
A Heartful of Feelings

__________ POV Ashton__________

As I stood there, sat down and leaning on the wall. Looking around the hallway, I couldn't help but contemplate how quickly things have changed for me.

I never considered myself a righteous person. I never will be one, especially when taking into consideration all of the things I've done.

Yet, in the last few years, I've helped more people than I did in all of my years combined. What stirred this type of change in me I wonder?

Well, I guess Netero's efforts to break me out of my shell only paid off after his death. Maybe realising that I lost my only friends because of the way I am is what caused this change.

But I don't really mind. This change is what led me to be where I am. I wouldn't have cared for saving Momoze, I wouldn't have cared for helping Kurapika, or for finally putting an end to my disciple...

Now, I'm helping the princes once again. Not even expecting much in return. It's quite cathartic really.

I wonder what to do right now. I mean, there are quite a few ways of approaching this current situation.

Finding Zhang Lei wouldn't be an issue for me, he should still be on the ship somewhere... At least I think so.

Chances are, he only left some soldiers behind for them to continue carrying out assassinations.

After all, if he remained on the ship, he would have to be extremely careful about his moves.

Problem is, if he's not on the ship anymore then finding him will get a bit complicated. I'd have to check all three cities, just to make sure.

Even then, the possibility of him being outside of the cities still exists.

I stood there and pondered these things, eventually, Momoze decided to come out of the room and sat down right beside me.

I just turned to her and smiled.

"Great to see you again Momoze... It's been a while since we've spoken like this." I said while looking her in the eyes.

"I know... I just... I want to apologize. My actions back then were childish, I was throwing tantrums while you were helping all of us..." She looked at the ground in shame.

"Apology accepted. I'm not going to joke around and say that you didn't bother me even a little bit. But that's fine, a lot has changed it seems." She does seem a bit more mature about things now.

Well, mature might be a wrong word, she might just be a bit more accustomed to how things go in the world. Violence and death are just regular occurrences.

She was no doubt naive back then, she's changed a bit, but she is still the same, kind and caring, Momoze that I know.

I don't know if I should find that concerning or to be happy for her.

"I also want to say... Thank you, I don't know what I would've done if you weren't here..." She seemed a bit disappointed to be saying that.

I guess she wanted to try and solve things by herself. It's understandable considering the way things went between us in the past.

"No need to act like strangers. If you need help, I'll help you. If I ever happen to need help, I'm sure you'd do the same." My words seemed to calm her, but only momentarily.

It seems a strange thought appeared in her mind, one that she finally decided to voice out.

"But... Do you ever need help? I've never seen you struggle with anything. I don't even know how I'm supposed to be useful to you..." Her concern is quite normal.

Even if I was to have a genuine issue, there isn't much she could be able to do with her strength.

The gorilla Nen Beast I gave her is still looking over her, although, she has learned a bit of Nen. Likely from Kurapika.

And that's a good enough thing, she's trying her best to grow stronger. The reason, however, is what I find troubling.

"Usefulness? Do you think I consider you a tool? Friends aren't supposed to be having these thoughts." Maybe I didn't see it this way when I met her, but I don't want her to measure her value in the order of usefulness.

That's a downwards slippery slope that's quite difficult to get out of.

She just stared at me, wide-eyed for a few seconds, then a smile as bright as the sun appeared on her face.

Her eyes were almost glistening with tears, and her legs were swaying about joyously.

"Tha-" She was about to mutter another thank you. But all of these words of gratitude are getting quite annoying.

I just grabbed her and hugged her, it shut her up almost instantly and she just stood there, I could almost feel her melting in my arms.

It seems that for all this time of reflection and growth, she still hasn't changed her stance on me. Her affection actually seems stronger than before...

"Say... How have you been all this time? Have you been eating well at least? Oh, and, how come you look so young now?" What are you? My mother?

This is the first thing she's said after a few minutes of just laying in my embrace. And she's just asking about my journey.

"I've been well... I looked into quite a few things about the Dark Continent while I was away. As for my youth... This is how I usually look, I just became older back then for a short period of time..."

I'm not going to go into detail about me going back towards what is essentially a lake of vitality(or a puddle, I guess) and gulping up most of it.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Her innocent question is something I've yet to even find out.

"To some extent... Yeah." She could probably hear the uncertainty in my voice. But she didn't challenge it. She just nodded and smiled. Seemingly happy for me.

"How were things around here?" Our conversation continued for quite a while.

I ended up having to wrap her up in my sleeping bag, the two of us drifted off to sleep in the hallway.

Well, I didn't really sleep. I need to be a bit vigilant after all.

Not that I don't trust the servants of the princes. But I'd much rather be prepared if something is to happen.

Momoze, however, slept like a baby. Clinging to me as her soft breath seemed to warm up my shoulder.

... I could get used to this.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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