got a job last week"

"Cool congrats man!!"


"Well Don't let me stop you go on now wouldn't wanna be late."

"Yeah I guess not." And with that London left (convo with Joseph)

Walking into the train munching on a McGriddle and a iced coffee

Awaiting for his train because he missed the last one he got time to eat his food in peace

"SpArE cHaNgE!?!" ..

"Oh uh sorry no.."

"Stupid little shits never have anything." The homeless man mumbles walking away

"Jeez what was his deal.." London thought

His train finally came and he got on

(20 minutes later)

He woke up from a nap and found himself 2 stop away so he quickly sat up and started preparing himself to get off..

(At the job)

He was nervous walking in but eventually did it. Walking around finding the "locker rooms" when he came across a room that was labeled "locker rooms" so he went in.

When he walked in he was greeted by Charlie in just pants seeing his body made him flustered. He silently walked to his side of the locker so redeem himself. He then changed his clothes into the uniform and clocked in and was on with his shift.