
I’m not leaving yet

After getting kicked out of his old school he moves to New York and finds something.. or someone.

Arrianna_0632 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

|Finding work|

•A month later•

London was sitting at his soft Woden desk look up photos of his college. He realized that he hadn't found a job yet. He got dressed in a casual but modern suit and grabbed his Résumé out of the drawer of his desk, he then put his Résumé phone charger wallet and keys in a small brief case and left.

He walked around the city for 20 minutes going into buildings requesting a job but sadly no one hired him. He went into the Amazon department and asked the front counter if they were hiring.

"Hey uhm are you guys hiring?" London asked

"Why yes we are please go to the 4th floor to your right." The counter lady said.

"Thanks." London pressed the elevator button and went to the fourth floor.

[on the fourth floor]

He gets off the elevator and turned to the left he look down at his phone and he accidentally bumped into someone and fell to the ground "shit, im sorry!" London said getting up off the floor

" don't worry bout it." A familiar voice.

London looks up "Charlie?"

"In the flesh, what r u doin here?" Charlie spoke

"I'm here for apply for a job but I can't seem to find the main office"

"Oh we'll just turn right first door there. You know what. I'll just show you follow me" Charlie said as London walked along side him

"Here you are, hope you get the job"

"Thanks I hope to." London said Waking in

"Oh yeah and can't wait for out coffee date." Charlie said with a slight chuckle and walked away.

London paused and started blushing like crazy. And finally went in.

"Hello sir I'm here to apply for a job."

"Welcome please take a Seat." The chair man said

[skip if you want]

Cm: "so tell me why do you want this job?"

L: "well I need the money and I'm good at packaging and delivering packages, I used to work for fedex."

Cm: "I see, well may I see your résumé?"

L: " of course,here." *passes the résumé*

Cm: well this is a nice paper. Congratulations you have the job."

L: "really?! Thank you so very much you won't regret this!"

Cm: "i hope not, and I hope you can fit my expectations."

L:"I will not disappoint."

Cm: very well, you can see yourself out."

London grabbed his résumé and walked out, once he closed the door he yelped with joy and went to the elevator.

"Hey London" Charlie yelled

"Yeah what's up"

"You got the job?

"You know it!"


"So.. how bout that coffee date tonight?" Charlie spoke

"Sounds great" London said as the elevator door closed.

[20 minutes later]

London took a cab home and decided to prepare for this coffee date.