

Traveling through the world of pirates coincides with the defeat of the pirate Golden Lion by Wang Luffy. Luo Chen hurried before the navy and found the golden lion that fell into the sea. “Mr. Shiki, do you have any last wishes?” He took out the dagger he had prepared, and said seriously to the frail blond old man. puff! When the dagger pierced the back of the golden lion, the prompt sound followed. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, inheriting the ability of the Golden Lion] 【Ding! Congrats to the host, inherit the ability of Float-Float Fruit] 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, inheriting the Golden Lion Kendo] … But Luo Chen felt that it was not enough. Therefore, he held two long knives with dead wood and Ying Shi, and aimed at Whitebeard who was about to die in the war on the top. Those who rule the sea are called pirates, what is the name of those who rule the world?

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 49 The Four Emperors seek cooperation?

A behemoth suddenly appeared on the pier. The huge body was covered with thick hair, and the two curled snow-white ivory were as clear as white jade.

Mammoth form of ancient species.

"Laozi is going to kill you!"

Jack the Drill was completely furious.

Going directly into the final form of the fruit is like a hill rushing past.

Seeing this, his men followed suit.


"Fuck, kill Laozi."

The pirates of the Mammoth were screaming.

Immediately afterward, Zoan fruit abilities entered the animal form one after another.

However, most of the pirates are man-made Devil Fruit, so in terms of shape, they appear to be all kinds of strange.


Facing Jack the Drough's mammoth attack, Shiryu's long sword rang and collided with the ivory to avoid it.

"dammit, it's all Demon fruit power?"

Seeing that the other party was full of Zoan abilities, Shiryu looked disgusted and unhappy.

You know, he has been looking for Devil Fruit to become stronger and can't.

But all these little scoundrels on the other side actually have Devil Fruit.

Although the opponent's Devil Fruit ability seems to have some shortcomings, the enhanced endurance, strength and speed can be really felt.

"They are too resistant to Cao, their physical strength and endurance are above us, it is better for us to fight quickly!"

Luo Shi displayed the ROOM space, and the long knife slashed through it, cutting off the body of a rushing scoundrel.


And at this moment, Lu Qi, Kaku and others, their bodies soared rapidly and turned into their own animal fruit form.

Cheetahs, giraffes, wolves and more…

The chaos of the scene caused both Shiryu and Luo to have an illusion.

I don't know, I thought I entered a zoo.

until half an hour later.

When Luo Chen came back with a big redwood boat, the battle on the pier had just ended.

Jack the Drough and his subordinate pirates were all tied up with five flowers.

"Bastard, let me go and fight again."

Even though his movement was restricted, Jack the Drough was still rebellious, glaring at Shiryu and yelling.

Shiryu, Luo, Lu Qi and the others all suffered, but the injuries were not serious, and they could be cured by resting for a few days.

"Dammit, one more word, don't think Laozi dare not kill you!"

Shiryu had a cold expression on his face.

But to be honest, if he hadn't followed Luo Chen, he really wouldn't have dared to provoke Beasts Pirates.

After all, among the Four Emperors of the New World, Whitebeard and Red Hair are normal people who can communicate normally.

And Beasts Pirates, there are not many people who can communicate normally.

Jack the Drill is not among them.


At this time, the Ark of Chaos landed on the dock, setting off a gust of wind.

"Oh, are you all done?"

Luo Chen glanced at it and smiled lightly: "Then throw it out."


Shiryu froze for a moment, then nodded in response.

Next, Luo and Lu Qi and others began to act one after another.

The pirates who directly escorted the Mammoth went to exile in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters.

"Hey hey hey, damn, wait… You guys are still not following the rules, Laozi came to deliver the letter, what's your attitude?"

Seeing this, Jack panicked.

"Oh, send a letter?"

Shiryu smiled coldly, wanting to slash it with a sword: "Why do you send letters like this?"

I have to say that this kind of brutal and vicious reckless man, who seems to have no brain conflict, is actually very shrewd.

"Who do you represent?"

Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

He didn't really believe Jack's nonsense at all.

Sending letters may be true, but it is certainly more than just sending letters.

It may be possible to test the strength by the way. If Luo Chen and others are defeated, the result will be self-evident.

Now that Jack has been captured, he has verified his strength, and naturally he said he came to deliver the letter.

Beasts Pirates, most of the pirates, may be out of their minds.

But the cadres of the Pirates, in addition to their strength, their brains are also a good thing.

"Of course it's Captain Kaido!"

Jack grinned and said in a deep voice, "Boy, you stole The fish men island from Whitebeard. My captain is very optimistic about you, so I want to talk to you about cooperation."


Luo Chen nodded, then said indifferently, "Then let Kaido talk to me in person."

"Give you five minutes, if Kaido doesn't talk, then you can meet at 10,000 meters in the deep sea."

After speaking, Luo Chen waved his hand.

Lu Qi, Luo and others escorted all the mammoth pirates to the entrance of The fish men island, ready to sink them into the sea at any time.


Seeing this scene, Jack's eyes were full of humiliation.

However, in the face of Luo Chen's seriousness, he did not dare to be reckless, but after unlocking the chain, he obediently called Kaido.


However, it did not turn out as expected.

You know, in the original book, Kaido of the Beasts' character likes to be alone,

Not committing suicide, or on the way to committing suicide.

Or, when drinking and drunk.

"Captain Kaido…"

At this moment, cold sweat dripped down Jack's forehead.

Shiryu stood behind him, the thunderstorm had already unsheathed, and when the time was up, Jack's body would be separated.

three minutes!

beep —

The phone call is still not connected.

two minutes!


The phone bug still closed his eyes.

"As soon as five minutes are up, you can leave."

Luo Chen laughed.

The tone is not strong, even a little careless.

But Jack the Drough, for some reason, felt the most deadly danger, the hairs all over his body stood upright, and his back was cold.

"play one more time!"

He bites the bullet and calls Kaido again.

The phone bug on the ground, with its eyes closed, seemed to be asleep.


Just as despair appeared in Jack's eyes.

The phone bug, who had kept his eyes closed, suddenly let out a dull wine burp, and the phone bug's appearance changed completely.

Two black beards and the most buzzed expression on his face.

"If nothing important enough bothers me to drink, I'll kill you!"

A deep, tongue-tied voice came.

But when it fell into Jack's ears, it was as beautiful as the sound of nature, and tears filled his eyes with excitement.