
wow...close one

Noticing that it was a small man with brown hair and a green tracksuit, I was about to turn around when I noticed what he was holding. The sniper cunt. Just looking at him for some reason made my blood boil and I couldn't contain my anger anymore. Grabbing his right arm where he held his rifle, I clenched it and "snapp!!" I broke his arm with one hand. Dropping his weapon from the pain the man shouted in despair: "ARGHH" "ARGHJJG" "hah" "hah" breathing heavily the man looked up where I stood pointing at him with the gun he once held


The gun didn't fire as something was jamming it's functionality. I lifted the gun with both arms and snapped the shit in half. This had created quite the commotion and attention from both examers and examinees.

"...shiit, don't fuck with him"

"god damn that must hurt"

"physically and mentally"

Realising that I now had 5 examiners surrounding me pointing at me with different types of weapons ranging from, spears to knives to maces and their bare hands. But what caught my attention was that all of their weapons gave off this sinister feeling, The very feeling I read about in that one book, NEN.

"I will not allow any more fighting until we have arrived at the next and final test" the monkey said in a rather serious tone, grabbing my attention.

While the rest of the 18 participants were leisurely walking alone to the next stage, me and the sniper cunt were escorted over there. The sniper cunt was escorted and healed by one of the examiners and I was escorted with now four guards, (one of the five from before was healing the sniper cunt). Arriving at the last testing area one could see an abandoned coliseum with a sumo wrestling ring in the middle.

"congratulations to everyone present here as you have qualified to take the hunter exam next year if you fail"

"We will now release the brackets and orders in which you will fight in"

Watching the fights there wasn't anyone that gave me the same sinister feeling as the examiners from before. Including me, I didn't know how to achieve and use that same sinister feeling.

Once my fight had arrived I was greeted by a very tall and chubby man the said man was around 2m and a half meters in height as well as in width, with a bald head and a mean looking face the man would've been rightening to other people, but to me he just looked like a chubby cute teddy bear.


Rushing at me, signaling that a right hook was coming from a mile away I simply bent down sideways and kicked his left foot which he was leading with. While the teddy bear was falling down from losing his balance I retracted the foot I kicked him with and sent another powerful kick but this time the point of contact was his chin and my knee, effectively knocking him out.

'he effectively and easily made use of the difference in nimbleness and dexterity, as well as taking into account that the opponent would fall and create quite the self destructing force against himself if he were to fall down, What a clever and capable young man, truly promising'

'whew...I didn't even realise I had won, I just followed my instincts, haha I truly am a genius, splendid work me, hahaha.'

I looked around and realised that once again I had attracted the stares of the people present. Some were stares of anger, some were stares of pity for the opponent and some were surprisingly of admiration.

Seeing one of the examiners walk up to me I looked confused of what he wanted now, I didn't even do anything wrong this time.

"congratulations Alex Veil, You have passed the annual hunter examination and will be called a professional hunter from now onwards. More details will come in the form of a self destructible holographic message, informing you of everything you will need to know about the hunter association and more."

Walking away the examiner refocused on the remaining matches. Realizing that I had passed I then moved over to the exit prepared with bold letters and two wide double doors. Arriving inside another room with broken pillars and layers of sand I started walking for the second exit. I was then greeted by the sinister feeling from before attacking me from behind. Instinctively I turned around with buckets threatening to fall from my forehead. There stood a gray haired man wearing a red kimono.

I couldn't move, I wanted to move so badly but the shaking of my entire body just didn't stop, I was afraid and angry. Afraid because I had no defensive method against that sinister feeling, and angered because I knew I could beat the grey haired old fuck. Deciding that i had had enough i charged forward, initiating the attack for the first time in my life.

I don't know if it was because i was scared or not but i now used my brain while fighting, while charging at the old man, I realized his stance was heavily concentrated on his legs, but his power lay in his arms. I know what I have to do, I have to fake a right hook, and just before I come inside his range I will tackle him with my legs in a scissor takedown, forcefully bending his knees, then I will…


"Both participants stop what you are doing as you have both been successfully acknowledged by the hunter association as licensed hunters" Looking up at the purple monkey I then started walking out of the coliseum once again.

'holy shit...that was a close one... now I really want to learn what that sinister aura/nen'

tell me what I can improve on as well as what u want Alex' hatsu ability to be

Thepoetcreators' thoughts