
Night Attempt

__________ POV Narration__________

While Ashton and Momoze were catching up, a group of soldiers were gathered around a table and planning something nefarious.

"Are you sure the leader gave us this command?" Asked one of them.

"Obviously, the prince wants us to take them out all at once after all..." A taller person at that table looked around.

There were around 20 soldiers present, they were all strengthened by Zhang Lei's Nen Beast. Said prince was the one they listened to now.

They had no choice but to listen, the power came with such a condition. They were bound, as if by a contract with the devil.

Yet, none of them could complain. They had all gained enough power to stand above the ranks of all the rest of the soldiers.

They also gained varying abilities and powers, not just an upgrade in Nen quantity and quality.

They were all currently, strong enough to compare themselves to the old Phantom Troupe, individually, however, they were each only as strong as the weakest member of the troupe.

Even then, the troupe members had some form of powerful or tricky Hatsu, these guys just relied on the abilities that Zhang Lei's Nen Beast bestowed onto them.

This small group was all that was left on the ship.

Prince Zhang Lei had already long since departed from the Black Whale. Leaving some of his trusted servants behind to carry out assassinations.

He was currently contacting them through carrier birds, as they didn't want their conversations to be tapped.

His message was simple. When hearing that all of the princes gathered in one place, he simply wrote: "Kill them all, strike at night."

The message was short, but the mission it gave had a difficulty far greater than any other task they had received.

The group of 20 soldiers knew that this task would be quite difficult to achieve. All of the princes being together meant that all of their guards were together too.

That meant that they were outnumbered by quite a lot. Thankfully for them, their enemies were considerably weaker than them...

With one exception that is... Kurapika had easily taken care of a few of them when they had attacked Oita. They were overconfident and only sent a few people.

All of them ended up dying to the Zodiac member. Then they realised that taking down Kurapika wouldn't be that easy.

But, they were still confident that they could achieve it. There was twenty of them after all, and only one of him.

They didn't even care about the rest of the servants, considering them out of the equation due to their lacking strength.

So, they all geared up and prepared for the assassination... That might not be the right term. They were preparing for a massacre.

__________ POV Ashton__________

As much as I'm enjoying the moment... I can't help but notice some bloodthirsty making its way towards the hallway.

I wouldn't even have noticed this in the past, since it's quite well hidden. But I guess living amongst blood-thirsty beasts gave me a refresher on the sensation.

But I didn't want to wake up Momoze, she just managed to doze off and is probably tired.

So I'll just use the patented, 'transfer my consciousness to a clone' technique. And go to meet our visitors.

Now would be a good time to mention the layout of the room and defences that the servants and princes thought together.

All of the princes are currently resting in one large room, with only one entry and no other point of access(ai, no windows, vents).

There are no other rooms around it, so the walls are extremely thick. Now, the servants are all posted at the end of the hallway, where a few more rooms are present.

That's their living space, as well as the place where they're currently holding Camilla.

There are at least 90 servants, 15 for each prince. They are doing shifts of 45, but if an attack was to actually happen, all of the others would be woken up too.

Kurapika is currently considered the captain of the royal servants and guards. He is basically in charge of everything regarding defence.

The sleeping quarters of the servants are specifically put in that place so that any sound of conflict would be enough to alert them.

This defence has just been put in place, and it seems like it's already being tested...

I can hear faint sounds of struggle as I approach the end of the hallway. I silently opened the doors to the servant's defensive line only to see chaos everywhere.

Around 20 people were attacking the servants, all of them seemed to be decent in power(weak compared to me, but that's always an unfair comparison).

At least 16 bodies were littering the floor, and they were all belonging to the servants.

Each of the 20 attackers seemed to be able to take on more than 5 regular servants.

But 7 of them seemed to be stuck dealing with Kurapika, they can't seem to beat him, but they're stalling him to overwhelm him with numbers when the rest are done.

The sleeping servants were already awakened and they entered the fray instantly. All types of weapons were used, but the Nen users seemed to be able to shrug off bullets.

So the servants that relied on them were currently at a loss on how exactly they could help the situation.

I could even see a familiar face. Theta, the woman that had asked me to kill a prince.

It seems she is still working as a servant, she was probably recruited by one of the princes after her previous master died.

At the moment, it seems that no one has noticed my presence, which I can find quite annoying.

So, I gently closed the doors to the hallway. Then I turned around and faced the large room.

All of the people inside were locked in battle, but that didn't stop me from raising my hands and clapping my palms once.

The sound echoed throughout the room and brought everyone's attention to me. The attackers seemed confused, while the servants seemed relieved.

Kurapika used that chance to crush the neck of one of the attackers using his dowsing chain. "About time!" I wasn't expecting him to complain.

But I guess hearing constant thank you's would get tiring.

"Now, where should I start?~" I said with a smile as I looked around the room. Maybe helping Theta will come first, since she's someone I know...

But then again... What's stopping me from doing all of it at once?

I quickly split myself into 10 clones and commanded them to go after the attackers. The brainless clones dashed towards the attackers, using their bodies power to its fullest extent.

The first attacker to clash with a clone had all of his bones broken in an instant. The next tried to block a clone with his weapon, only for both him and his weapon to be crushed.

The rest were a lot more careful, but some still sustained wounds. The clones don't really have a fighting style, after all, they are just all over the place.

But that also made them somewhat easy to read. As the attackers managed to get a hang of fighting them quite quickly.

Still, that's not really relevant. I made my way towards Theta, she seemed pretty surprised to see me.

"Hello! It's truly been a while... I'm quite shocked that you are still a servant." I spoke quite slowly.

"Well, a lot of things changed... Glad to have you on our side though..." She muttered as she looked around the room warily. She seems to find these attackers quite threatening.

But I don't really think any of these guys are worth my time. One of them, however, seems to have gotten a great idea.

"If we get rid of him then the clones will disappear!" He shouted to the others as he charged towards me.

The servants are still taking a break after the attackers were distracted by my appearance, but they still tried to intercept this man.

Theta didn't even bother trying, she just sighed and shook her head tiredly.

Well, the servants weren't fast enough to intercept him anyway.

He quickly thrust his spear towards my heart. An attempt that I find quite laughable, but there is something quite strange about his spear...

I quickly grabbed the handle and dragged it to the side, my senses warning me to not allow the steel tip to touch my body.

I quickly kicked my leg towards the charging man, it was quick, instinctively even. I didn't even think properly when doing it.

My body just did it on its own.

My leg went right through his chest, I pulled it back before any blood-stained it, but I still made quite a mess on the ground.

This is... Strange. Why did I react like that?


Hope you liked the chapter!

Sorry for not uploading yesterday, I really had no time to write at all. I managed to get some time in now though, so that's nice.

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