
Hunter x Hunter Fanfic

just a HxH piece fanfic

Nolifeking · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Inside a police station in York new city, there is a police officer questioning a child no more than the age of 12, the boy had wild black hair and light brown eyes, anyone who saw him would call him cute.

"Answer me, God dam it" The young officer shouted out as he slammed his fist onto the desk.

"Don't shout at him, He won't answer if you do" A young female officer said going closer to the boy, she stopped for a moment due to his awful smell but still went closer," Come now sweet heart what's your name"

Awake from his daze the boy looked at the beautiful woman with brown hair," Where am I" he quickly asked as he looked around to see what he could recognized but all he saw was cops, which unnerved him greatly.

"What's your name" The male police officer quickly question.

"Eldred Beckett" he quickly answers as a reflex but something was wrong, the name he called out wasn't his own but the name of another.

Why did I say that, I should know my own name by now, should I correct it? But they're the police.

Before he could correct the police he was asked another easy question that anyone would have gotten right," where are you from"

Once again his mouth moved first," Meteor city"

"Is that even a place" the young officer shouted out as he picked up his note pad, writing down what he knows so far.

It's not a real place, it's the junk city in Hunter x hunter the boy thought to himself; wondering why he is messing with the police.

"Where is your parents" The beautiful lady with brown hair asked, giving the boy a slight smile.

Without any emotion the boy responded," Dead"

What that's not true they are both alive, he thought to himself as the officer continue to write down the information he already knows.

"Kid are you messing with me" the officer asked glaring at the boy, but there was no answer; frustrated the officer shouted out," where are you from, it can't be Meteor City, there is no such place"

At the back of the police station, a middle age detective with a few strains of gray in his slick back hair raised his head up," Did someone say Meteor city" he shouted out, as he quickly raised his head from the desk.

"Yeah Drake, this kid clams he's from there" The young officer shouted out.

Detective Drake wasted no time in getting off his chair, he even knocked down his assigned cases," what do we know about him" Drake quickly ask rubbing his beard that had a few strains of gray hair.

Holding his note pad out the officer said "Eldred Beckett, assumed age 11-12 found sleeping in a dumpster and is charged with a snatch and run, pickpocketing and vandalism"

What? I have never done those things, the boy thought to himself, and 12 I'm 19 can't they see that.

Only realizing for a second he quickly glanced down to his hands and feet, panicking at the sight of his boney frame he quickly got up and run towards the detective to measure his height," what the hell is going on" he shouted out and shocked everyone.

"Calm down kid" the Detective spoke with a calm voice as he placed his hands on Eldred head," now calm down and tell us what's wrong"

For the first time since he woke Eldred searched through his memory to see what's wrong, but what he found wasn't only memories of his own but of another, Eldred Beckett… I am him now.

Which didn't bother him much as he was and is a firm believer of reincarnation, and read a lot of reincarnation based books; what bother him was that he is in his favorite anime world.

Why would that bother anyone? His favorite anime is Hunter x Hunter a world where giant beast lives, and danger is at every corner of the world, but that didn't mean it is all bad, it is also a world of wonder and adventure with untold stories waiting to be discrovered.

He soon begun to panic in his mind shouted and questioning why he couldn't be born in Zoldyck family, or at least in a normal family.

"Kid are you really from Meteor city" the detective asked pulling Eldred out of his train of thoughts.

Thinking for a moment caused memories of a trash filled land mass that couldn't even be called a city, entered Eldred mind as he saw and experience what Meteor city is truly like in just a second; he figured out the hardships the resident went through." Yes, I am" he said in a calm tone.

The detective let out a sigh as he glanced at the two young officers," forget the charges"

"Is Meteor city that important" The young officer asked taking a good look at Eldred who was wearing tattered clothes and had on no foot wear.

"kid are your parents really dead" Detective Drake asked as the thought of gaining another tough came entered his mind

"Yes, they were killed after the job was completed" Eldred said as he remembers the last time he saw his parents.

Is this how he felt, Eldred thought to himself as he grabbed his chest.

Another sigh left Detective Drake as he figures he should investigate the death of Eldred's parents but with no information on them, the only clue being their body (which was found before Eldred) and Eldred himself. Finding the killers would be near to impossible," I can see to it that you have a good home"

"I'll contact child care" the Female officer said as she picked up her phone.

While everyone was trying to figure out what to do with him, Eldred was planning his future and the choices he has to make; if I am to live in the world of Hunter x Hunter, I might as well become a hunter.

Eldred knew that it would be easier said than done as if he counts in what he knows about the world it would only be a slight advantage, luckily for him the language was already acquired and his only concern is Nen.

"Is that kid alright" The young officer asked as Eldred was pulling on his hair and soon started face palming himself.

"I hope so" Detective Drake said.