

Traveling through the world of pirates coincides with the defeat of the pirate Golden Lion by Wang Luffy. Luo Chen hurried before the navy and found the golden lion that fell into the sea. “Mr. Shiki, do you have any last wishes?” He took out the dagger he had prepared, and said seriously to the frail blond old man. puff! When the dagger pierced the back of the golden lion, the prompt sound followed. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, inheriting the ability of the Golden Lion] 【Ding! Congrats to the host, inherit the ability of Float-Float Fruit] 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, inheriting the Golden Lion Kendo] … But Luo Chen felt that it was not enough. Therefore, he held two long knives with dead wood and Ying Shi, and aimed at Whitebeard who was about to die in the war on the top. Those who rule the sea are called pirates, what is the name of those who rule the world?

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 50 Kaido’s Ambition

"I forgot to dodge just now! That's why I was attacked by that bastard."

Jack looked down at the little phone bug and reported the whole process in a respectful tone.

However, regarding the fact that he was defeated, he argued that he did not evade Shiryu's ultimate move, so he was captured.

One of the three kanbans of Beasts Pirates, Jack is fierce and cruel to the outside world, but he is very humble and respectful towards the Pirates, especially one of the other three disasters, as well as Kaido of the Beasts.

"whispering sound!"

Shiryu behind him heard that and wanted to stab him to death.

"Captain, this kid Luo Chen said, if you want to talk about cooperation, you must talk to the captain in person!"

Jack glanced at Luo Chen and said angrily.

The words fall.

The phone bug on the ground fell silent.

The phone bug in the image of Kaido, narrowed his eyes slightly, with cruelty and murderous intent on his face.

After a long while, he spoke slowly.

"Who does he think Laozi is?"

This sentence, even if the deity did not arrive, everyone present felt the terrifying killing intent.

The momentum of the Four Emperors alone is enough to make people bear boundless pressure.

"Boss Kaido, he said, if the boss doesn't talk about it, he will sink us into the sea of ​​10,000 meters."

Jack bit his head and whispered.

Even if he is the big sign of the Beasts Pirates, when facing Kaido, he does not dare to be too presumptuous.

The seemingly alcoholic and belligerent, moody and cruel Kaido.

In fact, he is very shrewd, scheming, and good at planning.

However, as long as it's not violent, Kaido won't care even if he is talked back by his subordinates.

But now, because of his nervous temper after being interrupted to drink, Jack, as Kaido's confidant, has to coax him carefully.

Otherwise, their emotions will become violent, and they will be wronged to death.

"Hehe, threatened by a stinky young boy, Jack, do you think Laozi should agree?"

Kaido didn't answer the question.

The phone bug's expression and tone were full of murderous intent.


Jack's face changed slightly.

You mean let him die here?


Luo Chen, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help sneering, and said, "If it's such a boring conversation, I suggest you talk in another world in the future."

The phone bug's eyes narrowed slightly, and the beard like a dragon's beard looked mighty and extraordinary.

"Boy, you have something, I hope we can meet you next time!"

"If that's what you're going to say, I can sink your hands to the bottom of the ocean right now."

Luo Chen said straight to the point.

"They are already Four Emperors, so being polite and probing is too boring. If there is a chance in the future, I believe you and I will kill each other."

This statement came out.

Not to mention the Jack the Drough guys were shocked.

Even the crew members of Luo Chen's face changed drastically.

Is this the attitude towards the Four Emperors?

Even if it wasn't a real meeting, it still shocked everyone.

However, Shiryu and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they thought of their previous confrontation with Whitebeard.

This is their captain! !

Sure enough, for a powerhouse of the Four Emperors level, Luo Chen's attitude was undoubtedly an expression of provocation and courtship of death.

"dammit, boy, I remember you!"

Kaido was furious, and there was a loud crashing noise from the phone bug, and there was a sound wave of dragon whistling.

Thirty seconds later…

The chaotic loud noise and dragon roar stopped.

"Boy, the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and Naval Headquarters on the Day of Execution, shouldn't you be unaware?"

The phone bug's expression changed from violent to sinister in an instant, and said: "When this war is over, if Whitebeard returns safe and sound, the consequences of you robbing him of The fish men island…"

Having said that, Kaido deliberately stopped.

Luo Chen understood what he meant, it was nothing more than the nonsense that Whitebeard would trouble him.

But Luo Chen, who knows the history of the original book, naturally knows that this Summit War is the last end of Whitebeard's life.

Even because of his appearance, the revolutionary army will get involved.

However, facing the overwhelming force of Naval Headquarters.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army would not be able to rescue Ace without paying a heavy price.

And Whitebeard, who was old and disabled, had long since left with the determination to die.

Therefore, Kaido's words are nonsense to Luo Chen.

"Oh, what should I do then?"

Luo Chen pretended not to know and asked.

"Collaborate with Laozi and join forces to raid the Whitebeard Pirates from behind."

Kaido's eyes flickered violently, and he shouted: "Marine in front, we join forces in the back, Whitebeard is dead this time…"

It could be heard that Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, seemed to be very interested in Whitebeard.

The issue is.

Luo Chen knows the history of the original book and knows Kaido's intentions. This sea of ​​moody tyrants is not to kill Whitebeard, but to prevent Whitebeard from going to Naval Headquarters to rescue Ace.

To put it bluntly, it is to prevent Whitebeard from going to death.

Summit War and the world would have been rewritten if it wasn't for the redheads.

So now the cooperation with Luo Chen mentioned is obviously to want Luo Chen to join forces with him to resist the interception of Red Hair Pirates, and then rush to Naval Headquarters to prevent Whitebeard from dying.

You must know that in this world, the reason why the Four Emperors and Marine are balanced is mainly because of the existence of Whitebeard.

If Whitebeard dies.

Marine will free up a huge force to target the other three Four Emperors.

Even without Shichibukai's power to balance, Marine can handle New World with ease.

Kaido is well aware that before he has enough power to shake the world.

Whitebeard's existence actually helped him resist most of Marine's power.

Kaido knew this, but Kaido thought that Luo Chen didn't know and didn't want Luo Chen to know.

Therefore, I deliberately said that they would cooperate and join forces to attack the Whitebeard Pirates.

Luo Chen laughed in his heart.

"So, I killed Whitebeard for you, what can you do for me?"

He smiled lightly, pretended not to know, and asked directly.