
Hunter x Hunter Fanfic

just a HxH piece fanfic

Nolifeking · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Start of the journey

"Hey, why are we here" a voice question as the police car parked just a few meters from the entrance of the port, where people were pouring in one after the other openly carrying weapons." Drake we can't be here"

Drake didn't listen to a word of his partner complaints, "come on you're already in deep shit from the last stunt, hell this might even get ya fired"

"i'm just looking at the competition", Drake let out a sigh and took out a cigarette as he looked carefully at everyone passing by," i promise i won't arrest anyone .... so stop worrying"

" i gotta worry its my job on the line not your's alone", reaching for Drake should," we can't mess with the exams that-"

Before he could finish, Drake shouted out " Beckett" and a familiar child came into view. Eldred Beckett was at the entrance of the port during the middle of a school day no less, with his hands in the pocket of what seems to be a body builder from the size of the man's muscles.

Due to sudden shout the man quickly turned around to see a boy with his leather wallet, "fuck" Eldred mutter as the bodybuilder tried to grab him by the arms, but Eldred was a moment faster dodging and sending a kick to the man's family jewels before running off into the port knowing Drake shouldn't be able to follow.

"ELDRED" Drake shouted as he chased after him passing the bodybuilder kneeling down growing in pain." get back here,"

"i can't officer Drake, i gotta catch the boat" Eldred said as he used his small body to quickly escape through the crowd; while Drake had to push and fight his was through.

After their fateful encounter, Drake and Eldred developed a rather messy relationship where most of their meeting would almost always end with Eldred in the back of a patrol car which would carry him back to the orphanage, Eldred being lecture for hours or with him having a meal with Drake's family.

Other than the 'messy' side of their relationship the two would get along splendidly and with Drake's daughter and Eldred going to the same school it caused him to be closer with their family as he would go over often (when he's not doing something that Drake would frown upon).

While running form Drake, Eldred hid with in the crowd allowing him sometime before Drake figured out what he was doing," why is he here" Eldred question himself as he walked towards the ship that's taking passengers to a location close to where the Hunter exams would take place.

after boarding the ship with much ease Eldred took out a hat and tried to hide behind who ever he could.

"huh" a man turned around and said and he looked down on Eldred," aye there is a kid here, what's wrong did you board the wrong ship" the man asked in a kind tone to not scar off Eldred which only made him feel weird.

"thank you for your concern, but i'm here to take the hunter exams just like everyone else here" Eldred said with a smile bringing a shock to almost everyone on with the exception being, the ship's crew.

" kid the hunter exams are no joke, you can die" the man who tried to him Eldred said as he looked at the captain," Boss you can't let the kid take part"

"oh" the captain said with a lazy tone,"why not he got his permission slip, there is nothing wrong with him being here-" the captain lazily point out to the docks and said-"if you want you can throw him off, it would be less work for me"

"why did i have to so small" Eldred mutter as he was prepare to fight anyone who dare try and throw him off.

Everyone on the ship was once again shocked as a man, no a young-adult with a full white suit and what seems to vomit on his pants: he was piss drunk and couldn't even walk with out the support of his body guards who not surprisingly had vomit on their close too.

And soon after a young adult with red hair and a small duffle bag walked up the step, when he entered onto the deck everyone who was deemed 'tough looking' started to laugh; why? the red head could bearly walk a step with out trembling.

They each laughter and teased the red head as he held onto the railing to walk," A drunk, a coward and a child, this years exams gonna be easy" a man with a large scar across his face mocked as the ship finaly took off.

The captain said nothing as the ship left the port, only him and the crew know where they are going and when they should meet.

Eldred went to the front of the ship to avoid everyone who deemed him to young to be there and he just was the wave and when he could no long see the port and the deep blue water became more rough.

He looked out to the sea," The dark content here i come" Eldred said with a grin on his face but suddenly he felt something and he jumped back avoiding what ever it.

As Eldred jumped back the red head who couldn't stop trembling hit the railing sending half of his body over the rail, luckily Eldred reacted in time pulling him up with ease.

"thank thank yo-you" the red head stuttered," you you sa-saved me there"

"no problem" Eldred said as he checked if anything was planted on his body.

Maybe i'm being too paranoid

"My name is Ulf Gagarin-" he said stretching out his trembling hands with countless scar on his fist and a large one on his forearms.

Taking Ulf hand and as he shook it Eldred introduce himself," I'm Eldred Beckett" and with his unusual paranoia Eldred made sure there was no funny business going on with Ulf hand shake not that he seem like the type to do such a thing using a hand sake; but never the less Eldred was cautious of everything and everyone now that the exams has officially started